Thursday 31 December 2020

Happy New Year!

Year 2020 that has just ended had 

Played havoc with us! All our rights and privileges were being scuttled one after another! Of course major resistance of toiling sections also at last getting organised! Let 2021 bring victory to our toiling class and pensioners community! - KR GS AIPRPA

Monday 28 December 2020

Addressess of Contributors!

 Attention to District / Divisional Secretaries AIPRPA!

Comrades! The Special Donation Account of CHQ / Pensioners Post will be wound up with the 31st of December, 2020. We have already assured that comrades who donate 1000/- and above will receive Pensioners Post journal as complimentary for the year 2021 (From January to December 2021). Therefore, the CHQ requests those District / Divisional Secretaries who have been involved in the task of collecting the voluntary donations, to send the list of addresses of those comrades who have donated 1000/- and above in the undermentioned format immediately. I shall be thankful if the format is strictly adhered to by our comrades in MS Word Document as an attachment to the email to “”:


Mailing list of 1000/- and above donators to CHQ/PP from _____________________ Division














Monday 14 December 2020

Let us remember Nakara! Let us celebrate Pensioners Day!


Watch WEBINAR 'LIVE' in this Aiprpa Chq Aiprpa  Face Book on 17.12.2020 from 4 to 6 P.M!

Sunday 13 December 2020



The CMC meeting is held under the chairmanship of Comrade T.P.Mishra the Vice President of CHQ. The President Comrade D.K.Rahate could not attend due to technical problem. CHQ Advisor Comrade C.C.Pillai took part in the CMC Meeting and addressed with punctuating speech and guided the meeting. After the initiating address by the General Secretary and the deliberations of the CMC Members, the following important decisions have been taken:
1. The CMC reviewed the decisions taken in the last CMC meeting and noted that the CHQ had taken measures to sort out some urgent issues of the Postal Pensioners by representing to the authorities.
2. The CMC noted that some progress has been made in the demand of counting the induction training period for TBOP/BCR after the struggle launched by the organisation. The CMC desired that the measures to include the period of practical training of 15 days also included in the total induction training period of 90 days continued. The meeting also wanted the CHQ to pursue the other two issues of grant of upgraded scale to Postman/MailGuard with the further elevation of scales to TBOP/BCR officials from 1.1.1996 notionally and to improve the medical facilities of Pensioners including the CGHS and starting of a Medical Insurance Scheme.
3. The CMC congratulated the State Association of Tamilnadu for its great act of raising huge voluntary donations at the call of CMC and many comrades assured that other States also do its maximum in this important task. However it was stressed that the donations are purely voluntary in nature.
4. The CMC was enthused to hear the efforts being taken by the leadership of Uttar Pradesh State AIPRPA to expand the organisation in all Divisions. The General Secretary also pointed out that the decision to form branch associations according to the needs of the State are already permitted by the Constitution of the Association.
5. Kerala State proposed that a suitable resolution in support of the ongoing peasants struggle be adopted in our CMC.
6. The fears of some members as expressed in the State were communicated by the Jharkhand State General Secretary. He was assured that our AIPRPA will always remain a balanced and class-conscious organization and support all just struggles of the working people to ensure mutual support to the pensioners movement.
7. The CMC decided to take maximum efforts to propagate about the WEBINAR on the Pensioners Day on 17.12.2020 and ensure thousand of Pensioners watch the LIVE Telecast of the Webinar in the Face Book on 17.12.2020 from 4 to 6 P.M. It was also decided that all CMC members and State Presidents to take part in the interactive session of Zoom also should be ensured by addressing any technical problems by properly downloading ZOOM.
The Resolution adopted in the CMC Meeting of AIPRPA CHQ in support of the Peasants Struggle.
This Central Managing Committee of All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association in its video conference meeting today (13.12.2020) has resolved unanimously to express our support to the ongoing struggle of Indian Peasantry. The meeting notes with concern that the Central Government instead of accepting the demand for repeal of three pro-corporate farmers laws earlier adopted by the Parliament is trying to break the movement by trying to tire out the struggling millions. The farmers on the other hand are showing their increased determination by intensifying the struggle. This CMC Meeting resolves to request the Central Government not to stand on prestige and come forward to repeal the three laws that are afraid to be fully pro-corporate in nature by the vast majority of peasantry and settle the ongoing struggle of crores of peasants in the dead of winter and life-threatening condition. The repeated offer of the Government to make necessary amends in the laws are proof enough to show that the laws are flawed and not to the interests of the millions of peasants. Therefore, this Association urges the Government to act judiciously and identify with the millions of peasants and settle the main demand of the struggling peasants.

