Thursday 12 September 2024

A Revolutionary Mass Leader is No More - Amar Rahe_

 Comrade Yechuri breathed his last!

It is shocking that the General Secretary CPIM and close friend and leader of Working Class is no more! He fought and in the forefront of several struggles for bringing the working class to national power! His parting us is an irreparable loss to the entire working class of India and the world! We share the immeasurable grief! Long live Comrade Sitaram Yechury! NCCPA lowers its banner and flag in fond memory of comrade Yechury! Red Salutes!

Sunday 31 March 2024

Greet the Success of the TUI(P&R) World Congress!


Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees) 3rd World Congress


The 3rd World Congress of TUI (P&R) is being organized at Athens (Greece) from 14-18 April, 2024. Greece is an European Country and we learn that the Pension Quantum was reduced 17 times in that country and many Pensioners committed suicide also. Powerful movement by the Pensioners Associations and Working Class of that country headed by WFTU and TUI(P&R) have been launched. An appropriate country to hold the World Congress of the TUI(P&R).


From India, six Delegates and one Visitor representing NCCPA, AIBDPA and AIPRPA as well as a new Affiliate ‘All Kerala Bank Retirees Forum’ and an accompanying husband of a woman comrade from AIBDPA are to attend. So far VISA is granted to 5 Comrades by Greece and the remaining two are trying for VISA.


Comrades K.Ragavendran Secretary General NCCPA and TUI Asia Coordinator; D.K.Debnath General Secretary AIPRPA; A.K.Ghosh Working President NCCPA and Member of the Finance Commission TUI(P&R); Swastika Dasgupta AIBDPA Vice President and Member of the Women Commission TUI(P&R); her husband got the VISA so far.


Comrades K.G.Jayaraj General Secretary AIBDPA and Executive Committee Member TUI(P&R); M.Suresh General Secretary AKBRF and a new Member TUI(P&R) have not been given VISA so far by the Greece. The attempts are on and shortly the results will be known.


The World Congress of TUI(P&R) is expected to be large with representatives of a large number of countries of the world. The World Congress will review our past growth and plan for the movement to be launched by the world pensioners and retirees in all countries. We know well that already each year October 1st is being observed as “World Pensioners Day” by the TUI(P&R) synchronizing with the UN Call of “World Elders”. Against the medical mafia who charge different medicines with different prices with a profit motive is targeted and the world congress will plan action.


From India, we are going to emphasize an excusive action in addition to World Pensioners Day as decided in our Thiruvananthapuram Regional TUI (P&R) Conference recently. It is an occasion to understand the condition of Pension and
Social Security in all countries today and to plan for appropriate action. We will also take up the new affiliation to TUI(P&R) the ‘AKBRF’ and ‘DRPU’ as they have expressed their desire to become affiliates of TUI(P&R).


NCCPA greets the Trade Union International (Pensioners and Retirees) for its successful World Congress at Athens (Greece).

Tuesday 26 March 2024


 NCCPA Monthly journal soon!

Dear Affiliates and Comrades!

NCCPA Monthly Soon at your Hands!

NCCPA monthly journal will.soon be opened circulation. All efforts are on.  The name (title) of the journal will be as approved by the RNI. Expect the announcement soon in the month of May, the working class month. All action is being carried out at Tiruchy and Chennai. We are confident that the NCCPA monthly organ will be soon in your hands. New suggestions for the journal are welcome. All are free to suggest the new topics to be in this journal. It is planned that 24 pages of running matter + 4 pages of colourful wrapper will adorn the journal. 

The annual price of the monthly for Jan to December will be 240/-. All affiliates are kindly requested to enroll subscribers from now onwards @ 160/- from May to Dec (8 issues). Remittance detail will be shortly intimated. Individual subscribers are requested to send EMOs for 160/- (For 8 months from May to Dec) to "NCCPA, 29 South Agraharam, Kattuputhur 621207, Tiruchy District,  Tamilnadu".

Cooperation of all Affiliates and well wishers are kindly solicited.


Friday 8 March 2024

International Women Day Symposium!


March – 8: International Women Day


The International Women Day on March 8 is observed in the whole world. It is evident that the countries of Socialism depict a different picture of safety and economic freedom to the women in contrast to the capitalist world that is no doubt the overwhelming majority.


In the capitalist world, the women are looked upon as sex objects and women trafficking is a major concern. Girls and women are forced into sex trade and there is no humanity in this flesh trade. There is no financial freedom to women in the capitalist countries where the working women also are financially subservient to the men folk especially the husbands. The equal pay for men and women is still a far cry in most of the countries except in big businesses and Public Sectors.


International Women Day should be an eye opener and the women folk should come out openly in opposing the injustices against them. The day is creating awareness among the women folk more and more. But, wearing of same sarees in the offices and celebrating the day with sweets etc are not going to bring the situation to any change and the struggles alone can lead to emancipation. The men folk no doubt should involve in the struggle but it is the women who have to organize themselves and agitate against the prevailing injustices.


WFTU (World Federation of Trade Unions) has taken initiative to organize a symposium online today at 8.30 P.M IST. The topic of the INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM is “THE ROLE OF WORKING WOMEN IN THE INTERNATIONAL CLASS ORIENTED TRADE UNION MOVEMENT”. DANIA LEYVA (Cuba) and CINZIA DELLA PORTA (Italy), members of the Educational Committee of the IWI (International Workers Institute) will be addressing the symposium.


