Saturday 27 August 2016

Appeal for Special Donation from 7th CPC Arrears


The Central Working Committee just concluded after two days session has resolved to call upon the membership to strengthen the finances of District / Divisional Associations and State and CHQ organisations in addition to the Monthly Organ "Pensioners Post".

The District and Divisional organisations are hereby called upon to appeal to members to donate a sum of Rs.500/- only from the 7th CPC arrears. The donation so collected shall be distributed in the following manner:

District / Divisional Association: 200/-
State Association: 100/-
CHQ: 100/-
Pensioners Post: 100/-

The strengthening of the finances is very important as without strong funds it is impossible to establish faster growth of our AIPRPA at the all India level. 

Rise up to the occasion!
Appeal for funds from basic members!
Send the donation to all levels as decided by the CWC!


Postal Pensioners Programme of Action on Common and Sectional Demands of Pensioners!

Both Common & Postal Sectional!

The CWC of AIPRPA held at Chennai has resolved to organise a nationwide Programme of Action by the Postal & RMS Pensioners to highlight the important issues of Pensioners as well as peculiar major issues of Postal Pensioners before the Central Government. The Charter of Demands and the Programme of Action finalized by the Central Working Committee is as follows:
Postal Pensioners Sectional Charter
 AIPRPA shall undertake an All India Programme of Action to highlight the basic common issues of Pensioners and important sectional issues of Postal Pensioners viz.,
(a)    Grant of Universal pension of minimum 3000/- to all Senior Citizens of India irrespective of the fact that they had worked in private sector or unorganized sectors as being demanded by the Central TUs.
(b)   Scrap NPS to all CG Employees recruited from 1.1.2004 and bring them all under Defined Pension Scheme.
(c)    Grant of Full Parity in Pension between the past, present and future pensioners akin to OROP granted to Pensioners of Armed Forces.
(d)   Accept the recommendation of Option Number 1 given by the 7th CPC for pension Refixation by notionally adding the number of increments earned by the pensioner in the pre-revised scale of pay from which he/she had retired as the same is feasible by records either directly or by reconstruction.
(e)   Correct the recommendation by changing the “nearest level” to “next level” in fixing the stages after each annual increment in the Pay Matrix for the employees (like 6th CPC formula) and Link the pension re-fixation under Option Number 2 with the Matrix to the next level on par with the employees.
(f)     Grant of Refixation of Pension on the basis of the scale of pay of the cadre / post from which the Pre-2016 Pensioners had retired instead of only on the basis of the replacement scales to end the injustice being done to the retirees belonging to the cadres of Postman, IPOs, ASPOs etc in the Department of Posts.
(g)    Ending the injustice perpetrated to HSG-1 Pre-2006 Pensioners by granting the benefit of 4600 GP as granted to serving employees from 1.1.2006 by accepting that the scale is only a replacement scale in the backdrop of feeder cadre is allotted the 4200 GP scale by 6th CPC.
(h)    Issue of orders as agreed by the Department and also as ordered by the Supreme Court for the grant of pension re-fixation for all Post-1.1.1996 Pensioners of Postman cadre with two advance increments.
(i)      Grant of minimum pension by delinking the condition of 33 years of qualifying service to compulsorily retired employees also w.e.f 1.1.2006 as envisaged by the original orders of the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare.
(j)     Enhance the Fixed Medical Allowance to 2000/- per month.
(k)    Accept and implement the positive recommendations of 7th CPC without delay on extension of medical benefits to all Pensioners including the Postal Pensioners by (1) removing the unjust condition of Health Ministry to allow all Postal Pensioners into the CGHS without any discrimination; (2) granting reimbursement facilities of in-patient treatment to all Pensioners in non-CGHS areas on par with the serving employees of that area; (3) Merger of existing P&T dispensaries with CGHS without conditions; (4) Finalization of Medical-insurance schemes covering all non-CGHS pensioners to get cashless and hassle free medical treatment; and (5) Merger of different systems like CGHS, Railway and Defence Hospitals to create a centralized health system for better Medicare to all employees and pensioners.
(l)      Revise the Pension by applying the orders for treating the training period as eligible service to get TBOP/BCR upgradations.
(m) Allot rent-free BSNL / MTNL land-line phone to all erstwhile P&T Pensioners without any condition on length of service as ordered by courts.
(n)   Allot vacant Postal Staff Quarters not preferred by serving employees to willing Postal Pensioners on seniority basis instead of keeping the quarters vacant for long time.