Thursday 10 December 2020

We Always Remember You K.G!

 December 11 – K.G.BOSE DAY

Comrade K.G.Bose was one of the most inspiring leaders of our times in the Central Government and P&T Employees’ Movement. His speciality rests on the fact that he never hesitated to take up the ideological fight against any wrong concepts in the movement. He strived to organize the P&T masses in the struggle line in order to achieve many impossible things. In fact it was K.G.Bose among some top leaders of eastern India who successfully campaigned amongst the Group C employees to join the strike call issued by Comrade Dalvi for the historic 20 days Postman Strike in 1946. When the other employees of the P&T were simply watching the nationwide strike of Postman and Group D, in the eastern parts of the country including West Bengal the entire movement of P&T rallied to make the strike a united one. The role played by Comrade K.G.Bose in that endeavour speaks volumes about his calibre. Later when the “12th July movement” was founded to launch the united movement of Central and State Government and all Public Sector and Private Sector employees in West Bengal by some leading pioneers of trade union movement, we could find Comrade K.G.Bose in the lead. His beautiful arguments before the Third Central Pay Commission highlighting our issues can never be forgotten. His sagacity and in-depth knowledge were the prime reasons when he was appointed later as the Pay Commission Chairman by the West Bengal Government!

Comrade K.G.Bose started his career as a P&T employee and in fact he was the first Employee leader to be elected to the highest post of “President” of NFPTE in 1969 in the Vijayawada Federal Council defeating a sitting member of Parliament! Along with Comrade A.S.Rajan of Tamilnadu he established that the P&T movement could be led by P&T workers themselves. Comrade K.G.Bose will be ever remembered by the movement for his dedicated role to defend the trade union democracy in a very big movement like the NFPTE at a time when the organization met with a vertical split. Braving the attacks of the Government he toured the length and breadth of the country to influence thousands of trade union workers to stand upright and fight for trade union democracy. The movement was really unlucky to lose such a leader very quickly to the nature at his age of 54 when Comrade K.G.Bose was affected by cancer. He lost his life in the year 1974 after an unsuccessful medical treatment in a London Hospital.
His words “We cannot be a party to any proposal which may be considered as surrender of the principled stand by the common workers” are greater than any valuables in our life. His doctrine, his quotes, his life – all are lessons to every honest trade union worker for all times to come. His one of the famous quotes “Unite Organizationally; Fight Ideologically; and function Democratically” is reverberating in our ears even today. It was Comrade K.G.Bose who taught us that Organization is very important for us but Democracy is far more important in that organization while we don’t hesitate fights on ideological grounds without breaking the organization and the unity of workers. Golden advice from a golden leader Comrade K.G.Da!
Let us remember Comrade K.G.Bose and take a vow that we shall follow all his advices on our Organization AIPRPA and stand for the unity of Postal Pensioners and also the unity of all Pensioners of India and World! Long live Comrade K.G.Bose in our memory! Long live Comrade K.G.Bose in the history of P&T and CG Employees movement!

Wednesday 9 December 2020

AIPRPA Thanks NFPE & All Affiliated Unions & Associations for Appeal to strengthen AIPRPA!

 AIPRPA CHQ THANKS NFPE & All Affiliated Unions and Associations of NFPE

AIPRPA CHQ is thankful for the National Federation of Postal Employees and all its affiliated Unions and Associations for issuing an appeal once again to all Circles and Divisions to take upon the task of strengthening AIPRPA in all places. 

All Office Bearers of CHQ and the State and District / Divisional Associations of AIPRPA are requested to interact with the NFPE Unions at all levels in order to build AIPRPA in places it is absent and strengthen the AIPRPA in places it is already formed. 

The Appeal by NFPE and its Affiliates is reproduced below:











09th December, 2020


Dear Comrades!

