Saturday 24 September 2022

Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees) call for World Day!

 01.10.2022 - World Pensioners Day! 

Observe the day with other Pensioners Associations! 

Make the TUI(P&R) call most successful! 

Mingle 1.10.22 call with WFTU call of 3.10.22 for world peace and against wars - and hold programmes on 01.10.2022!

Prepare Digital banners - and hold the AIPRPA / NCCPA flags - and befittingly observe with all organisations! - KR GS AIPRPA

3rd AIC / Annual GB Notice Issued

 3rd All India Conference / Annual GB of AIPRPA

Notice of the 3rd AIC


The 3rd All India Conference / Annual GB will be held at A.K.G.Centre Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) on 13-14, December, 2022 under the presidentship of Comrade D.K.Rahate the CHQ President. The following items of Agenda will be considered there:

1.      Condolences

2.      Adoption of Report by the CMC.

3.      Adoption of Audited Accounts of CHQ for the financial years of 2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-21; and 2021-22.

4.      Adoption of Audited Accounts of Pensioners Post for the financial years of 2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-21; and 2021-22.

5.      Organisational review covering the functioning of AIPRPA CHQ – NCCPA – and TUI(P&R) and the urgent need to expand AIPRPA in all States.

6.      Organisational review covering the functioning of State Associations of AIPRPA.

7.      Review of activities of AIPRPA in building a strong alliance of Pensioners and Workers in Postal Department as well as outside.

8.      Review of AIPRPA role in Postal Strikes and Indian Working Class Strikes in which the NFPE and the Confederation of CG Employees are participants.

9.      Review of Struggles conducted and the role played by the States and Districts / Divisions.

10.  Review of activities of AIPRPA in implementing the calls of TUI (P&R) – Our role in the functioning of TUI (P&R).

11.  Building of a class-conscious broad umbrella organisation of Pensioners and Family Pensioners of Central Government. State Governments, Central & State sponsored Public Sectors etc in India and our role in the task.

12.  Stand of Government on MACP date of effect; MACP to Promotees; Notional Increment to 30th June Retirees; Fixation of pension based on the same pay scales granted to serving employees; Option Number 1 recommended by 7th CPC – Position of Various Court cases- and our task.

13.  Denial of 18 months arrears of Dearness Relief for the period from 1.1.2020 to 30.06.2021 and our role.

14.  Implementation of OMs of DoP on grant of higher scales to MailGuard & Postman / TBOP / BCR Postman & MailGuard; Early Implementation in all places of TBOP and BCR by including the period of induction training for direct recruited PA/SA; Fixation of Pension based on Option Number 3 and its implementation; Refixation of pension to compulsorily retired Pensioners and compassionate allowance drawees etc and our role thereto.

15.  Non settlement of issue arising out of DoP OM on exclusion of Pensioners from allotting Holiday Homes of Postal. 

16.  Inordinate delay in opening of CAT Madurai Bench.

17.  Problems connected with the functioning of CGHS in all respects – Problems experienced after merger of Postal Dispensaries with CGHS.

18.  Inordinate delay in implementing a scheme of Medical Insurance to Pensioners.

19.  Non-issue of ID Cards to Pensioners at free of cost in some States and problems experienced by Pensioners of some states.

20.  Non-restoration of fare concession to senior citizens by Indian Railways and non-grant of senior citizen concessions in fare in transport by various State Governments.

21.  Strengthening of Circulation of Pensioners Post monthly journal of CHQ and its finances.

22.  Financial Review and Quota remittances to CHQ and actin to improve the situation.

23.  Venue of the next AIC in 2025.

24.  Byelaw amendments.

25.  Election of Office Bearers of CHQ for the next term.

26. Appointment of Auditor.

27.  Vote of thanks.


General Secretary



* Total Number of Delegates and Visitors are kept at the limit of 450 as per the desire of the AIC Reception Committee. As per our calculations the Number of Delegates based on the actual remittances received during the three past financial years comes around 200. The Number of Delegates may go up marginally based on remittance checking by the Districts / Divisions. Therefore, the number of visitirs from all over india shall not go above 240-250. Cooperation of all is requested to this task. 