Nationwide Programme of Action

(i)                 AIPRPA CHQ will write to the Chairman of the High Level Committee; Health Minister; and Finance Minister focusing the Charter of Demands immediately.
(ii)               Demonstrations shall be held at all places by the AIPRPA on 19th September, 2016 and Memorandum will be forwarded to Health and Finance Ministers. (Draft Memorandum will be circulated to all through CHQ website)
(iii)             Mass Dharna by Postal & RMS Pensioners on 21st October, 2016 to demand implementation of the Charter of Demands.
(iv)              ‘Chalo Delhi’ by Postal & RMS Pensioners to conduct a ‘Mass Demonstration’ in front of Parliament on 21st February (Date will be subject to finalisation in consultation with NCCPA to synchronize with the National Convention against NPS proposed by NCCPA) and to submit the Memorandum to the Prime Minster of India.

We call  upon our rank & file Districts and Divisions to take the call seriously and start hectic preparations for all the Programmes including “Chalo Delhi” Parliament Dharna! Without our active protest like the Pensioners of Armed Forces who got their OROP through struggles, no advancement can be expected from the Government.


2nd Septermber Strike - Show total Solidarity by Pensioners!


The two-day session of our AIPRPA CHQ held at Chennai has resolved to organise Mass Demonstrations of Pensioners along with other Pensioners Organizations in NCCPA and also with other organizations in solidarity to the 2nd September Nationwide Strike by Working Class.

All over India, our States and Districts should take the initiative to organise the Postal Pensioners and join with other Pensioners Organisations to hold the Demonstrations on 2nd September. The struggle against the neo-liberal policies must be further strengthened in order to protect the Social Security and Pensionary rights. The neo-liberal policies have already created a massive Central Government and State Government employees and PSU workers as non-entities to Statutory Pension. The NPS is a serious attack on the right to defined pension under CCS Pension Rules, 1972. 

The recent announcement of the Government to pay Gratuity to NPS Retirees though advancement is not restoring the full right to Pension to Government Employees. Even this advancement of Gratuity to NPS has come about on the face of the impending 2nd September Strike and the opposition of NJCA to the NPS scheme itself!



Tuesday 23 August 2016

Updated Software received at HPOs!
Pension refixation & Arrears to Pre-2016 ensured this month!

Dear Comrades!

The updated software for 7th CPC implementation for pensioners has been received! Though CHQ not received any reply to its letter to DoP, the DoP has promptly acted in this matter! Now, it is up to the leaders of Districts / Divisions to see all get their fixation with arrears. But dont forget that this is only temporary. Full and final settlement depends on struggle preparation of employees and our solidarity to them! - KR GS AIPRPA

Friday 19 August 2016

Along with NFPE Federal Council AIPRPA Assam 1st State Conference!

Building AIPRPA!

1st  State Conference of Assam has been notified to be held on 9th September by comrade B.R.Lakhar State General Convenor. The conference will be held in the Recreation Club of Meghdoot Bhawan, Guwahati. Comrades may remember the formation of different District Committees and State Steering Committee were formed during March-April, 2016. Now, the 1st State Conference is being convened by the State Steering Committee. AIPRPA CHQ congratulates the speedy organisational action by Assam leaders! - KR GS AIPRPA

Welcome to Open Session!

AIPRPA CHQ CWC Open Session!

The All India CWC of AIPRPA CHQ will be held on 25-26 August, 2016 at Chennai. The venue for subjects committee and accommodation for CWC members is "DJ Ninaivagam, Old No.177, Singanna Chetty Street, Chintadripet, Chennai 600002".