All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association (AIPRPA) was formed officially in the foundation AIC of that Association in the year 2014 at Vellore Tamilnadu ending the period of nearly one-year Steering Committee work to prepare for the foundation. Among others, the then President of Confederation Comrade S.K.Vyas; the then Secretary General of Confederation and NFPE Comrade M.Krishnan; the Ex-Secretary General of NFPE & Ex-General Secretary of R3 Union Comrade C.C.Pillai and Comrade T.Narasimhan Senior Vice President of AITUC and the present Vice President of AIPRPA have attended. The retired Secretary to Communications Ministry Dr.U.Srinivasaraghavan; retired Chief PMG and the  present Advisor to AIPRPA Tamilnadu State Association Shri.S.Brahmanandam; and the then CPMG Shri T.Murthy have greeted. AIPRPA has since then functioning as a vibrant organization led by former President of NFPE Comrade D.K.Rahate as President; former Secretary General of NFPE Comrade K.Ragavendran as General Secretary; and former CHQ Treasurer of R3 Comrade Sankarpal Singh as the Treasurer. Former Secretary General NFPE Comrade C.C.Pillai is the Advisor of CHQ and now another former Secretary General of NFPE Comrade M.Krishnan is the Executive Member of the CHQ.

AIPRPA has been since formed in a number of States including Tamilnadu, Kerala, Andhra, Telangana, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Madhyapradesh, Jharkhand, Assam, many North Eastern States, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh. At present the membership of AIPRPA has crossed more than 50,000. Looking back at the humble start from a small nucleus formed in 2013 at New Delhi in the presence of Comrade M.Krishnan the then Secretary General NFPE and Comrade VAN Namboodiri the representative of TUI,  the present growth is phenomenal.

This organization is fighting for the issues of Postal Pensioners in particular and for the general community of Pensioners through NCCPA at national level and Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees) at International level. In addition to correspondences, AIPRPA is organizing the Postal Pensioners in struggle line also on various issues and leading legal battles also on required issues. AIPRPA is solidly supporting all struggles of NFPE, Confederation, Central TUs etc in addition to the struggles of Pensioners. AIPRPA stands for the grant of statutory Pension to three lakhs of GDS and is supporting all struggles for the emancipation of GDS. Many retired higher Postal Officers are also involved in the activities of this Association in their various capacities. An organization functioning democratically and involves all Postal & RMS Pensioners without any distinction of former unions like NFPE, FNPO and BPEF or any other Cadre Unions. It is pertinent to mention that it is our pride that the late lamented leader and the former Secretary General of NFPTE Comrade D.Gnaniah appreciated our formation and joined as a basic member of AIPRPA.

While NFPE and its affiliated Unions are proud that after our unanimous decision in our 9th Federal Council held at Hyderabad in 2013 to extend total support, our State and Divisional Union leaders have helped the formation and growth of this Pensioners Association AIPRPA to its present strength and glory. We are really very proud that all the members of AIPRPA, who are the Postal & RMS Senior Citizens, are active and continuing the trade union work even after their retirement and with social consciousness and in close association with NFPE and all Workers Organizations.

We find that the task of organizing all Postal & RMS Pensioners in the pan-Indian association of AIPRPA in all States and Districts / Divisions is indeed very hard. All our former Circle Secretaries and former Divisional Secretaries in different places have to be organized by our present-day working employees’ leaders. The initiative to organize such meetings of former Secretaries and Office Bearers of different unions and form adhoc bodies for AIPRPA in consultation with the CHQ Office Bearers of AIPRPA in places where AIPRPA is yet to be formed should rest on our shoulders. Without your active involvement and help this task cannot be completed by our own retired leaders and comrades.

The National Federation of Postal Employees and all its affiliated Unions and Associations call upon all of you once again to stand up to the unfinished task and complete the formation of AIPRPA in those States where no State Association is in existence (e.g: Karnataka, Rajasthan, J&K, Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh)  and form Divisions where so far the divisional association is absent in your Circle even though a State Association of AIPRPA has already been formed. NFPE and its affiliated Unions and Associations are confident that you will not lag behind in this task as after superannuation we are all to be part of the Pensioners movement led by AIPRPA only!

With Greetings,



Secretary General




General Secretary – P3                                         



General Secretary – P4



(P.U.Khadse ) 

General Secretary – R3




General Secretary – R4                     




General Secretary – Admn



( S.B.Yadav)    

General Secretary – Postal A/Cs



(SHP. JASMINE JALAL BEGAM)                                                               

General Secretary – SBCO                                                                




General Secretary - GDS                                                                               





Monday 7 December 2020

Compare both orders and check reality!

