Tuesday 28 November 2023

Observe the call of WFTU


Call for International Action on November 29 – International Day of Solidarity with the

Palestinian People

23 Nov 2023


The 29th of November is observed by the United Nations as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

The WFTU considers the 29th of November 2023 as a day on which the class-oriented trade union movement will culminate its actions of solidarity, showing practically to the suffering Palestinian people that they are not alone in their struggle for freedom and dignity, against the genocide.

The ongoing bloodshed has been going on and escalating since the 7th of October and has already resulted in thousands of people losing their lives and many more injured, makes the need to intense our actions of solidarity with the struggling Palestinian people, more urgent than ever before.

Τhe massacre in Palestine, the brutal and unacceptable bombing of the hospitals, the killing of a child every 10 minutes, are crimes which are committed with the provocative tolerance and support that Israel receives from the USA, the European Union and the rest of their allies.

The root cause of this situation is the occupation and illegal settlement of the occupied Palestinian territories by Israel and the continuous, daily crimes and the blockades of Gaza that have been committed against the Palestinian people for decades.

The consistent and principled support and solidarity to the heroic Palestinian people had always been a priority for the international class-oriented trade union movement. It is clear that the only way to secure and consolidate peace and security for the people in Palestine and Israel, but also in the wider Middle East, is to immediately end the Israeli occupation and settlement in the occupied Arab territories, as provided for in the UN resolutions, and to establish an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital and guarantee the right of return of Palestinian refugees. At the same time, it is also clear as the imperialist aggression intensifies, our solidarity must intensify too!

While Palestinians in Gaza live without food, water and electricity for almost two months, while an unprecedented murderous attack is being carried out to flatten the Gaza Strip, the workers from every corner of the globe refuse to stay silent! The militant trade unions join their voices with the Palestinian people, condemn the imperialist hypocrisy, and demand an immediate ceasefire.

The WFTU calls on its affiliates and friends, class-oriented and militant trade unions around the world to organise mobilizations and demonstrations, both in the streets, but in the workplaces as well, with the poster of the campaign and Palestinian flags, under the slogan:

“The workers of the world stand with Palestine!”

The Secretariat

Thursday 23 November 2023


 AIC of NCCPA at Chennai!

The Invitation to the AIC of NCCPA is as under. All Delegates and Chief Executives / Office Bearers who are ex-officio are welcome to attend. Kindly verify with your General Secretary whether you are a Delegate!

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Let us observe the 1st death anniversary of Comrade KKN Kutty!


Comrade K.K.N.Kutty 1st Anniversary!

It was on 08.12.2022 that our Secretary General KKN Kutty had passed away and we are completing one year since his demise on the coming 08.12.2023. Comrade KKN Kutty had been a versatile leader of both the Pensioners and Serving employees. He led the movement of entire CG Employees through Confederation of CG Employees & Workers in different capacities including its Secretary General. He led the movement of Income Tax employees movement for several years as the Secretary General of ITEF. He became our Secretary General in our Kolkata AIC after the demise of Comrade S.K.Vyas and continued it that capacity till he breathed his last on 8th December, 2022. We are going to hold our 5th AIC at Chennai just after his 1st Anniversary and we will be greatly missing his presence and leading us. We have lost an invaluable leader of our movement in his demise.

Let us observe the 1st Anniversary on 08.12.2023 in all places through our Affiliates of NCCPA jointly and remember the great sacrifices of Comrade KKN.Kutty. Kindly send the photos and reports of the observance of the 1st Anniversary in your places.

Saturday 18 November 2023

National Pensioners Day on 17.12.2023 - NCCPA CHQ Webinar on 18.12.2023 Evening!


National Pensioners Day!

This year National Pensioners Day to honour the memory of D.S.Nakara and to honour the milestone Judgment delivered on 17.12.1982 by the Supreme Court is to be celebrated by all. All Affiliates are requested to plan and implement the observation of Pensioners Day befittingly on 17.12.2023 and later.

However, the NCCPA CHQ is organizing the National Pensioners Day in virtual mode on 18.12.2023 at 4.00 P.M to 5.15 P.M under the presidentship of President Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra.

There will be only two speakers who will be presenting key papers on “Historic Nakara Judgment and the NPS”. The two speakers are Comrade C.Sreekumar WFTU Deputy General Secretary and Comrade VAN.Namboodiri the NCCPA Patron.

