Saturday 31 January 2015



Draft Declaration for adoption of the Convention is already placed in the website of AIPRPA & NCCPA

Comrade S.K.Vyas Secretary General BCPC had invited suggestions for modification or addition to the Draft Declaration.

AIPRPA has proposed one addition to the Charter of Demands viz., "Free Medical Treatment through smart card to all Pensioners in both Government and all Private Hospitals aided and approved by CGHS, Central and State Government as well as ending of discrimination shown to Postal Pensioners in joining CGHS after retirement"

Any more suggestions required in the Draft may be proposed by AIPRPA members through email communication to CHQ to the following email ID:

General Secretary AIPRPA

Monday 26 January 2015



NAGPUR - 15.02.2015

The National Convention of All Pensioners Organisations sponsored by the BCPC that is going to be held at Nagpur on 15th February, 2015 is a leadership convention.

Besides BCPC and NCCPA Office Bearers, only two representatives for each participating organisation will be attending as delegates.

AIPRPA will therefore be represented by its CHQ President Comrade D.K.Rahate (Mumbai) and Deputy General Secretary Comrade Surinderpal (Chandigarh).

Comrades K.Ragavendran General Secretary AIPRPA will be attending the above convention in his capacity as the Deputy Secretary General of BCPC. Other two Office Bearers of BCPC from our Postal Pensioners Organisation viz., Comrades D.D.Singh (Agra) Deputy SG BCPC and H.L.Sidhu (Haryana) Assistant Treasurer of NCCPA.

All other Office bearers and State General Secretaries of AIPRPA who have earlier booked their tickets are accordingly requested to cancel their train tickets.This is unavoidable in the background of arrangements to the National Convention at Nagpur is being made only for a limited number participants. 

General Secretary

Friday 23 January 2015

Draft Declaration for the National Convention of Pensioners Organisations sponsored by BCPC

AT NAGPUR ON 15-02-2015

BCPC has released the Draft Declaration for consideration of all Organisations

The Declaration as placed in the website of NCCPA is reproduced below for your consumption:

General Secretary - AIPRPA

Bharat Central Pensioners Confederation

13-C, Ferrozshah Road, New Delhi - 110001

S.C.Maheswari                                                                                    S.K.Vyas

        Chairman                                                                               Secretary General

0-9868488199                                                                                  09868244035

                                                                                                                                    January    ,2015

Dear Shri …………..

Hope you are participating in the National Convention of Pensioners being held at Nagpur on 15.2.2015.

2.        Enclosed herewith please find the Draft Declaration which is to be placed in the Convention for adoption. You may kindly consider it and suggest amendments, additions, deletions and /or improvement in this draft. Your suggestion may kindly be sent to Com. D.V. Dhaktod, 63, Dharampet Society, Layout – 3, Deendayal Nagar, Nagpur (and / or to email I.D. You may also kindly inform Com. D.V. Dhaktod (phone No.07122294833) the number of delegates who would be participating from your organization in this convention.

3.        It may be noted that Pensioners Federations/ All India Associations / Coordination Committees all to participate in this convention through their Office bearers and not the branch / Unit Associations.

With warm greetings,


This National Convention of Pensioners Association held at Nagpur on 15th February 2015, adopts the following declaration:-

1.        Notes with grave concern that Pensioners along with workers & employees are continuing to be victims of severe economic offensive of the successive Government that came to power in the country since the new economic policies were ushered in 1991.

2.        Due to increasing resort to casualisation and contracterization in appointments, many such employees on retiring are not being given any pension. High inflation resulting on account of policies of liberalisation, like dismantling Public Distribution Scheme, Forward Trading in 40 essential items etc has also hit pensioners in a big way by introducing the New Pension Scheme and enacting PFRDA Act, 2013 the Social Security in old age has been demolished for those entering service on or after 1.1.2004. The Sixth Central Pay Commission has recommended that merger of D.A. / DR should not take place and has also discarded the principle of equalization of pension / parity in pension between past & future pensioners.