 Hearing Aids! AIPRPA leaders to check the reality,!

Comrades! I have checked the 26.05.2015 orders and the present orders dated 1.12.2020. The earlier rates for Digital BTE was 15,000/- and Digital ITC/CIC was 20,000/-. Now the revised rates are 8,000/- and 9,000/- respectively. Body worn Packet type and Analogue BTE are discarded now as obsolete. Actually comrade I.Subramanian who first pointed out that the rates are actually reduced and not enhanced. All State GS and District Secretaries are requested to study deeply the orders (earlier order is provided here by CHQ for comparison) and suggest your opinions. Also study as to whether the rates of these two hearing aids have come down! CHQ will act accordingly. - KR GS AIPRPA

Hearing Aids!

 Reimbursement of Hearing Aid Under CGHS / CS MA Rules! 

Ministry of Health has enhanced the rate of reimbursement of Hearing Aids to Employees under CSMA Rules and for Pensioners under CGHS. The reimbursement is with certain conditions that are spelt out in the above Order. Read carefully and avail the benefit - KR GS AIPRPA

Sunday 6 December 2020

AIPRPA Issues Press Statement supporting Struggling Peasantry!


Comrades! AIPRPA CHQ has issued a Press Statement supporting the struggle of Peasantry after they lost their valuable lives in the struggle and the Government's delay in settling the issues advanced by the huge struggle. Now there a Bharat Bandh Call on 8th December, 2020. AIPRPA released the following Press Statement expressing total support to the struggling peasantry! - KR GS AIPRPA

 Dated 05th December, 2020


The News Editor

For favour of publication in your esteemed Daily / Electronic Media


The Peasants are the sections of our society that work day and night to feed the entire population of the country. They are always subjugated by nature’s fury; money lender’s usury; vagary of markets; and successive government’s policies at the State and Centre. Despite being the largest chunk of population that determines the formation of governments at all levels, the Peasantry as a class is always at the receiving end of troubles. The suicides of peasantry have reached a crescendo but the Ruling Classes are not in a mood to extend any helping hand to them except some eye wash measures now and then. In this circumstance, the three latest laws enacted by the Central Government are feared to throw the peasantry at the mercy of the Corporate Houses. There are many loop holes in the laws including failure to fix any minimum support price (MSP) to the produce of the peasants.

The peasantry normally a class of calm blamer of the fortunes for their sufferings has been roused by the latest laws to protect their interests. A never heard march had been undertaken by the peasantry by thousands and thousands of peasants towards the national capital New Delhi. Braving many obstacles including the police suppression on the way of peaceful ‘March’ to New Delhi, the peasantry from some northern Indian States have gathered in the Capital and continue with their Dharna agitation. They are demanding repeal of all three laws by the Government. They argue that is the only guarantee that they will be saved from the yolk of Corporates. The peasantry from different other states are supporting the struggle even though they could not undertake a long travel at the time of COVID-19.

The Central Government in its vested interest to enact the laws failed to provide for a democratic discussion with the cross sections of society as well as a meaningful debate in both the floors of the Parliament. Taking advantage of ‘Corona’ the Government along with enacting several anti-labour and anti-people laws included these three laws of peasantry. The behaviour of the Government that had hurriedly enacted these laws usurping the powers of the State that placed the ‘Agriculture’ in the concomitant list of powers between the Centre and States is the main reason for the revolt of the Peasantry.

The five or six rounds of talks between the Central Government and the struggling representatives of the Peasantry have reportedly failed. The Peasant Organizations have called for a ‘Bharat Bandh’ on 8.12.2020 and the call has been supported by a spectrum of political parties and various organizations from different fields. The All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association also joins the supporting team of peasantry and calls upon its own membership to extend full support to the Peasants Struggle and their just demands. It urges the Central Government to heed to the demand of the struggling peasantry and repeal the controversial laws and commence meaningful discussions before taking up the question of enactment of law on this issue. The AIPRPA also expresses its full support to the Bharat Bandh Call on 8th December, 2020 as the life of the peasant is basic and vital to the pensioners also.


General Secretary

All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association

Friday 4 December 2020

CHQ Withdraws its letter addressed to Pension Ministry

 AIPRPA CHQ has sent this Email to Pension Ministry after ascertaining that the problem confronted in some places are due to interpretation of authorities at lower levels and not in the OM issued by the Pension Ministry on 9.7.2020!