All our delegates of Affiliates of NCCPA will generally returned to their respective headquarters after the completion of NCCPA AIC at Chennai on 13-14, December 2023. They should however organize that successful holding of the webinar on 18.12.2023 evening.

The LINK of ZOOM will be sent to all. Please, Chief Executives and Office Bearers and Members of the Affiliates of NCCPA are requested to log in and hear the spectacular speeches of our CHQ President and two scheduled speakers on the TITLE. – KR SG NCCPA

Monday 13 November 2023

Comrade Basudev Acharya AMAR RAHE!

Comrade Basudev Amar Rahe!

Comrade Basudev Acharya! We cannot forget you as you were always with us for taking up our cases in the Parliament during your long and committed career! How can we forget your fight in Loksabha against NPS even by demanding a secret ballot! When all parties spoke but voted with Government in the name of 'Coalition Dharma', you along with other left stood with us and opposed 'NPS'. You are not with us today due to your demise but you will always be guiding us in the right path of working class interests. Long live your fame! RIP - K.Ragavendran SG NCCPA

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Please send the information to Reception Committee AIC NCCPA!

 Attention all Chief Executives of Affiliated Associations of NCCPA!

Urgent and absolutely necessary!

Many of you have not sent the list of delegates + details of their arrival in chennai and departure! 

How the Reception Committee will arrange to pick up from Stations and organize lodge accommodation? 

Some comrades stated date of arrival only but not mentioned the exact train number and probable arrival time in Chennai. Some not sent the consolidated list but piecemeal lists only. The Reception Committee is having the list of entitled delegates to all Affiliates but your own lists are either short or in excess of that number! Please reconcile!

If all arrive in last minute without informing, it will be extremely difficult.to pick up and send to earmarked lodges. It will also be impossible to commence the AIC in time and complete! 

Please understand! Kindly send the consolidated list to Reception Committee GS comrade Mohan in Mohankavin@gmail.com all the details urgently and at any cost within a week. Please understand that Reception Committee is badly in need of these information to organize effectively. The venue of AIC and the lodging are totally different and the Reception Committee has to organise efficient pick ups in different Railway Stations in Chennai at odd hours and at the Airport too.

Please send compulsorily the full lists by all Chief Executives with all details within a week - This is must - KR SG NCCPA

Send the information quickly to Reception Committee AIC NCCPA

 एनसीसीपीए के संबद्ध संघों के सभी मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी ध्यान दें!

 अत्यावश्यक और नितांत आवश्यक!

 आपमें से कई लोगों ने प्रतिनिधियों की सूची + उनके चेन्नई आगमन और प्रस्थान का विवरण नहीं भेजा है!

 स्वागत समिति स्टेशनों से सामान उठाने और लॉज आवास की व्यवस्था कैसे करेगी?

 कुछ साथियों ने केवल आगमन की तारीख बताई लेकिन सटीक ट्रेन संख्या और चेन्नई पहुंचने के संभावित समय का उल्लेख नहीं किया।  कुछ ने समेकित सूची नहीं बल्कि टुकड़ों-टुकड़ों में ही सूची भेजी।  स्वागत समिति के पास सभी सहयोगियों के पात्र प्रतिनिधियों की सूची है, लेकिन आपकी अपनी सूचियाँ या तो कम हैं या उस संख्या से अधिक हैं!  कृपया सुलह कर लें!

 यदि अंतिम समय में बिना बताए सभी लोग पहुंच गए तो उन्हें उठाकर निर्धारित लॉज में भेजना बेहद मुश्किल हो जाएगा।  एआईसी को समय पर शुरू करना और पूरा करना भी असंभव होगा!

 कृपया समझे!  कृपया समेकित सूची रिसेप्शन कमेटी जीएस कॉमरेड मोहन को मोहनकाविन@gmail.com पर सभी विवरण तत्काल और किसी भी कीमत पर एक सप्ताह के भीतर भेजें।  कृपया समझें कि रिसेप्शन कमेटी को प्रभावी ढंग से व्यवस्थित करने के लिए इन सूचनाओं की सख्त जरूरत है।  एआईसी का स्थान और आवास पूरी तरह से अलग हैं और स्वागत समिति को विषम समय में चेन्नई के विभिन्न रेलवे स्टेशनों और हवाई अड्डे पर भी कुशल पिक-अप की व्यवस्था करनी होती है।

 कृपया सभी मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारियों द्वारा एक सप्ताह के भीतर सभी विवरणों के साथ पूरी सूची अनिवार्य रूप से भेजें - यह आवश्यक है - केआर एसजी एनसीसीपीए

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Let us concentrate on ending NPS and embracing OPS!