2.        At the General Election for 16th Lok Sabha people at large have handed the Indian National Congress, who led the UPA II regime, the worst ever defeat in its history. Those who came to power i. e. NDA led by BJP have no different approach on policies or governance. But for BJPs support the PFRDA Act, could not have been passed. Through various policy pronouncements, the new Government has made its intensions clear. FDI has been allowed entry in Insurance (49%) Defence (26 to 49%) Raiilway (100%) and in New Pension Scheme. It is very likely that the New Pension Scheme replaces all existing defined benefit dispensations / reduce the pension etc. entitlement for which powers has been vested under provisions of PFRDA Act. The guidelines regulating price of essential and life saving medicines have already been withdrawn resulting in huge increases in price of several medicines etc.

3.        It is in the backdrop of this scenario that the Pensioners should look up for settlement of their demands which have been pending for long. Pensioners have been active participants in the struggles and strike actions of the Indian working class in the last two decades against the new – liberal policies. They have marched to the Parliament on several occasions shoulder to shoulder with working people and more recently on 5.12.2014 to register and demonstrate the emphatic protest and opposition to Governments economic policies, New Pension Scheme / PFRDA Act. While being part of common struggles of the working class, Pensioners will have to chalkout programmes to achieve their following demands:-

  1. That date of effect of Pension Revision by 7th CPC is 1.1.2014.
  2. That Revision of pension is done after each 5 years.
  3. That 7th CPC covers the most exploited segment of civil services viz Casual /      contract workers and the G.D.S.
  4. That Interim Relief @ 25% of their Pension is granted with effect from 1.1.2014.
  5. That the Dearness Relief which stood 100% of pension as on 1.1.2014 is merged with pension.
  6. That full Parity in pension is granted to past pensioners as on 1.1.2014.   (Since same Rank Same Pension has already been extended to Armed forces).
  7. That PFRDA Act may be scrapped and defined benefit statutory Pension Scheme reintroduced for those who entred service on or after 1.1.2014.
  8. That the existing Pensioners Federation /BCPC/ Coordination Committees may be accorded recogniotion and facilities like accommodation for office etc.
  9. That SCOVA may be recognized and functions on the Pattern of JCM and Compulsory Arbitration Scheme.
    Since Central Government Employees have already embarked on a sustained struggle culminating in an indefinite Strike in support of their demands, this convention decides the following programme of Action:

  1. Organise State/District level Conventions to popularise the declaration in the month of March 2015.
  2. Join massive dharnas / rallies being organized by C.G.Es at all state Capitals in the month of March 2015
  3. Organise campaign fortnight through out the country in April 2015
  4. Join employees Mass Rally before Parliament on 28th April 2015.


Yours fraternally,


Secretary General

Saturday 17 January 2015


CMC (Central Managing Committee) Meeting held at New  Delhi on 17-01-2015

VAN.Namboodiri President AIBDPA inaugurating the CMC

As notified the 1st meeting of the Central Managing Committee (CMC) was held at the M.P Club, North Avenue, New Delhi 110001 on 17-01-2015 under the Presidentship of CHQ President Comrade D.K.Rahate. Comrade Rajender Prasad Verma (CHQ Organising General Secretary & the Chairman of the Reception Committee) formally delivered the welcome address. Despite the cold weather and late running of trains Office Bearers and State General  Secretaries representing Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Delhi attended the CMC.

The CMC was inaugurated by Comrade VAN.Namboodiri (President of All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association) and his speech elaborated on the growing international unity of Pensioners and Senior Citizens since the international conference of TUI at Barcelona (Spain) and the problems faced by the pensioners in the background of new political climate. He traced the history of social security in the world and how that rights are being taken away in the background of fall of socialism and growth of neo-liberalism. He also informed the Asia Pacific regional meeting of TUI Pensioners & Senior Citizens will be hosted by AIBDPA in New Delhi shortly.