The open session in which Chennai District basic Members as well as Tamilnadu State Office Bearers also will join will be held at 4.00 P.M on 25th, at SRMU Hall, Nakkeeran Arangam, Near Egmore Railway Station, Chennai 600008. All are welcome to open session.

The wall posters for open session are despatched today to all our District / Divisional Secretaries in Tamilnadu! 

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Pension Ministry says No need for Department Authorisation - But without Department endorsement Mysore PTC may not make changes in the software!


                                   ALL INDIA POSTAL & RMS PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION
(Regd. 83/2015 under Societies Act of TamilnaduSocieties Registration Act, 1975)
2/44, Muthial Chetty Street, Purasawalkam, Chennai - 600007 (Chennai HQ)
First Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, North Avenue, New Delhi - 110001 (Delhi HQ)

No.AIPRPA/CPC/2016 Dated 18.08.2016
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi -110001

Sub: Immediate endorsement of DOP&PW orders on implementation of 7th CPC recommendations to Pre-2016 Pensioners – regarding.
Ref: OM No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A)(ii) of DoP&PW dated 4.8.2016.

The Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare had already issued orders for implementation of 7th CPC Recommendations to refix the pension of all Pre-2016 Pensioners vides OM referred to above. Though it has been categorically stated in Para 9 of the above OM that “All Pension Disbursing Authorities including Public Sector Banks handling disbursement of pension to the Central Government Pensioners are hereby authorized to pay pension / family pension to existing pensioners / family pensioners at the revised rates in terms of para 4.1 and 5 above without any further authorization from the concerned Accounts Officers / Head of Office etc.

The following problems are encountered by the Pensioners in getting the Refixation of pension immediately as envisaged by the OM of Pension Ministry:
1.       Many HPOs are taking the position that usual endorsement from the Department has not come;
2.       It is stated by some DDOs that they require necessary modifications in the Accountant PBS Software for effective the revision of pension;
3.       The necessary modifications in the Accountant PBS software will be made by Mysore PTC only after the receipt of endorsement orders from the Postal Directorate;
4.       In the absence of endorsement from DoP, the Refixation of pension to Pre-2016 pensioners cannot be made even though the OM of Department of Pension authorizes payment on Refixation without waiting for any other authorization from respective Heads of Department etc.
It is therefore urged that immediate action may be initiated for effective necessary endorsement orders as otherwise the pensioners may not be in a position to draw revised pension on 31.08.2016.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary 
General Secretary AIPRPA

Tuesday 16 August 2016

NCCPA on the platform of Confederation National Conference!

Comrade K.Ragavendran GS AIPRPA conveys greetings of Pensioners to Confederation!

On 16th august, in the open session of 25th National Conference of Confederation of CG employees & workers at Chennai, comrade K.Ragavendran GS AIPRPA addressing on behalf of NCCPA expressed total solidarity of pensioners to the impending struggles of CG employees. He assured that in the event of indefinite strike by employees on rejection of basic issues by the High level Committees, and if ESMA and other draconian laws are used to attack CG leaders and workers - the pensioners will court arrest by rasta roko and picketing agitations as decided by the NCCPA National Executive.

Monday 15 August 2016

25th National Conference of Confederation!

25th National Conference of Confederation of CG Employees at Chennai

The Silver Jubilee Conference of Confederation is being held in its diamond jubilee year of existence under the chairmanship of President comrade KKN Kutty from 16-18 August. Parliament Members, Central TU leaders, NJCA leaders from Railways, Defence and Confederation, State Govt Employees Federation,  Officers Associations and NCCPA Pensioners Association leaders graced the dais in open session. Hundreds of Delegates including considerable women delegates attending. The Conference evinces great confidence that through struggle path, the CG employees will march ahead!

