Thursday, 29 July 2021
WFTU Resolution on Solidarity to CUBA as prepared by WFTU!
NCCPA Sponsors a Webinar on 08.08.2021 - GS AIPRPA is presenting the Main Paper!
08.08.2021 – 4.00
Topic: TUI as a
Unifier of World Pensioners
[Uniting the Pensioners
of the World – Role of WFTU and Trade Union International (Pensioners &
Webinar will be
presented with the main Paper by: K.Ragavendran Coordinator Asia TUI (P&R)
The Webinar will be through ZOOM – Live Telecast will be available in
Face Book of Aiprpa Chq Page also. Invitations are being sent through Emails
and other Social Media. This Webinar is being organized just before the WORLD
ELDERS DAY Demonstration on 1.10.2021 called by TUI (P&R) - All are
The LINK to the
You are invited to a
Zoom webinar.
When: Aug 8, 2021
04:00 PM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi
Topic: TUI as a
unifier of world Pensioners
Please click the link
below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 437392
Webinar ID: 851 9489
Passcode: 437392
E mail: nccpahq@gmail.com.
Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001
President: Com. Shiv Gopal Misra.
General: Com. K.KN. Kutty.
Dear comrades,
NCCPA is happy to
announce a webinar on 8th August, 2021 on the following subject.
TUI as a Unifier of
World Pensioners
Trade Union
International is an integral part of the World Federation of Trade Unions. WFTU is the world body of trade union and is
the platform to unite the working class of the world. In the present world scenario all of you are
aware that most of the countries have adopted the capitalist path of growth and
development. It is inherent in the
system that the development is possible only for a small segment of the society
at the cost of the majority of the working people. It is based upon the principle to transfer
the wealth from the poor to the rich.
Since exploitation is the hall mark of the system, concerted attempt
would be made continuously to reduce the wages of the workers in order to
maximise the profit of the entrepreneurs.
The entrepreneurs of the world have an unwritten understanding in the
matter and the exploitative methods differ from society to society depending
upon the concrete conditions obtaining at each place or region as the case may
be. While in many of the advanced and
developed countries have a social security system to take care of the old age
needs of the citizens the cost of which is partly borne by the employer class,
it is mostly absent in most of the developing and under developed
countries. In our country, we do not
have any state funded or employer funded social security system and wherever such
funds are created, its nucleus is from the contribution of the workers or to a
small extent from the exchequer. The
need for organising the pensioners of the world arose to combat the situation
of exploitation of the old people at the evening of their life.
In the present webinar,
we shall come to know the efforts undertaken by WFTU to unite the pensioners
and retired personnel throughout the world; to share the experience of
different society in the natter and draw united efforts from such experiences. Comrade
K. Ragavendran, our Deputy Secretary General is the TUI co-ordinator for
the Asia region. He would present the
discussion paper and initiate discussion at the webinar. The webinar is
organised as a prologue to the World Elders Day which falls on 1st
October, 2021 and the Indian Pensioners day on 17th December,
2021. During the webinar itself, the
participants may rise through “chats” questions on the subject so that it could
be replied once the subject is introduced.
Kindly remember that
the webinar would be held on Zoom platform on 8th August, 2021 from
4.00 PM onwards and would be simultaneously broad-cost through Aiprpa Chq Face
Book page and later in the channel of Aiprpa Chq in YouTube.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
KKN Kutty
Secretary General
Sunday, 18 July 2021
Celebrate the Foundation Day of AIPRPA!
TODAY is the 8th Foundation DAY of AIPRPA!
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
DA DR decision by Central Cabinet!
Central Cabinet today clears 3 instalments of DA/DR!
3 Frozen DA/DR instalments released by Cabinet without arrears!
The Central Cabinet has cleared the rise of 3 instalments of DA/DR frozen from 1.1.2020. Resultantly, a total of 11% DA/DR will be increased to the existing 17% DA/DR from 1.7.2021. Without arrears for the 18 months (from 1.1.2020 to 30.06.2021) DA/DR will be 28% from this month.
Decision about the fresh installment of DA/DR due from 1.7.2021 will be taken later. We are to get 28% DA/DR along with our July month Pay / Pension - Family Pension. NDTV is reporting the DA /DR rise! - KR GS AIPRPA
We are stepping into our 8th Year!
FOUNDATION DAY of AIPRPA on 19.07.2021
Monday, 5 July 2021
Great leaders of P&T Movement!