* Details of accommodation - Particulars of Reception Committee arrangements - Open Session / Inaugural Session details etc will be intimated by the Reception Committee to all States / Districts / Divisions. 

* All State General Secretaries and District / Divisional Association Secretaries are directed to communicate their arrival particulars to the Reception Committee General Convenor Comrade V.A.Mohanan [Kerala State GS] in phone No. 9447669180 / 9447321280 either as SMS or in whatsapp or by direct contact. This will help the Reception Committee volunteers to pick up at the Railway Station and to organize taking the delegates / visitors to the venue of accommodation. 

Friday 23 September 2022

NCCPA Circular on JCM Standing Committee Meeting

* NCCPA Circular on Decisions of  Standing Committee JCM Meeting held on 22.09.2022 are as under - KR GS AIPRPA



(Registered under the

T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021


Website:                                 President:  Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra. (97176 47594)

E mail:                               Secretary General: Com. K.K.N. Kutty. (98110 48303)

13.c Feroze Shah Road,

New Delhi. 110 001


Dated: 23.09.2022



Dear Comrades,

The meeting of the standing committee of National Council JCM was held today (22.9.22) under the Chairmanship of Secretary Personnel. There were many issues pertaining to the Pensioners in the agenda. The undersigned as a member of the Standing Committee participated in the discussions. The outcome of the discussions on each item is mentioned hereunder:-

1. FMA to Pensioners of National Institute of Ayurveda: The official side said that only after the Supreme Court directive they will be able to do anything in this matter.

2. Restoration of Senior Citizen Facility in Railways: The matter is under consideration.

3. Treating the Pensioners on par with the officials on duty for Guest House: Orders have been issued. Copy will be provided.

4. Pension to be exempted from Income Tax: The matter will be reconsidered in the light of discussions.

5. Disability Pension of War Heroes to be exempted from Income Tax: Will be reconsidered.

6. Pension revision in the case of Personnel Compulsorily retired: Orders issued.

7. Grant of enhanced pension on completion of 79 years: Not accepted.

8. Grievance redressal mechanism for Pensioners: The staff side wanted Pension Adalats to be held at Departmental levels. The issue will be further discussed.

9. Restoration of Commuted value of Pension after 12 years: Will be further discussed.

10. CGHS Related Issues:

i. Ward Entitlement.

ii. Lifetime CGHS facility for dependent disabled children.

iii. Health Insurance to Pensioners.

iv. To have Dispensary/Wellness Centres at all 108 Stations.

v. Enhancing FMA.

vi. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses for those who are not covered by CGHS.

vii. Increase the number of empanelled hospitals.

viii. Provision of sufficient staff in the dispensaries taken over from Postal Department.

ix. CGHS entitlement for Pensioners of Andaman and Lakshadweep Islands.

x. CGHS related Problems of Kerala.

xi. Online consultation facility.

xii. Cashless medical facilities to CGHS beneficiaries to be extended to all cities.

All the above items are to be discussed with Secretary Health. The date of the meeting will be indicated soon.


11. Board of Arbitration Awards: The matter will be discussed with the Staff Side.

12. MACP to be effective from 1.1.2006: The matter will be further discussed.

13. Notional Increment for those who retired on 30th June: Matter is subjudice.

14. Time limit to complete disciplinary proceedings of retired personnel: The staff side demanded that in case proceedings cannot be finalised within 3 years, he should be deemed to have been exonerated. The matter will be discussed further.


With fraternal Greetings.

KKN Kutty

Secretary General

Wednesday 21 September 2022

Pensioners Post September Issue getting printed!

 Pensioners Post September issue gone to Press!