AP State’s Guaranteed Pension Scheme

A Critical Look




Andhra State Government had announced and followed it up with enactment of AP GPS Act 2023. The enactment as well as the earlier announcement have been given much hype by the Media and even suggestion was there that the Union Government may catch up with the thread and enact a similar GPS Act. No reference to ending the notorious NPS against which continuous demonstrations are going on in Delhi and throughout the nation and no support is forthcoming from any Media for bringing back the OPS. This article is an attempt to analyze the Andhra State Government’s GPS Act, 2003 and contrasting it with the CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021. The provisions of the Act were taken from the Andhra Teachers website.


AP GPS Bill adopted


Andhra State Government has adopted the AP GPS 2003 Bill on 27.09.2023 for the employees of Andhra. It was made clear that the subscriptions to the AP GPS Scheme shall not affect in any way the monthly contributions made to NPS Scheme by the employees and the employer. Therefore, our readers must be clear that the AP GPS Act in not to replace the notorious NPS but only as a additional scheme to NPS. The NPS Scheme in Andhra is called the CPS (Contributory Pension Scheme) that was implemented from 1.9.2004 in that state. This also means that the CPS will continue to operate in the State and the present AP GPS will superimpose itself on the existing NPS.


AP GPS will cover only NPS


The Andhra State GPS Act makes it very clear that the present scheme will cover those employees who were already covered by the CPS (Contributory Pension Scheme). More over it is also made clear that those CPS employees recruited on or after 1.9.2004 and those who opt to contribute or subscribe to AP GPS System are eligible to join the scheme. It is also mentioned that the existing NPS or CPS Pensioner should exercise option to subscriber AP GPS Scheme.


Annuity and Top-up Annuity


The APGPS System says that the retiring employees have to purchase annuity plan duly utilizing the “Accumulated Pension Corpus”. What is this ‘Accumulated Pension Corpus’? It is nothing but the amount in Pension Account under CPS (NPS)! The Guaranteed Pension assured by the scheme will consist of both the Annuity Component and if necessary the top-up Component. The Annuity Component is the monthly returns based on the investments made by utilizing the ‘Accumulated Pension Corpus' under CPS and will be added if necessary by the ‘Top-up Component’ by the State Government. But any part withdrawal or final withdrawal by a AP GPS Subscriber from the final accumulated corpus of CPS  shall result in proportional reduction in the Guaranteed Pension quantum. In addition it is made clear that the State Government can withhold or withdraw the top-up component or a part of top-up component also.




50% of Last drawn basic pay at the time of retirement will be given as GPS Pension by a top-up amount by Andhra State Government in case of any short fall in the annuity received by the AP GPS Subscriber.


60% of the Pension will be given to the Spouse as Family Pension in the even of death of AP
GPS Pensioner under the same above conditions.


Dearness Relief will be paid over and above the basic pension.


Minimum Pension of 10,000/- is announced under the scheme by a top-up of annuity.


Health care scheme also will be provided under the scheme.




The AP GPS scheme is eligible to superannuating Pensioners with a minimum qualifying service of 10 years. The period is 20 years of qualifying service for VRS Pensioners. Any servant retired on public interest on any disciplinary action must have put in 33 years of qualifying service. Those who retire on medical invalidation should have a minimum of 10 years qualifying service.

The employees who resign or sent out by dismissal or removal or under compulsory retirement under Disciplinary Action are not eligible for drawing Guaranteed Pension.


Important minus points


1.     The Scheme is also a contributory scheme of Pension that we are stoutly opposing and more over the fact of the present scheme is that the existing NPS scheme shall also continue and only those who are in the existing NPS scheme can exercise option to join the AP GPS Scheme. This is unlike the State Governments of Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Himachal etc., which have declared reversion of NPS to OPS.

2.     The Guaranteed Pension quantum is in addition to the NPS quantum through the Annuity earned by investments of the sum left with Service Providers. The subscription quantum (though not prescribed) will increase by way of subscriptions to the new AP GPS Scheme also in addition to the existing NPS. Thus, the employees are not rescued from the wage cut but continued and more percentage of wage cut is imposed.