The Silver Jubilee Conference of Confederation is being held in its diamond jubilee year of existence under the chairmanship of President comrade KKN Kutty from 16-18 August. Parliament Members, Central TU leaders, NJCA leaders from Railways, Defence and Confederation, State Govt Employees Federation,  Officers Associations and NCCPA Pensioners Association leaders graced the dais in open session. Hundreds of Delegates including considerable women delegates attending. The Conference evinces great confidence that through struggle path, the CG employees will march ahead!

Saturday 13 August 2016


NCCPA CIRCULAR describing the outcome of the discussions the NJCA leaders held with the Pension Secretary on Option Number 1


13/c  Feroze shah  Road,
 New Delhi. 110 001
Dated: 12th August, 2016.

Dear Comrades,

            In the background of the setting up of the Committee to go into the feasibility of implementing the Option No. 1.  As per the Government notification on pension matter, the following members of NJCA met the Secretary Pension who is the chairman of the said committee today. 

1.    Coms. Shiv Gopal Misra,
2.    Com. M. Raghaviah,
3.    Com. K.K.N. Kutty and
4.    Com. Sreekumar.

From the discussion it has become evident that the Pension department is still persisting with their stand that  the recommendation of the 7th CPC giving alternative option to 2.57 multiplication formula is not possible to be acted upon for want of requisite documents for verification of the claim of the individual pensioners.   The have  still not assessed the magnitude of the so called  problems and rely upon the oral statements made by the heads of departments. The delegation has requested them to ascertain the actual number of persons in whose cases the requisite Service Books might not have been kept by the concerned department.   The delegation pointed out to them that the Finance Minister had categorically stated of the acceptance of the recommendation and the only thing the committee was expected to sort out the problems of implementation to the satisfaction of everybody concerned.  They made it clear to the Pension Secretary that once the Commission has recommended for any one alternatives,  the option is inevitable and exclusion of any one proposal will make the option incapable of tenability.  To deny Option No. 1. Is, they pointed out, would be an incongruity.   In any case, the delegation made it clear to the Secretary Pension and his officers that staff side would resist the move vehemently.
We have been given to understand by many organizations and individual pensioners that  various other document exist in the Government to verify the claim of the individual pensioners, who wanted the option No. 1. To be exercised.  The Government would be able to rely upon those documents for the purpose of verification.  The Secretary Pension has been told that they must issue for calling up for option from the individual pensioners,  with a request that their applications must accompany with documentary evidence to establish their claim.  Once the applications are received, the concerned Departments would be able to assess in whose cases the same is capable of verification and in whose cases records were not available.  In the case of the departments and individual pensioners,  in whose cases verification of the claim becomes difficult, alternate methodologies can be evolved to entertain and approve the claim. 
We would very much like to know from the organizations and individuals who asre in the knowledge of  pension related matters to  make suggestions to us so that in the next round of discussions, we would be able to present the case perfectly.   Kindly write to us only through the e mail addresses given below and send sms to the following number so as to enable the undersigned to access the suggestions made. 
Phone No.  for sms:   98110 48303
E mail addresses:

It is clear from the discussions that the Pension department is afraid of litigations as anomalies are bound to be arising  and therefore would shut out its possibility by not implementation the recommendations of the 7th CPC.   The Committee will meet formally with the staff Side within a fortnight’s time.  We request our affiliates to write to us immediately of their opinion in the matter.

We enclose herewith the letters written by the Convenor NJCA to the Government as also the Circular letter issued by him today. 

            With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General. 