Comrade S.K.Vyas (Secretary General NCCPA) addressed the CMC and in detail narrated the pensioners demands before the 7th CPC and pointed out that the issues of pensioners are linked with the issues of CG Employees like DA Merger, Interim Relief etc. He touched the issue of bringing GDS under the 7th CPC ambit and the justification of Parity in Pension as recommended by the Mathew Commission. He advised us to start an educative campaign among all Postal Pensioners about the pensioners demands and the attitude of the Government that is denying them. He emphasized about formation of departmental  level Pensioners Organisations like the BSNL DOT Pensioners Association, the AIPRPA etc being a scientific approach and said that as like the Confederation of CG Employees the pensioners movement also will be strengthened by the strengthening of all departmental level pensioners organisations coming under a united banner like BCPC / NCCPA. He explained about the importance of Nagpur All Pensioners National  Convention on 15-02-2015 and said that convention will finalise the Pensioners Charter and the path to be followed unitedly by all Pensioners Organisations.

Comrade R.Seethalakshmi General Secretary of P4 NFPE addressed the CMC and highlighted the need to take  up the issues of GDS under SDBI scheme and about the inordinate delay in settlement of retirement benefits to GDS Promotees and the need to bring in more women pensioners to the managing committees of AIPRPA at all levels. She assured total support in building the AIPRPA.

Comrade N.Subramanian General Secretary of P3 NFPE praised the preparation of the Memorandum to 7th CPC by AIPRPA and explained the taking up the problem of non-inclusion of postal pensioners in CGHS after retirement in the Postal Departmental Council JCM meeting recently held. He suggested taking up several issues of Postal Pensioners on the lines of benefits extended to Railways Pensioners etc by the respective departments and assured all cooperation and support of P3 organisation in building the AIPRPA.

Comrade K.P.Singh AGS R3 NFPE addressed the CMC and assured all support to the AIPRPA on  behalf of his organisation.

The subjects committee approved the Agenda as circulated by the CHQ and a written report by the General Secretary was submitted for the consideration of the CMC. Comrade K.Ragavendran General Secretary initiated discussion on the agenda items and focussed on the issues of pensioners in general and the Postal Pensioners in particular and stressed the need to strengthen the AIPRPA at all states and this could not be done without total interaction with the NFPE leadership at all levels. As a follow up to the joint appeal by the SG NFPE and GS AIPRPA, the issue will be discussed with NFPE and a way to organise a discussion between the Circle Secretaries of NFPE and the AIPRPA leaders will be evolved. All CHQ Office Bearers and State General Secretaries of AIPRPA will have to take initiative to sit with the Circle Secretaries of NFPE unions and focus on formation of AIPRPA in those states where no formation has taken place so far. He also presented that the experience of both 17th December Pensioners Day programme and the 12th January FMA demonstrations and said that our membership participated with full enthusiasm in these programmes of CHQ and therefore we can organise a Programme of Action on our Sectional Demands in addition to any Programme of Action finalised by the BCPC National Convention at Nagpur. He explained about the need to release a journal for CHQ and certain names suggested for the journal by comrades.  

A discussion followed and all participating CMC Members took part and presented their valuable views. All Comrades appreciated the call given by CHQ for 12-01-2015 FMA demonstrations as timely and successful and reported that the participation of pensioners in the demonstrations was enthusiastic. They collectively felt that more Programme of Action on important sectional issues is necessary but that can be launched after the completion of common movement if any is finalised by the BCPC National Convention. Many speakers concentrated on CGHS deficiencies; Non-admission of Postal Pensioners into CGHS; Lack of CSMA facilities in spite of the Supreme Court directives; Rent free BSNL landline to Postal Pensioners; Allotment of vacant staff quarters to Pensioners on concession rent; inclusion of family pensioners and GDS and NPS Pensioners as members into our organisation; Problems faced by Pensioners in drawing pension on the pension day due to technical problems faced by introduction of CBS in some places; and need for a mechanism for periodical negotiation with the authorities as like staff associations. 