3.     Under the CCS Pension Rules 2021, the ompulsorily retired are getting the pension as per their LPD (according to percentage cut imposed by the Disciplinary Authority) but the AP GPS scheme stipulates that the compulsorily retired under Disciplinary Action are not at all eligible for the Guaranteed Pension.

4.     The CG Pensioners under CCS Pension Rules 2021 have provisions for grant of Provisional Pension etc if the disciplinary case against the employees continue after retirement. But the AP GPS Scheme states clearly that the retirees against whom any Disciplinary or Judicial Proceedings are pending at the time of retirement, will not be given any Guaranteed Pension until such proceedings are completed.

5.     The CCS Pension Rules 2021 Pensioners will get their pension periodically updated whenever any Pay Commissions are in place along with the CG Employees. There is no mention of periodic updation to AP GPS Pensioners.




Andhra State Government instead of playing with jargons should come out openly and implement its poll promise of ending NPS in the State. The boldness with which the States like Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Himachal, Punjab and Delhi adopted a line to end the NPS and embrace OPS should be followed by Andhra also. The West Bengal State right from beginning followed the foot steps of the earlier LF Government. The State Government of Karnataka has made a poll promise to end NPS. The Media reports show that the Union Government is trying only a face lift to the existing NPS on the lines of Andhra State. But the NPS is a dead issue in the present context and becoming an election based political issue in India. We shall not rest until the NPS and all forms of it are ended squarely and CCS Pension Rules 2021 is extended to all Central, State Government Employees including the Teachers and also to all Central and State Public Sector Workers. Is it not time to declare that we support only those political parties which openly support ending the NPS if voted to power at Centre!?

Thursday 12 October 2023

NCCPA total solidarity to Confederation & AISGEF

 Confederation & AISGEF joint rally in Ramlila Grounds on 03.11.2023!

NCCPA solidarity!

Confederation of CG Employees and Workers & All India State Government Employees Federation are jointly holding a massive rally in Delhi Ramlila Grounds on 03.11.2023. The rally is called to demand abrogation of NPS as well as for other important demands. NCCPA extends total solidarity and calls upon its affiliates to join the rally on 3.11.2023, especially from Delhi and all surrounding States. 

The rally is in continuation of AIDEF, NCCPA, JFROPS (NJCA), National movement for OPS rallies in Delhi and reverting back to OPS by several State Governments. The struggle against NPS is gaining momentum! - KR SG NCCPA

Sunday 3 September 2023

National Executive of NCCPA!

 National Executive of NCCPA held today!

The Executive Meeting of NCCPA is held today virtually under the presidentship of President Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra from 9.00 A.M.

23 Comrades were present from the Affiliates. The following decisions were taken unanimously:

1. Item No 1 of the agenda viz., Review of 21.07.2023 Rally at Jantar Mantar by NCCPA will be taken up in the next Executive Meeting.

2. The amount remitted for Option Number 1 court case by Six Affiliates of AIBDPA, AIPRPA, ITPF, Audit & Accounts, Assam CGPA and Nagpur P&T Pensioners shall be treated as quota for 2020-22since no legal case was filed by NCCPA on that issue.

3. The apportionment of Delegates already done for Thiruvananthapuram TUI Meet on 1.10.2023 besides TUI representatives in India and NCCPA two delegates is generally approved. Decided to make the TUI Meet a grand success. 

4. The Constitution Committee earlier appointed by the National Executive with Comrade D.K.Debnath as its Chairman will finalize the new constitution with all amendments taking all the issues at consideration and will submit them for approval in our National Executive. Before the presentation in our AIC the same will be submitted to the Registrar as per the requirement of the Act. 


Monday 31 July 2023

Reception Committee to TUI (P&R) 2nd Asia Regional Conference formed today!

 Reception Committee formed for TUI (P&R) Asia Regional Conference!

Broad Based Reception Committee for hosting the TUI(P&R) 2nd Asia Regional Conference at Thiruvananthapuram City is elected today (31.07.2023)

A Broad based Reception Committee with Comrades V.Joy Member of the Legislative Assembly Kerala as Chairman and K.G.Jayaraj General Secretary AIBDPA as the General Secretary was unanimously elected today (31.07.2023) in a meeting of leaders representing all organzations of Kerala in the P&T House. Various Public figures like the Kerala State Education Minister Honourable Comrade V.Sivankutty; A.A.Rahim Member of Parliament; M.A.Baby; Kadakksmpally Surendran M.L.A.,; V.K.Prasanth M.L.A.,; Arya Rajendran Mayor of Thiruvananthapuram City; Ananthalavattam Anandan leader of CITU; VAN.Namboodiri Patron of NCCPA will be the Patrons of the Reception Committee. 