Layout is complete and the September issue has gone to press today. As usual the issue will be posted to subscribers on 27th September. Besides usual features, this issue contains special write up on NPS, Life of pension in USA,  Need for a Litigation policy, Coimbatore CMC decisions etc. The editorial is about the importance of TUI call on 1st October. Wrapper is devoted to both TUI call and CMC photos -  KR, Editor, Pensioners Post.

Sunday 18 September 2022



Towards 3rd AIC

Central Managing Committee of AIPRPA

The physical Central Managing Committee of AIPRPA CHQ was held at Coimbatore City of Tamilnadu under the presidentship of CHQ President Comrade D.K.Rahate. Arrangements for stay, catering and meeting were nicely done by the Reception Committee consisting of Coimbatore AIPRPA leaders headed by Comrades T.Subramanian (President); D.Sivaraju (General Convenor); and S.Karunanidhi (Regional Secretary AIPRPA) with dedicated volunteers. The role of Reception Committee including its commitment to pick up all CMC Members from Railway Station and Airport received high appreciation.

Majority of members of AIPRPA CMC attended the CMC despite the pandemic threat and participated lively in the deliberations. The following decisions were taken unanimously in the CMC meeting which paid homage to departed leaders at the outset of the meeting.


1.      The house approved the previous CMC decisions.

2.      The Report to be placed by the CMC before the All-India Conference was finalised with various suggestions of the CMC Members.

3.      It was decided to place the audited accounts of CHQ and the accounts of CHQ journal Pensioners Post for adoption in the AIC along with the Report.

4.      The Agenda and Notice of the AIC was finalized.

5.      The AIC will have a two-day session on 13th and 14th of December, 2022 and half a day of first day will be the inaugural/open session so that the remaining one and a half day will be fully available for the subjects committee discussions. Efforts will be taken to conclude the AIC by 5.00 P.M on 14th December, 2022. The delegate and visitor fee for the AIC will be Rs.1000/-. The decision was that all invitees will present their speeches in the open session itself so that no time of subjects committee is disturbed.

6.      The Delegates to each District / Divisional Association under each State was decided and announced based on both the Life Membership and the average members based on the average quota received during the past three financial years. The unlinked entries in the accounts will be taken into account if the Districts / Divisions come with proof of remittance but based on the quota particulars available with the CHQ it was intimated that the total number of Delegates entitled are 206. The CMC decided on the request of the Reception Committee that the total number of Delegates and Visitors will be limited to 450 with minor up or down of that number.

7.      The earlier decision of the CMC to submit the latest mailing list of the District / Divisional Secretaries with their email IDs and WhatsApp numbers and also the questionnaire on the AIPRPA organization shall be submitted within the next 10 days so that the Report to the AIC is improved accordingly as well as all the Divisional Secretaries are included in the CHQ run WhatsApp groups. It was noted that only three States of Tamilnadu, Jharkhand and Assam have replied to the Questionnaire sent by the CHQ. Other States were requested to submit the same.

8.      The activities of CHQ and the usage of Social Media Platforms by us as well as the functioning of NCCPA and TUI(P&R) were reviewed and decided to place them before the AIC through the Report.

9.      The difficulties posed by the pandemic and the need to get the prior permission of the RNI New Delhi to include the Hindi Pages in the monthly organ “Pensioners Post” were reviewed and decision taken to convert the journal from English into bilingual one after the conference. The CMC further decided to reiterate the earlier decision to compulsorily make all Office Bearers of States and Districts / Divisions as annual subscribers before the current year December.

10.  On implementation of Standing Committee of Parliament recommendations and the need to improve the functioning of CGHS as well as introduce a Medical Insurance Scheme, the CMC decided to place its views before the AIC as well as insist for appropriate programme of Action through NCCPA. The pending state of all court cases as in the AIC Draft Report were recognized by the CMC.