Seeking Corrigendum from Pension Ministry

 CHQ Emails Seeking CORRIGENDUM to OM of Pension Ministry to facilitate Pre-2006 Pensioners to draw revision of pension based on 4600 GP from 01.01.2006 itself! 

Thursday 3 December 2020

CHQ addresses Authorities!

 AIPRPA CHQ addresses Authorities on FMA cancellation issue and on Removal of Apollo Cancer hospital from empaneled list:

Friday 27 November 2020

CHQ Emails to DOP Secretary!


No need to submit Induction Certificate!

 A Victory to our Struggle!

AIPRPA CHQ gave a call for just three issues. On 03.11.2020 Postal Pensioners braved the pandemic and demonstrated. They submitted a memorandum also to Secretary (P). The CHQ followed it up with a letter email to Secretary on 12.11.2020 (letter printed in November issue of PP). 

We are thankful to the Secretary (P) for immediate consideration of the justness of the demand of grant of TBOP/BCR without insisting for production of Induction Training Certificate by Pensioners / Family Pensioners. It is ordered now that on submission of an undertaking by the Pensioner  that he had undergone induction training prior to 1.1.1986, the benefit of 75 days should be given for advancing the TBOP/BCR. Production of copy of certificate will be insisted only in cases where the number of 75 days training is disputed by the Pensioner. 

Now, all direct entry in cadre of PA/SA Pensioners who were earlier denied the benefit will be automatically given the benefit. 

This is indeed a victory to our struggle that had taken the issue to the notice of the Secretary! We ate hopeful that the other two contentious issues also processed with the same speed by the Secretary! - KR GS AIPRPA

Monday 9 November 2020

Comrade Sabu Red Salutes!

 Comrade M.S.Sabu Circle Secretary NFPE GDS Union Kerala no more!

It is highly sorrowful that we have lost comrade M.S.Sabu Circle Secretary of NFPE GDS Union, Kerala Circle. Admitted in hospital for acute stomack pain and diagnosed as liver complications, comrade Babu passed away this day early morning at about 5.20 A.M as the treatment was unable to cure him. It is an irreparable loss to Kerala and All India GDS movement as well as to NFPE movement. AIPRPA dips its banner and Red Salutes the brave GDS leader comrade M.S.Sabu!

March Ahead! March Ahead!!

 Pensioners Stand with Striking Brothers! 

AIPRPA endorsing NCCPA call expresses total Solidarity to 26th Nationwide Working Class Strike! In particular hails the decision of NFPE & FNPO for joining the strike action!  A befitting decision at a correct time to oppose series of anti-labour actions of Central Government including rabid privatization and DA/DR Freeze! - KR GS AIPRPA

Sunday 8 November 2020



The Central Managing Committee Meeting of AIPRPA CHQ is held today afternoon at 4.00 P.M under the presidentship of CHQ President Comrade D.K.Rahate. 

The Meeting reviewed the implementation of 3.11.2020 Programme of Demonstration conducted at the call of CMC Meeting of CHQ. It is ascertained that the Programme was observed throughout the country in almost all the States and in more centres of Districts or Divisions in a number of States. The CMC congratulated the members for their brave participation amidst pandemic threat. 

The Meeting endorsed the decision of NCCPA for solidarity action to 26th November Working Class Strike. It was unanimously decided that according to local conditions in different States and Districts, the solidarity programme can take different shapes and can be held on any date from 23rd to 26th as per feasibility and local conditions. 

The Special Donations directly deposited in the CHQ SB Account have already crossed more than a lakh of rupees and another one and a half lakhs rupees have been reportedly collected by different Tamilnadu Districts / Divisions. On review it is felt that the time limit earlier fixed by the CHQ needs to be refixed in order to facilitate the Districts / Divisions to complete the donation collection. Accordingly, it was decided that the last date will be 31.12.2020 instead of 15.11.2020. However, the Divisions and Districts are advised to remit the collections by 15.11.2020 and continue the task further until end of December. 