Comrade P.K.Muraleedharan State President of Confederation of CG Employees and Workers and also the Convenor of State NFPE Kerala presided over the meeting. Comrade K.Ragavendran TUI (P&R) Asia Coordinator inaugurated the meeting and explained the importance and the background of 2nd TUI Asia Conference in Thiruvananthapuram City of Kerala.

Comrades M.Vijayakumar Circle Secretary BSNLEU; T.N.Venkatiswaran General Secretary of Kerala CGPA; M.C.Nair Patron of AIPRPA Kerala; Amaravilla Ramakrishnan General Secretary of Senior Citizen Forum Kerala; Radhakrishnan leader of DRPU; Sundaresan All Bank Retirees Welfare Forum; Guruprasad General Secretary of Kerala State AIBDPA; K.Kamalasanan leader of Audit & Accounts Pensioners Association; C.N.Dhanapalan ISRO Pensioners; Mohammed Maheen Confederation of CG Employees Kerala State Secretary; and many other leaders addressed assured fullest cooperation for the successful conduct of the TUI Conference. At last Comrade V.A.Mohanan State Secretary of Kerala AIPRPA addressed and placed the Reception Committee list covering all Organizations of Kerala and the formation of various Committees in connection with the TUI Conference and the list was unanimously adopted. 

Comrade K.G.Jayaraj the General Secretary of the 2nd TUI (P&R) Regional Conference Reception Committee then placed the budget estimates of the TUI(P&R) Conference and the same was approved by the Meeting. 

Kerala and Thiruvananthapuram is thus preparing to host the Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees) 2nd Regional Conference in a most spectacular way. - KR SG NCCPA

Sunday 30 July 2023

GS P4 NFPE Superannuation Today! Greetings!

 Comrade Mohanty Retiring today from Service!

An illustrious career of General Secretary P4 is coming to an end through his superannuation. As per the famous say, all good things in life has to end some day. But his career will be always remembered for the historic task of standing with GDS masses in their indefinite strike. Comrade Mohanty's career will be remembered for the OM of upgrading the Postman scale from 1.1.1996 notionally but payment of heavy arrears to all during his time. His career will be remembered for highlighting all sectional issues and also all common issues. Ofcourse, NFPE and P3 will also prove that they are made up of iron to bear any heavy wind with his full support. Trust after his superannuation today, his guidance to P4 will be there. Also trust that Comrade Mohanty's association with AIPRPA and NCCPA will immensely strengthen the pensioners movement. Happy retirement life and continued public life comrade D.B.Mohanty! - KR CHQ President AIPRPA

Sunday 23 July 2023

Thanks for making the NCCPA March to.Parliament most successful!

NCCPA CHQ greets all participants attended in our March to Parliament rally at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi. We specially thank comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra for his presence and address; comrade K.N.Umesh All India CITU Secretary for inaguration; comrade John Brittas M.P of Kerala for his addressing; comrades S.B.Yadav SG Confederation and Janardan Mazumdar SG NFPE for addressing our rally.  All speakers from different affiliates, guest organisations and State CGPAs mention our special appreciation. Despite problems encountered in change of permitted timings and last minute change of location in Jantar Mantar, all attended and that was the real success! Thanks to all once again! - K.Ragavendran SG NCCPA

Friday 21 July 2023

Successful NCCPA programme!

 Historic March to Parliament & Rally by NCCPA on 21.07.2023!

NCCPA program of Rally at Jantar Mantar, despite problem of shifting the venue of rally by Delhi Police at the last minute, was held successfully. More than 2500 pensioners coming from all parts of the country cparticipated in the Rally and March.

Comrade K.Ragavendran, SG NCCPA, welcomed all and explained the Charter of Demands to be presented to Prime Minister. Comrade V.A. N. Namboodiri addressed and conducted the proceedings. Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra, President NCCPA, addressed the gathering. Comrade K. N.Umesh, All India Secretary, CITU,  inaugurated the Rally. Comrade John Brittas,  Member of Parliament, addressed and supported the demands of the pensioners. Comrades S.B.Yadav SG Confederation; Janardhan Mazumdar,  SG NFPE, S.P.Singh,  AIRF,  S.Sreedhar President AIRRF,  K.G.Jayaraj,  GS AIBDPA,  D..K.Debnath GS AIPRPA,  Subash Chandra Pandey Audit & Accounts Pensioners Assn,  A.K.Ghosh WB COC; T.N.Venkateswaran GS CGPA Kerala, Suresh GS All Bank Retirees Forum of Kerala and many other leaders addressed.