The President also delivered the Presidential speech on all issues of agenda. After the summing up by the General Secretary the following decisions were taken unanimously:

  1. All Office Bearers and State General Secretaries will attend the Nagpur National Convention of BCPC on 15-02-2015.
  2. All suggestions of the Office Bearers and State General Secretaries will be noted by the CHQ and appropriate follow up action will be taken.
  3. A Programme of Action on Charter of Demands as finalised by National Convention will be effectively carried out. Efforts will be made to include important Postal Pensioners issues in the Charter itself.
  4. A Programme of Action on Postal Pensioners’ Sectional issues will be undertaken if necessary after the Programme of Action of Common issues as finalised by BCPC Convention is completed.
  5. CHQ will interact with NFPE for necessary directions to Circle Secretaries of NFPE at all Circles for a discussion with the AIPRPA leaders to collectively plan formation of AIPRPA in those States where the formation has not yet taken place. It was emphasised and understood that without the active involvement of NFPE leadership at all levels the building of AIPRPA into a strong organisation will be impossible. This fact must be borne in mind by all comrades and the task of building AIPRPA should be attended to with close consultation and cooperation of Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions as guided by the NFPE & AIPRPA joint circular.
  6. Until a journal is published for CHQ, a monthly Bulletin will be regularly issued by the CHQ. All the States will email the mailing list of all District / Divisional Secretaries with Mobile Numbers for facilitating sending of the Bulletin directly to all.
  7. All State General Secretaries and the CHQ Office Bearers in those States where no State General Secretaries are elected so far will issue a Circular to Pensioners explaining the background of AIPRPA formation; the role played by AIPRPA in formulating the common and sectional memorandum to 7th Pay Commission; the issues being taken up by the CHQ with the Administration and the Programmes launched so far by the CHQ etc to members in local languages.
  8. The Flag of the AIPRPA will be of 3:2 in Red Colour with White letters of AIPRPA. For an appropriate logo to our Association, suggestions will be invited from all Comrades and the best will be selected as our LOGO.
  9. The finances of the CHQ and the State Associations should be strengthened. The CHQ Office Bearers and the State General Secretaries will monitor and arrange for remittance of due quota to CHQ and State by the District Associations as per the by-law provisions.
The role of the Reception Committee of Delhi State AIPRPA came to praise by all participating comrades. The Reception Committee was in fact took pains to organise the CMC meeting in a befitting manner and all arrangements of the venue of the CMC and catering arrangements were of nice order. The CMC concluded with a formal vote of thanks.

General Secretary

Rajender Prasad Verma Chairman Reception Committee welcoming CMC Members

K.Ragavendran GS garlanded by Sankarpal Singh Reception Committee
CHQ President D.K.Rahate delivering Presidential Address
S.K.Vyas SG NCCPA addressing the CMC

CMC members in session
R.Seethalakshmi GS P4 addressing the CMC

Friday 16 January 2015

Central Managing Committee Meeting of AIPRPA CHQ

All India CMC of AIPRPA meets in New Delhi






CMC will deliberate on Building and Strengthening of AIPRPA in all States; Considering launch of a Programme of Action on Sectional issues of Postal & RMS Pensioners; Role to be played in the BCPC All Pensioners National Convention etc.

Tuesday 13 January 2015




The letter of AIPRPA CHQ and the reply of Secretary General NCCPA are reproduced below with the request for all Postal & RMS Pensioners to come forward to strengthen the AIPRPA ipso facto the NCCPA organisations:


2/44, Muthial Chetty Street, Purasawalkam, Chennai – 600 007.

Ph: 09444919295

Email ID:

AIPRPA / Dec / 1 Dated 31st December, 2014



Secretary General


New Delhi – 110001


Sub: Formation of AIPRPA in all States and Districts – Certain inhibitions and hesitations in some areas – regarding.

Dear Comrade,

You may kindly remember that the AIPRPA (All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association) was founded in the 1st foundation AIC at Vellore (Tamilnadu) in which several leaders including yourself had participated. The AIPRPA was formed as per the decision of the unanimous resolution adopted in the 9th Federal Council of NFPE held at Hyderabad in the month of June, 2013.