Copy of NJCA letters

Copy of NJCA Circulat No. NJCA/2016/7th CPC   Dated  August 12, 2016
Dear Comrades,
We have been receiving communication from various organizations as also from individual employees after the promulgation of the notification by the Government on 7th CPC  recommendations.  Most of these communications had been to express the anxiety and in some cases anger too over the delay in setting up the high level committee, assured by the Group of Minister to review the minimum wage and multiplication factor. 
We have been pursuing the said issue on a day to day basis and we are fully appreciative of the apprehensions expressed in many of these letters.  Since the decision making in the Government is a long procrastinated matter involving various levels and departments, such delays are not uncommon.  But we have been informed as to why the assurances held out have not been  translated into action.
We have also noted that in the absence of the JCM functioning especially at the Departmental levels of various Ministries, the department specific anomalies and demands are not being subjected to any meaningful negotiations with the respective organizations.  We have addressed the Cabinet Secretary  to hold a special discussion with us on this subject immediately.  Copy of our letter is enclosed.
On 12th August, 2016, we have met the Secretary Pensions to convey our strong resentment over the decision to allow the Option No. 1 given to the pensioners to be implemented subject to feasibility.  We have  reiterated that while we are open to discussion as to the methodology of verification of the claims of individual petitions in respect of Option No.1, we would not be able to countenance of the non implementation of the recommendation of the 7th CPC on the flimsy ground of non availability of records. 
The available NJCA members  met today at Delhi to review the situation in the background of the feeling conveyed to us through letters from various organizations.  We have after taking note of the anxiety expressed and the ongoing discussions with various authorities over the setting up of the  high level committee to wait up to the end of this month  before we embark upon any action  for the setting upon of the said high level committee.   The employees may be apprised of this decision through the requisite campaign programme.
In the meantime, we must endeavour to support the one day strike action  slated for 2nd September, 2016 for which the call has been given by the Central Trade Unions  (including independent Federations)  to the best of the ability of the respective organizations  as the objective of the strike is the betterment of the working people in our country. 
7th CPC Anomalies
All the Constituents Organizations are requested to forward the various anomalies arising out of the implementation of the 7th CPC notification / CCS (RP) Rules 2016 to the Staff Side office with brief / illustration etc. within in 15 days from today so as to enable us to study and forward the same to the Anomaly committee for settlement.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

Copy of NJCA letter No.NC-JCM-2016/C.S. (PM) dated August 12, 2016
The Cabinet Secretary,
Govt. of India and  Chairman,
National Council  JCM
Cabinet Secretariat,
Rastrapati Bhawan,
New Delhi,

Dear Sir,

We  recall the  discussions we had with you on 7th June 2016 when inter-alia we brought to your kind notice the growing discontent of the employees on the following two issues which were the subject matter of discussions on very many occasions

1.    JCM functioning – Non convening of meetings at the Departmental levels, consequent non availability of a forum for discussion and negotiations for Unions / Federations
2.    Compassionate Appointments in Departments other than Railways

JCM functioning

The functioning of the JCM especially at the Departmental level was virtually halted, when the Government promulgated a new set of recognition rules in 1993 to cover the non industrial employees i. e. for employees in the Department other than Railways and Defence. It took nearly a decade and half to operationalise the new recognition rules and during the same period the functioning of JCM was virtually stopped at the departmental levels. This in-turn resulted in non-discussion and non settlement of various Departmental specific demands and issues, emanated from the flawed recommendation of 5th and 6th CPC. Now that the 7th CPC recommendations would be taken up for implementation, the need for a forum to discuss these issues, especially Departments specific matters need not be emphasized.

Compassionate Appointments
The untenable restriction imposed by the government i. e.  5 percent of the vacancies for Compassionate Appointments in Departments other than Railways has created innumerable difficulties  and arbitrary discrimination. The very fact that the said government orders have no sway to half of the civilian employees makes the orders discriminatory and bereft of any merit. The specious plea of the Government that the said orders were issued on account of a directive from the Supreme Court was later found to be fallacious.  On various occasions, the Staff Side was assured of a review of the scheme.  The scheme requires simplification and has to be made non discriminatory too.

            We want the above two issues to be discussed at your level and reach a settlement. We shall be grateful if you will afford us an opportunity to have such a discussion on a date convenient to you.  We  shall also be thankful if you  can indicate the date of the meeting atleast 15 days in advance.