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K.G.Bose - 07.07.1921 - 11.12.1974 |
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D.Gnaniah - 7.1.1921 - 8.7.2017 |
Comrade K.G.Bose was
born on 07.07.1921 and Comrade D.Gnaniah was born on
07.01.1921. Thus we are in the midst of celebrating the birth anniversary of
these two leaders. Both have faced imprisonment for our cause. Both have
suffered periods of attack on the movement by the Government. Both adhered to
the ideology of left in their personal life and led the movement with the
fervor to elevate us with class consciousness. Both have stood opposite to
each other on various issues but always stood for the betterment of P&T
Workers! We cannot forget that Comrade D.Gnaniah at his advanced age of above
90 joined AIPRPA and greeted us from his heart!
AIPRPA CHQ honours
the memory of both Comrade K.G.Bose and D.Gnaniah on their birth centenary
year. We call upon our members to celebrate their centenary
birth year of 2021 by taking a pledge that we shall never
waver from their path of stout defense of the interests of our class.
Celebrations from
4.00 to 6.00 P.M
All are Welcome to
Zoom Virtual Meet!
The Birth of AIPRPA has come as a boon to all Pensioners of India
Post. It provides a vital platform to all erstwhile Federation and Union
leaders cutting across affiliations and cadres to join and continue to work for
the community as we are all precluded by CCS RSA Rules, 1993 to work in Unions.
The AIPRPA like all India Department wise formation of
Pensioners Associations will only strengthen the NCCPA and united Pensioners
movement as envisaged by legendary leaders like Comrade S.K.Vyas.
AIPRPA has affiliated with International Pensioners Movement
also by its close work with Trade Union International (Pensioners &
Retirees) under the umbrella of WFTU.
On 19.07.2021, we are setting our foot on the 8th year.
We started our journey in the Foundation AIC at Vellore (TN) and we have completed our 7 years of existence.
We are proud that we could accomplish some things for the Postal Pensioners and
Family Pensioners and we resolve to protect the Pension and Social Security to
On 19th July, at 4.00 P.M we have our celebrations
in the Zoom Virtual Meet. Top leaders of NJCM; Confederation; NFPE; FNPO;
NCCPA; AIBDPA; and CGPA Organizations from States have consented to be present
and greet us. The meeting will be in the presence of Comrade C.C.Pillai our CHQ
Advisor and under the presidentship of Comrade D.K.Rahate CHQ President.
All are welcome! Link will be published in Email and in
Social Media Platforms!
Saturday, 3 July 2021
Finance Ministry guidelines are violated by Department of Posts!
CHQ Writes to Postal Department and Pension Department to protect messenger services in Pension and Family Pension!
No.AIPRPA/Pension/Messenger/1 Dated 03.07.2021
The Director General
of Posts
Delhi – 110001
Abolition of messenger service to draw pension and family pension in violation
of Government of India stand by the Department of Posts – Regarding.
Ref: DoP
F.S.Division File No.112-03/2019-SB dated 29.06.2021.
This All
India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association would hasten to bring to your
notice and for personal intervention against cancellation of messenger service
to draw pension and family pension from POSB Pension Accounts. We wish to point
out that the Circular issued by the Directorate FS Division as referred to is
violative of Government of India instructions issued by the Department
of Expenditure under Ministry of Finance on 1.12.2009
v-11012/2/3(19)/Bank/RBD/2004/1670. The Department of Expenditure OM had
granted the facility for withdrawal of pension by old / sick / disabled / incapacitated
persons by endorsing the letter of RBI dated October 14, 2009.
Association emphasises the point that there is a clear distinction
between the pension and family pension amount and other National Small Savings
issues. The restriction imposed by the Department of Posts that all types
of messenger services are banned cannot be extended to Pension and Family
Pension withdrawals also as that would amount to clear violation of existing
orders of the Finance Ministry of GOI.
Association would therefore urge upon your personal intervention to cause to
issue corrigendum to the Circular issued by the FS Division of Directorate on
29.06.2021 immediately as in many places already the authorities started to
refuse messenger services to old and immobile pensioners and family pensioners.
The present illogical position would bring enormous trouble to the sick and
aged pensioners and family pensioners.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
No. AIPRPA/Pension/Messenger/2 Dated 03.07.2021
of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
Delhi – 110001
Abolition of messenger service to draw pension and family pension in violation
of Government of India stand by the Department of Posts – Regarding.
Circular of Department of Posts F.S.Division File No.112-03/2019-SB dated
This All
India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association would hasten to bring to your
notice and for personal intervention against cancellation of messenger service
to draw pension and family pension from POSB Pension Accounts. There may not be
any distinction between SB Accounts and SB Pension Accounts in the POSB System.