A book on the Bank Pensioners' issue published by AKBRF was released by Com. John Brittas, M. P.   by handing over to Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, President NCCPA.

At the end of the Rally,  tens of thousands of signatures obtained on the 15 Points Charter of Demands were submitted to the Honourable Prime Minister by Comrades K.Ragavendran and V.A.N Namboodiri who were escorted by the Delhi Police in their Van from Jantar Mantar venue to Prime Minister's where the designated official  accepted the memorandum on behalf of the Prime Minister.

NCCPA congratulates and expresss its appreciation to all comrades, who made the Rally and March successful.


NCCPA holds March to Parliament Rally!

 NCCPA held successful.March to Parliament Rally on 21.07.2023!

NCCPA program of Rally at Jantar Mantar, despite problem of shifting the venue of rally by Delhi Police at the last minute, held successfully. Comrade K.Ragavendran SG NCCPA initiated and concluded after all speakers. Comrade VAN Namboodiri anchored the programme. Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra President NCCPA addressed the gathering and comrade Umesh CITU All India Secretary inaugurated. Comrade John Brittas Member of Parliament addressed.  Comrades S.B.Yadav SG Confederation; Janardhan Mazumdar SG NFPE; S.P.Singh Leader from AIRF; S.Sreedhar President AIRRF; K.G.Jayaraj GS AIBDPA; D..K.Debnath GS AIPRPA; Subash Chandra Pandey Audit & Accounts Pensioners Assn; A.K.Ghosh WB COC; T.N.Venkatiswaran GS CGPA Kerala; Suresh GS All Bank Retirees Forum of Kerala; and many other leaders addressed. More than 1500 pensioners attended and demonstrated at the call of NCCPA. At the end of Rally the signature campaign materials and memorandums were submitted to the Honourable Prime Minister by Comrades K.Ragavendran and VAN Namboodiri taken by the Police Van from Jantar Mantar venue to Parliament Staff who accepted the memorandum on behalf of the Prime Minister - KR SG NCCPA

Thursday 20 July 2023

AIPRPA Holds its Central Managing Committee Meeting in the National Capital


AT NEW DELHI ON 20/07/2023

The CMC of AIPRPA was held at Dr.Ambedkar Bhawan New Delhi on 20.07.2023 under the presidentship of Comrade K.Ragavendran chm President. Comrade Janardan Mazumdar Secretary General NFPE inaugurated the CMC.

Comrade D.K.Debnath P4 General Secretary and Comrade Abdul Mataleb General Secretary of Admn Union attended and addressed. Due Notice was already given for the CMC by the General Secretary Comrade D.K.Debnath and he presented a detailed work report covering all the items of the Agenda to the CMC. Comrade D.K.Rahate forner President CHQ and the present Advisor to the CHQ graced the occasion and delivered his speech also. The

33 CMC Members attended the CMC and the hall was jampacked with the pensioners of Delhi State at the behest of the REception Committee headed by Comrade Deep Chand the Delhi State Secretary. A team of leaders of Delhi including Comrades Ishwar Singh Dabas (President Delhi): K.C.Verma (Deputy Secretary Delhi) and K,K,Sharma (Treasurer Delhi) looked after the arrangements of the CMC Members and Comrades attending the Rally of NCCPA on 21.07.2023. 

Many decisions were taken unanimously including the adoption of Work Report placed by the General Secretary and the audited accounts for the year 2022-23 placed by the CHQ Treasurer Comrade C.Sekar. Important decisions taken by the CMC will be shortly conveyed to all. - D.K.Debnath GS AIPRPA

Tuesday 18 July 2023

AIPRPA Foundation Day on 19th July - Celebrate in all Places!


July-19th – AIPRPA Foundation Day

It was in the year 2014 on the same day that our foundation All India Conference at Vellore Tamil Nadu State gave birth to the AIPRPA organization as a pan-Indian Pensioners Association of Postal Pensioners and Family Pensioners. Now, we are completing 9 years of our existence and entering into 10th year.  In the words of Comrade D.Gnaniah the former Secretary General of NFPTE in his advanced age of 90+ stated in Coimbatore that the effort to organize the Postal Pensioners at an all-India level was the correct step and nobody thought of it until then and he was proud to join AIPRPA as a basic member.