As we proceed to constitute State and District level organisations, we are facing a situation in one or two states like Assam and West Bengal where the Postal Pensioners are feeling that this formation of AIPRPA may weaken the united pensioner's movement being built by NCCPA under your leadership. There is also a feeling that formation of a monolithic Pensioners' organisation for the Postal Pensioners is a step towards weakening the composite CGPA Organisations.

I have seen your reply letter to a similar question from the Secretary General of National Federation of Civil Accounts Employees. I therefore request you kindly to clarify as to how the NCCPA look the step being taken by us to establish AIPRPA as a monolithic postal pensioners' organisation? As we are proceeding to sit in our All India Managing Committee soon, your enlightenment will  help us in our endeavour to build our organisation.

Thanking you comrade,                                                    

Yours comradely,



General Secretary

13-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi -110001

                                                                                                                 Ph:- 9868244035

No.F1-2(P)/14                                                                                                January    , 2015


Dear Com. K. Ragvendran,

Thanks for your letter dated 31.12.2014. As I was out of Delhi, there is a certain delay in reply for which I may kindly be excused.

NCCPA is not at all opposed to the idea of a monotithic Pensioners Organisation of Postal Pensioners. we have seen that formation of Central Government (Composite) Pensioners Associations have not been
able to motivate all pensioners to join them. If  postal pensioner has initiated to form CGPA, the majority of those who have joined it, are Postal Pensioners and only a few Pensioners from other Departments have joined it. If on the other hand an Audit & Accounts Pensioner has initiated to form Pensioners Association, the majority who have joined it are Audit & Accounts Pensioners with few from other Departments. Whereas Postal Pensioners Associations / Railway Pensioners Associations / Central Excise & Customs Pensioners Associations whereever formed have obtained membership from most of the pensioners from respective Departments. On the basis of these ground realities, NCCPA totally favours Pensioners Associations of respective Departments which can federate into a National level Pensioners Associations of respective Departments and these federations can affiliate with NCCPA while their Circle / State level bodies may affiliate with the State /Circle Committees of NCCPA. This is the pattern which is obtaining in Confederation of CGEs & Workers as well.


The CGP as already in existence would obviously be reluctant for such a reorganisation of Pensioners Associations as they would take this move as poaching away some of their members. If we explain that since these Departments wise Pensioners Associations will affiliate at the National level with NCCPA and at State / Circle level with state committees, the composite character would be restored with wider unity amongst the Pensioners, I hope this will satisfy them.


With greetings,


Yours fraternally,



Secretary General


Monday 12 January 2015

FMA Demonstrations


Rajanayagam District Secretary Kanniyakumari among others in the demonstration
Kanniyakumari District AIPRPA holding demo in front of divisional office

General Secretary KR, Patron AIPRPA TN AGP, Chennai District Secretary MRM among others in Chennai Demonstration

FNPO SG D.Theagarajan and AIPRPA GS KR jointly presided the joint demonstration

Coimbatore District holding protest - District Secretary Sivaraj in picture

Erode (TN) demonstrations 

Erode District Secretary N.Ramasamy addressing the demonstration

Thrissur (Kerala) holding the demonstration - Kerala State GS Mohanan addressing

Thiruvananthapuram District holding protest demonstration

Thiruvananthapuram district demonstrations - Women Pensioners also in protest

Kerala Circle Unions also show solidarity - Leaders including Muralidharan CS P3 in picture

AIPRPA GS KR addressing - Presidium D.Theagarajan FNPO SG on dais of the joint protest by RMS staff and Pensioners

Salem District AIPRPA Demonstrating
Tirunelveli District Demonstration

Vellore District AIPRPA on demonstration

1st CMC Meeting of AIPRPA


Central Managing Committee meets on 17th in New Delhi

The Meeting will be held in MP Club - North Avenue - New Delhi – 110001

Delhi State AIPRPA has made all arrangements for the CMC

CHQ Office Bearers and State General Secretaries are requested to inform the time of their arrival and departure at New Delhi by SMS to General Secretary in mobile No:09444919295 to enable the Reception Committee to make necessary arrangements for Bistar, Bedding, accommodation etc for the night stay. 