11.  Delhi Organisational Dispute was discussed after the unanimous opinion of the Dispute Resolving Committee consisting of Comrades D.K.Debnath (Assam State GS), B.P.Shastri Ganak (M.P State GS); M.Z.Khan (Jharkhand State GS) headed by the CHQ President Comrade D.K.Rahate. The Annexures as presented by the DRC clearly revealed that Comrade Deepchand was functioning as the State General Secretary of Delhi State for the past years. Therefore the list circulated by Comrade Giriraj Singh by convening a GB without the notice issued by the sitting State GS is not accepted by the CMC as a valid list. The CMC took notice of its earlier decision that no State or District should organize any physical meeting of pensioners during the period of pandemic and therefore the non-convening of any GB by Delhi State is in order only. The CMC also not happy with the non-cooperation of Comrade Giriraj Singh and his rejection to present his views before the DRC appointed by the AIPRPA CMC. However, in the best interest of organization, it was decided that the CHQ will issue notice to conduct a GB / Conference for Delhi State on 22nd November, 2022 and the notice will be issued by the CHQ with sufficient copies handed over to representatives of both the groups for wide circulation. The CMC decided that the Report will be placed by Comrade Deepchand the State General Secretary of Delhi State in the above GB / Conference. Audited Accounts will be presented by the Treasurer Comrade Satprakash in the GB/Conference but it should be the accounts after amalgamation of all receipts and expenses handed by both Comrade Deepchand as the State GS and Comrade Satprakash as the Treasurer of Delhi State. Only three items of agenda as follows will be there for the proposed Delhi State GB/Conference viz., the Report, the Accounts, and the Election of Office Bearers to the ensuing term. All those who are enrolled as members of AIPRPA can attend GB/Conference to be held on 22nd November 2022. The CHQ General Secretary will preside over the GB/Conference and the President will be present. Other Members of the DRC may also present themselves in the GB/Conference. If any side wants a contest for State General Secretary post, the CHQ will ensure that the contest democratically decides it. The endeavour of the CHQ will be to form a united team for Delhi State. The President of AIPRPA CHQ also requested to use his good offices to bring a situation of unity and abiding by the decisions of the CMC in the larger interest of AIPRPA organization. CMC decided to appeal to all to cooperate with the decision of the CMC to bring normalcy in Delhi State and restore smooth functioning with all Postal Pensioners of Delhi State remain united.

12.  Under any other item the issue of Bihar State Conference was taken up for discussion. The CMC noted that the absence of advance intimation and invitation to CHQ about the Bihar State Conference was not in good taste. Moreover, there is no quota from any District / Division of Bihar since for formation of State Steering Committee headed by Comrade Amaresh Thakur as the State General Convenor. However, giving some lenience because of the pandemic etc, the following decisions were taken by the CMC unanimously:

(1) The elected body of Bihar State on 28.08.2022 and communicated by the letter dated 01.09.2022 by Comrade Suresh Sharma with Comrades Baleshwar Upadyaya and Suresh Sharma as President and State General Secretary will be allowed to function as the Adhoc Body of Bihar as the organization in Bihar is very weak; (2) The elected body for Bihar State cannot be taken as a full-fledged state body because of absence of due notice and absence of legal formation of divisions and its recognition by the CHQ; (3) The adhoc body headed by Comrade Baleshwar Upadyay as the President and Comrade Suresh Sharma as the State General Convenor will hold a Bihar State Conference within six months from today with the due information to CHQ and due notice to all Divisions. (4) All efforts will be undertaken by the Adhoc Body to form Divisions in as many Districts / Divisions as possible within 6 months; (5) The newly formed Districts / Divisions should send due quota for 2022-23 and get the due recognition from the CHQ as per constitution / bylaws of the Association; (5) Comrade K.D.Bhagat and his friends who are not satisfied with the conduct of the State Conference without proper notice etc should understand the inherent weakness of the Bihar State Organization and try to unite with the rest and cooperate with the Adhoc Body to run the AIPRPA organization in the state with the aim of building a strong postal pensioners movement.

13.  The CMC ended with the honouring of Reception Committee Members at the end.