Formation of Departmental wise Pensioners Associations;

 Our forefathers of the P&T Trade Union movement of NFPTE never thought to form a separate pan-Indian Association because it never occurred to them to form an organization like this and moreover, they were looking after the needs of Pensioners also in their capacity as the leaders of NFPTE and NFPE. But time has come to form our organization in the background that we could not function in the service associations and Federations. Leaders of Confederation and Pensioners like Comrade S.K.Vyas also suggested that the formation of departmental wise all-India pensioners associations to be led by the erstwhile union leaders is the right step to strengthen the pensioners movement at all-India level.

Implementation of calls:

The suggestion of leaders like Comrade S.K.Vyas, who is considered as the Pitamah of our movement, encouraged the birth of many all-India Associations of Pensioners and in turn the calls of NCCPA are actually being implemented in many States of India. Nowadays, the NCCPA calls or the calls of Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees) to which our NCCPA, AIPRPA, AIBDPA are affiliated, are seen implemented in several places with banners and enthusiasm. The calls of TUI (P&R) are seen implemented in many places with associations not affiliated with the TUI also during the month of October when the International Pensioners Day is being implemented and the demands of Pensioners & Retirees are propagated world wide. The Pensioners at their advancing age started to feel the importance of mobilization and agitations to focus attention of the powers on their justified demands. The powers cannot ignore the calls of the Senior Citizens!

10 became thousands:

It is to be remembered that the efforts with a handful of Pensioners at the residence of Comrade VAN Namboodiri at New Delhi and in the presence of leaders like Comrades VAN Namboodiri; M.Krishnan; K.Ragavendran; D.K.Rahate; and others, the AIPRPA CHQ All India Steering Committee was formed. There were only around 10 Comrades present at that time in the formation meeting of AIPRPA Steering Committee and today we are a stronger association with more than 50,000 Pensioners and Family Pensioners as our life and annual members. AIPRPA is contributing to the growth of pensioners movement of NCCPA at India and at world level the expansion of activities of Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees).

AIPRPA is a democratic organization:

AIPRPA is not a paper-association but a living organization with full democratic traditions. We try to conduct our All India and State Conferences at the periodicity prescribed in our constitution. We try to follow democratic principles and honour them. We show tolerance towards various democratic groups formed in our movement over a long time and accommodate all groups, all Federations, all cadres in our midst and function as the largest democratic organization. We join with other Trade Union Centers and Workers Associations and Federations and even court arrest along with them at times of struggle. We are working with the principle that unity of all Pensioners Associations for a principled approach and struggle for our justified issues.

A day will come – when we may or may not see that day – when several Pensioners Associations will stand united as a big confederation of Pensioners Associations and raise the unified voice of all Pensioners against the powers. A day will come – when the Pensioners and Retirees under the revolutionary banner of TUI will agitate and win the demands of the senior citizens of several countries. Our humble task is to work for the realization of that day; and we pledge that our direction of work will be undeterred unity of all Pensioners and Family Pensioners Community.


General Secretary AIPRPA

Celebrate the day of foundation of AIPRPA

Celebrate with all enthusiasm – Most of us will be travelling towards the national capital on 19th for participating in the Rally at Jantar Mantar under the banner of NCCPA at that time [21.07.2023] . The CMC of AIPRPA also is organized at New Delhi on 20.07.2023. But the foundation day will be remembered by all of us and the remaining comrades who do not come to Delhi can celebrate the birth of AIPRPA in all places. Long live AIPRPA! Long live the aspirations!



Friday 14 July 2023

NCCPA Press Statement for Circulation in your State!


Dear Comrades - Please help in circulating the following Press Statement to all the Press and Electronic Media in your respective State - KR



(Registered under the T.U. Act)


13C - Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi -110 001


Website: nccpahq.blogspot.in                                                                          E mail: nccpahq@gmail.com.


Shiva Gopal Mishra                                       K.Ragavendran                                              H.L.Sidhu

President                                                         Secretary General                                         Treasurer

97176 47594                                                   9444919295                                                     9868933421





The respected Editors of Press / Electronic Media


Respected Sir,

The National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Associations (NCCPA) which is the apex body of Pensioners having affiliation from various organizations representing the pensioners belonging to Indian Railways, Posts, Telecom including BSNL, Income Tax, Audit & Accounts, Ground Water, Coffee BoardBanks and State level Central Government Pensioners Associations in many states including West Bengal, Kerala, Andhra, Telangana, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka etc is organizing a Rally in Jantar Mantar on 21.07.2023 from 12.00 Noon to 3.00 P.M.