But all the conditions applicable to Bank SB Accounts are automatically
applicable to Post Office Savings Bank also. It seems that the Postal
Department is behaving that the POSB is outside the ambit of Finance Ministry
We wish
to point out that the Circular issued by the Directorate FS Division as
referred to is violative of Government of India instructions issued by
the Department of Expenditure under Ministry of Finance on
1.12.2009 v-11012/2/3(19)/Bank/RBD/2004/1670. The Department of Expenditure
OM had granted the facility for withdrawal of pension by old / sick / disabled
/ incapacitated persons by endorsing the letter of RBI dated October 14, 2009.
Association emphasises the point that there is a clear distinction
between the pension and family pension amount and other National Small Savings
issues. The restriction imposed by the Department of Posts that all types
of messenger services are banned cannot be extended to Pension and Family
Pension withdrawals also as that would amount to clear violation of existing
orders of the Finance Ministry of GOI.
Association would therefore urge upon your personal intervention with the
Postal Department to ensure messenger services to old and immobile pensioners
and family pensioners using POSB Accounts as the present illogical position
would bring enormous trouble to the sick and aged pensioners and family
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
AIPRPA Endorses the NCCPA Solidarity Call!
Join Protests along with NJCA and Confederation wherever feasible and send the Emails to both Defence Secretary / Production Secretary on 08.07.2021!
General Secretary AIPRPA
(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021
Dated: 3rd July,
Dear Comrades,
The Defence workers united forum had decided to embark upon
the deferred indefinite strike action from 26th July, 2021 onwards,
having failed to elicit any response from the Government for a negotiated
settlement on the issue of corporatisation of the 41 Ordnance factories. These
factories which have served the Nation for more than two centuries had been
instrumental in meeting the defence needs or enabling the country to be
self-reliant, presently await the decision for dismantling to be put into operation. The change of ownership which is to be
effected through the process of corporatisation
is not necessitated by the viability or profitability question. No
allegation has been made either of the
quality of its products or the cost of operation. Ostensibly the decision was taken to enable
the cronies of the ruling party to take over the lucrative business.
At the last meeting of the JCM National Council held on 26th
June, 2021, the issue came up prominently in the discussions. In a subtle comment, the Cabinet Secretary had
indicated that corporatisation being a policy decision is well within the
province of the Government and therefore unquestionable. On the question of the fate of the workers in
the event of the structural and ownership change, there had been unfortunately
no response but a stony silence.
Envisaging that the ensuing strike action will receive the
fullest support and cent par cent participation of the workers and the
factories might come to a grinding halt, for even the ruling party led
Federation has decided to join the struggle, the Government have now decided to
invoke the dreaded ESMA and make use of its draconian provisions to threaten
the leaders and cadres of the movement.
Both the NJCA and Confederation have called upon its
affiliates to support the struggle of Defence workers and be part and parcel of
the Black day protest action on 8th July, 2021. NCCPA calls upon its
affiliates and through them every member to publicly denounce the Government’s
decision to invoke ESMA to suppress the movement of Defence workers who have
decided to fight for the greatly reasonable demands. The Units may kindly get in touch with the
Associations of the working employees of the respective stations and take
suitable decision as how to organise the protest day demonstration.
The units may also send the following email message to the
Secretary, Defence, Government of India, South Block, New Delhi and to the
Defence Production Secretary New Delhi through the email IDs: defsecy@nic.in and sdpns@nic.in
With Greetings,
Comradely Yours,
(KKN Kutty)
Secretary General
Secretary Signature and name
of the unit. |
Friday, 2 July 2021
TUI (P&R) Virtual Meeting on 30th June!
TUI Office Bearers and Coordinators Meeting held on 30.06.2021!
Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees) Executive Committee Meeting!
A virtual google meet of elected Office Bearers, Commission Members and Coordinators of Trade Union International ( Pensioners & Retirees) was held on 30.06.2021 from 8.00 P.M to 11.00 P.M. The meet was organized by GS comrade Quim Boix and presided over by TUI President comrade Dimos. WFTU General Secretary comrade George Mavrikos attended and greeted.
The meeting discussed a written report presented by General Secretary comrade Quim and endorsed it with some additions. It was agreed that a similar meeting will be held on 15th September to discuss about October 1st World Elders Protest Day and 18th World Congress of WFTU to be held in Vietnam.
From India, comrades KKN Kutty (Finance Commission); K.G.Jayaraj (Executive Committee Member TUI) and K.Ragavendran Asian Coordinator.