Andhra and Telengana Comrades will stay in R4 CHQ
Kerala Comrades will stay in R3 CHQ
Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat Comrades will stay in NFPE Office.
Other State Comrades will stay in 4C, Kalibari Marg P&T Quarters, New Delhi – 110001.

Comrade VAN.Namboodiri Patron BSNLEU and National President AIBDPA will inaugurate the Central Managing Committee meeting.

Comrades M.Krishnan Secretary General Confederation will be our Chief Guest; R.N.Parashar Secretary General NFPE; and General Secretaries of Postal Unions in Delhi will also attend and address the CMC as our honoured Guests.

The CMC will deliberate on many important issues and also on the Sectional Charter of Demands of Postal & RMS Pensioners. The CMC also will plan about our participation in the National Convention of All Pensioners Organisations under the banner of BCPC at Nagpur.

All CMC Members are requested to attend without fail. The climate in Delhi is fast improving and according to Delhi State Comrades the climate will be very much improved at the time of CMC. As per the weather forecast it will be 18 degrees maximum temperature and 8 degree lowest temperature in night and it will be mostly sunny. Therefore the climate will be tolerable and need not be afraid. However, all are requested to bring  sweater, jerkins, monkey cap and shawl with them. 

With CMC Greetings

General Secretary

FMA enhancement orders endorsed by DoP

Postal Directorate endorses FMA orders 

Success to AIPRPA's organisational efforts

Dear Comrades / Friends,

The CHQ has addressed the issue non-drawal of enhanced FMA as per the orders issued by the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare to the POSB Pensioners and due to inordinate delay issued a call for nationwide protest demonstrations before HPOs / Divisional Offices / ROs / Chief PMG Offices.

The CHQ also sent an email to the Secretary Department of Posts communicating the protest action to be undertaken by Postal & RMS Pensioners on 12th January, 2015.

NFPE also wrote to Directorate about the issue and has taken efforts to expedite the issue of endorsement orders.

As we launch the protest demonstrations in various parts of the country as per the call, the Directorate issued its endorsement orders and in turn the offices of Chief PMG are sending the orders down below. This is a success to our organisational efforts. 

The CHQ congratulates all State and District organisations of AIPRPA for organising the call very seriously - The CHQ also thanks the NFPE for its earnest efforts to get the issue sorted out with the Postal Directorate - The CHQ thanks the BSNL DOT Pensioners Association for its solidarity with the cause of Postal Pensioners. CHQ also thanks all Circle and Divisional Unions of service associations and unions for their cooperation and support to AIPRPA. 

The orders issued by the Directorate is reproduced below: 

Sunday 11 January 2015



The 1st State Conference of AIPRPA Telengana State was organised under the chairmanship of Comrade CH.V.Ramarao the Organizing General Secretary of CHQ in Hyderabad on 11.01.2015. The Conference was held at the AITUC Hall and was attended by more than 200 Delegates from all parts of the State. There are 8 District Associations under the Telengana State and Delegates from all the districts participated. The annual report was placed for adoption by Comrade R.S.Prakash Rao and the Accounts were placed for acceptance by Comrade B.Seshagiri Rao.

The State Conference was inaugurated by Comrade K.Ragavendran General Secretary. The Conference was addressed by Comrades T.Narasimhan Vice President of the CHQ as well as the Chairman AITUC Telengana State; Nageswara Rao the State General Secretary of Confederation of CG Employees & Workers; and Comrade P.Mohan General Secretary of Postal Casual labourers Federation. 

The Delegates session approved the Report and the Accounts and elected  a list of Office Bearers headed by Comrade CH.V.Ramarao as the State President; Comrade R.S.Prakash Rao as the State General Secretary; Comrade B.Seshagiri Rao as the Treasurer. 

The CHQ congratulates all Office Bearers of Telengana State for taking up the responsibility of building a stronger AIPRPA. 

KR General Secretary inaugurating

Delegates session

A view of delegates

Nageswara Rao State GS Confederation addressing

T.Narasimhan CHQ Vice President and AITUC Telengana State President addressing