The purpose of the Rally is to highlight the 15 Point Charter of Demands of Pensioners as attached. The first and foremost demand being abrogation of NPS (National Pension System) so that Old Pension Scheme is implemented to all workers. The Rally is organized in support of the N-JCA (National Joint Council of Action) of Central Government Employees also to oppose the NPS Scheme which is practically depriving the CG Workers without any adequate means of livelihood when they retire after long service.

Other demands include, Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission to revise our pension from 1.1.2026; Grant of impounded DA/DR for 18 months from 1.1.2020; Grant of higher FMA and grant of notional increment for the 30th June / 31st December retirees (1.1.2006 and 1.1.2016 respectively) as recommended by Parliament Standing Committee; Grant of Additional Pension from the age of 65; MACP upgradation from 1.1.2006 instead of 1.9.2008; Improving CGHS functioning and medical treatment facilities; Implementation of   Parliament Standing Committee recommendations; Restoration of travel concession to senior citizens in train journey again; Grant of Pension Revision to BSNL Pensioners from 1.1.2017; and Revision of pension and medical facilities to all Bank Pensioners etc.

The Rally will be presided over by Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra President of NCCPA & JCM National Council Staff Side Secretary. The inauguration will be done by Comrade Tapan Sen General Secretary of CITU and Comrade S.B.Yadhav Secretary General of Confederation of CG Employees and Workers will address the rally besides many other leaders.

A detailed memorandum on the 15 Point Charter with the Signatures of thousands of pensioners and others will be handed over to the Honourable Prime Minister also at the end of the rally with a view that the Central Government solves the issues pending for long.

We earnestly request you to give wide publicity to the Rally by the senior citizen pensioners and also, we request you to kindly cover the rally on 21.07.2023 at 12 to 3.00 P.M. We shall remain grateful to your act.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully.



Secretary General – NCCPA


NCCPA Charter of Demands

1.     Abolish NPS to all Central, State Government and PSU Employees and bring them under CCS (Pension) Rules,2021 and out of PFRDA Act.

2.     Constitute 8th CPC immediately to all CG Employees and CG Pensioners.

3.     Release the impounded DA/DR Arrears for 18 months from 1.1.2020 to all CG Employees and Pensioners and arrears of 3 IDA installments to BSNL/MTNL Pensioners.

4.     Revise the pension of BSNL/ MTNL absorbed pensioners from 01-01-2017 with 15% fitment, delinking wage revision.

5.     Allow Updating of Pension to all Bank Pensioners.

6.     Accept and implement all recommendations of Parliament Standing Committee including additional pension from 65th year of age, FMA enhancement to 3000/- per month etc.,

7.     Improve CGHS functioning at all places – Grant higher ward entitlement to all retirees prior to 1.1.2006 also - Open Wellness Centers in all Districts – Merge CGHS – ECHS – RELHS as per 7th CPC recommendation – Implement Medical Insurance Scheme to Pensioners without delay - Do not delay fixing higher rates for treatment and pathological tests and empanel more private hospitals in the CGHS list -Ensure linking of CGHS with ABHA purely optional to beneficiaries.

8.     Restore commutation after 12 years instead of 15 years.

9.     Grant Option 1 as recommended by 7th CPC and also grant higher pay scales as granted to serving employees by each CPC to pensioners also who were retired from the same post.

10.  Grant Notional Increment to all 30th June Retirees from 1.1.2006.

11.       Modify MACP date of implementation from 1.1.2006 instead of 1.9.2008 to all Civilian Employees by giving individual option to opt beneficial upgradation and refix the Pension.

12.  Grant MACP by discounting competitiveness-based examinations to all based on Court Judgments by amending the MACP Rules.

13.  Grant of MACP to MTS, MailGuard, Postmen and Postal Assistants who were retired without MACP due to non- incorporation of any Bench Mark (very good etc.) in APAR.

14.  Restore Travel Concession to Senior Citizens in Indian Railways that were removed during corona.

15.  Enact Rules of Recognition for Pensioners Associations like CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 to recognize all India and State CGPA organizations of pensioners.