The WEBINAR on Pensioners Day on 17.12.2020 will be for two hours. Two presentations on “Significance of Nakara Judgment and its dilution by successive Governments” and “NPS and future of Pension in neo-liberal era” will be made by Comrades K.Ragavendran (General Secretary AIPRPA) and M.Krishnan (Ex-Secretary General Confederation) in the Webinar. There will be a Q&A Session followed by the Presentations. The Webinar is being arranged in Zoom App and wide publicity will be given in the Social Media like FB and Whatsapp. All Pensioners can click the link and watch the programme from 4 to 6 P.M. on 17.12.2020. Entire organisation shall involve itself to mobilize pensioners to watch the programme from their houses itself.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Secretariat Resolves to extend Solidarity to Working Class Strike on 26.11.2020




13-C Feroze Shah Road,

New Delhi.110 001




Dated: 03/11/2020

President: Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra,           9717647594

Secretary General:Com. K.K.N. Kutty       9811048303

Dear comrades,


The National Sectt. of the NCCPA met on 2nd November, 2020 through video network at 3.00PM.  The meeting was presided over by the National President, Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra. The meeting was convened to discuss the following agenda:


1.       Support and solidarity action for the one-day general strike call of the Working class;

2.       Any other issue of importance with the permission of the President.


The members who participated in the discussions were unanimous of the opinion that the NCCPA must support the strike action as the anti-worker policy of the Government was responsible for the decision to deny the dearness relief to pensioners for 18 months and the recent one to change the base year for the computation of the Consumer price index.  The meeting noted with concern that there had been no consultation with the trade unions or the employees representatives, when the government takes decision concerning the service matters of the workers.  The meeting also inter alia took note of the serious and unabated spread of corona virus covid 19 in the country and the difficulties to be encountered by the senior citizens.  The consequent decision of the Government to restrict mobility especially of senior citizens have made them to be virtually under house arrest.  Despite the intense desire to be a participant in the struggles, the meeting noted that the imposed restrictions and the non- availability of public transport in certain areas will constrict them from participating in assembly of people.  The genuine apprehension of being a victim of the deadly pandemic was also expressed at the meeting.  Taking all those into account, the meeting decided to call upon its affiliate and state units:


(a)    To organise sit in dharna or demonstration programme on 25.11.2020 with as many number of comrades as could be mobilised in all important urban agglomerations and State capitals and at the end of the programme send the following message to  Ms. Nrmala Seetaraman, Finance Minister, Government of India, North Block, New Delhi through e mail.  Her e mail address is given hereunder:-


Email ID:


Text of the message:

Dear Madam,We support the one-day general strike of the working class in the country and request you to settle the issues they had projected.       

We also request you to kindly concede the following important demands of the pensioners urgently;

(a)    Release the Dearness Relief impounded;

(b)    Implement Option No. 1 of pension fitment formula as third option.

(c)    Reimburse the medical expenses of all pensioners and clear the pending medical bills of   

         BSNL pensioners;

(d)    Implement the Pension Revision from 01.01.2017 to BSNL Pensioners;

(e)    Revise the pension of PNB employees without further delay;

(f)     Restore the rail travel facilities to senior citizens.

(g)    Sanction Festival Grant of 20,000/- to Pensioners/Family Pensioners.


Those who could not attend the dharna / demonstration programme due to difficulty of travel etc, may send the above message by email to the finance minister on 25th November.

(b)     Ensure that the wall posters, play card etc. are exhibited at the dharma venue depicting that NCCPA support for the one-day general strike on 26th November, 2020

(c)     It was also decided that the NCCPA CHQ will issue a press Statement in support of the strike.  The same will be placed on our website as also conveyed to all affiliates and State Committees through NCCPA WhatsApp Group.


The demand for festival grant or advance was raised and the President was requested to take up the issue with the Finance Secretary.  Com. President said that the workers have not appreciated the conditions imposed by the Government for the festival advance.  Demanding the advance will amount to acceptance of the same conditions, which would make it worthless. However, he agreed to take up the issue of festival grant for the pensioners as a special case in view of the pandemic. 


Com. V.A. N. Namboodiri, who had to leave the meeting halfway due to technical problems, wanted the NCCPA to ask the Railways to rescind their decision to withdraw the Senior Citizen Facilities.  The NCCPA will forward a resolution in the matter to the Railway Board Chairman. 


The copy of the Press Statement and the resolution demanding restoration of the senior citizen facilities will be sent to you separately.


              With greetings,


Yours fraternally


K.K.N Kutty

Secretary General.