All are invited to participate online in Zoom. The LINK to Zoom is:

826 1504 3923






Friday 2 February 2024

Solidarity of NCCPA to Bank Pensioners!

 NCCPA Solidarity to Bank Pensioners Dharna at Delhi!

Send Emails to Honourable Finance Minister on 4.2.2024 morning! 

The NCCPA support to Bank Pensioners Dharna can reach the Central Government by sending the following email to Honourable Finance Minister Ms.Nirmala Sitharaman in her email ID: on 4.2.2024 when the Bank Pensioners are sitting in protest Dharna in Jantar Mantar New Delhi:

Text of Email to be sent by 'All Affiliates of NCCPA. The State and District Associations of Nccpa affiliates also can send the following email to Honourable Finance Minister on 4th Feb in expression of our support to them. Kindly place your designation and the name of affiliate with State or District at the end of email:

Email Text: 

Periodical pension updation along with Wage accord of bank emoloyees is the right of bank pensioners. The existing discrimination with emoloyees on medical insurance also should be ended for Bank Pensioners & Family Pensioners. We as an affiliate of NCCPA support the Dharna by Bank Pensioners at Jantar Mantar New Delhi on 4th Feb 2024 and urge the Govt. of India to settle the decades old pending problems of Bank Pensioners & Family Pensioners immediately. 




Tuesday 23 January 2024

DoP&PW Held meeting with Pensioners Associations including AIPRPA


First Meeting held with DoP&PW Today!

Today at 3.00 P.M the DoP&PW Officer Ms.Ramanjit Kaur held the first Meeting with the newly selected Pensioners Associations to have an interactive session to inform the registration process in Darpan Portal to us. In detail the process was explained and it was agreed to send by email the soft copy of the process so sign up too. AIPRPA was represented by the CHQ President Comrade K.Ragavendran and the General Secretary Comrade D.K.Debnath. Shortly we will submit required forms in Portal as sought for. The Government will sanction grants to the tune of 75,000/-every year to our Association.



Tomorrow there is another meeting to be taken by the Secretary DoP&PW Shri. V.Srinivas with us on the issue of 100% saturation approach for submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners.



AIPRPA is registered now in the Pensioners Portal and therefore the Association is invited by the Department of Pension to these meetings. - KR CHQ President AIPRPA


Saturday 20 January 2024

NCCPA Emails to Prime Minister for grant of Notional Increment!

 NCCPA Writes to Honourable Prime Minister!

After seeing the confusion created by the OM of Comptroller and Auditor General of India, who normally consulted before issuing any OM by the GOI, the NCCPA decides to write to the Honourable Prime Minister of India personally and to the PMO for intervention in this urgent matter. In addition to seeking the intervention of JCM Staff Side Secretary to write to the Government on this issue, NCCPA is writing directly seeking the intervention of the Honourable Prime Minister too.
Letter was addressed to the Honourable Prime Minister seeking his personal intervention early to put a full stop to the confusion caused. The letter addressed to the Prime Minister and sent by email are placed for the information of our members – KR SG NCCPA
National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Associations
(Registered under TU Act)
NCCPA / Notional Increment Dated 20.01.2024
Honourable Prime Minister
Government of India
New Delhi – 110001
Respected Sir,
Sub: Request to issue OM by DOPT for granting notional increment for all eligible Pensioners retired on 30th June and 31st December and vacating the confusion created by Comptroller and Auditor General in his OM – reg.
The National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Associations (NCCPA) would humbly request you to study the following and grant the notional increment to all retired on 30th June since 1.1.2006 and on 31st December since 1.1.2016.
The Government’s stand point was not acceptable to the Supreme Court of India and also to many High Courts of the country and they have all ruled to grant the increment notionally and refix the pensionary benefits for the litigants of 30th June and 31st December retirees. Kindly refer to the judgments of the Supreme Court delivered on 11.04.2023 (Civil Appeal No 2471 of 2023), This judgment of the Supreme Court was delivered after taking various High Court Judgments into consideration. The Supreme Court was categorical in its judgment that it would amount to arbitrariness if the notional increment is denied to Government Servants retired after one year of unblemished service and also would be like punishing the Government Servants for no fault of them. Thus, the Supreme Court was in complete agreement with the verdicts of Karnataka, Madras, Delhi. Allahabad, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Gujarat High Courts. The Government can note that all the intervening applications were allowed and the benefit was conferred by Courts.
Kindly refer to the reply given out to JCM Staff Side Secretary by the Official Side that the issue is receiving attention in the background of different Court Judgments. All of us are eagerly waiting for the favourable stand of the Central Government to be released in the OM of DOPT. But to our shock and disbelief the OM issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General vide its OM on 18.01.2024 stated that the notional increment will be granted only to those who retired on or after 11.04.2023 or 30.06.2023 onwards! The belief that normally all Orders are consulted with the Comptroller and Auditor General by the Government is adding to the confusion.
This NCCPA requests your personal intervention and cause to issue the OM by the DOPT to clear all confusion early and also to grant the notional increment to all including the Audit & Accounts Employees covered by Comptroller and Auditor General by correcting the mistake in that OM.
Thanking you Sir,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General
Encl: MS Word and PDF format of the letters.