            Thanking you,     
Yours faithfully,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

            Copy of NJCA letter addressed to finance Minister

Shri Arun Jaitley,
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
Govt. Of India,
North Block,
New Delhi

Sub: Setting up of a high level committee to review the Minimum Wage Multiplication Factor.
Ref: Our letter of even No. dated 26.7.2016.  ‘

            We solicit your kind reference to the discussion, the representatives of NJCA had with you in the presence of the Honourable Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh and the Railway Minister, Shri Suresh Prabhu and the MOS (R) Shri Manoj Sinha on 30th June, 2016.
            We were expecting a  quick action on the part of the Government to operationalise the assurance of setting up a high level Committee to go into the Minimum wage, Multiplication factor etc.   However, we are disappointed that even after a lapse of more than a month no order has been issued by the Government in this regard.  The employees, as you are aware, were angry over the arbitrary determination of the  minimum wage by the 7th CPC by mutilating the Dr. Aykhroyd formula and also the propornate multiplication factor .
            We, therefore, appeal to  you that the concerned authorities may be asked to expedite the issuance of orders setting up the committee and finalization of the Report within the available time of remaining three months.

Thanking you,     
Yours faithfully,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

Thursday 11 August 2016


AIPRPA Formed in Hoshiarpur Punjab – 

AIPRPA CHQ contratulates!

A meeting of Postal & RMS Pensioners held at Hoshiarpur (Punjab) on 3.7.2016 at the Zilla Parishad Hall under the presidentship of Comrade Sh.Ramesh Sidhu ji had founded the AIPRPA District Association. The meeting was attended by many leaders including the State General Convenor AIPRPA Punjab State Comrade Surinderpal. The meeting unanimously elected a 14 member team of office bearers headed by Comrades Sh.Gurucharan Singh as President; Sh.Naranjan Singh Saini as District Convenor; and Sh.Tarsem Lal Gupta as Treasurer. AIPRPA CHQ congratulates all Office Bearers for taking up the task of building the AIPRPA in Punjab State.

PMO not ready to intervene for the cause of compulsorily retired!


Is the Department of Expenditure above the Prime Minister of India? 

Dear Comrades 

AIPRPA CHQ had taken up with the Honourable Prime Minister of India against exclusion of compulsorily retired pensioners from getting the benefit of de-linking of 33 years of service for full pension. However, the following reply was received from the Government stating that the decision to exclude the compulsorily retired pensioners was taken in consultation with the Department of Expenditure! It appears that the Department of Expenditure is outside the powers of the Honourable Prime Minister!!

The status reply received from the PMO office is reproduced below; All compulsorily retired pensioners may consider knocking the doors of Judiciary on the grounds that the stand of the Department of Expenditure is an after thought and that the original orders dated 6.4.2016 did not contemplate the exclusion:


Status as on 11 Aug 2016
Registration Number:PMOPG/E/2016/0250479
Name Of Complainant:K Ragavendran
Date of Receipt:17 Jul 2016
Received by:Prime Ministers Office
Forwarded to:Desk A
Contact Address:Loknayak Bhawan
New Delhi
Grievance Description:No. AIPRPA / Pre-2006 / 1 Dated 17-07-2016 To The Honourable Prime Minister Government of India, New Delhi – 110001 Sir, Sub: Request for intervention against arbitrary exclusion of compulsorily retired pensioners from the purview of 6th April, 2016 orders of DoPPW – regarding. Ref: (1) DoPPW OM Number 38/37/08-PPW(A) Dated 6.4.2016. (2) MOF Dept.of Expenditure OM No.CPAO/ITTech/Revision(Pre-2006/2016-17/8 Vol-VI/58 Dated 13.06.2016. This All India Postal RMS Pensioners Association wishes to bring to your kind attention that the stand of the Department of Expenditure to exclude the pensioners compulsorily retired from service from getting the benefit of delinking of 33 years qualifying service for drawing the minimum guaranteed full pension acts harshly on them who are already undergoing a lifelong punishment of early retirement from service for whatever misconduct they had committed. The stand of the Department of Expenditure is running against the wishes of the Government of India to concede a benefit to all pensioners besides imposing a double punishment by denying even the minimum pension of the scale in which there were compulsorily retired. The orders of the DoPPW dated 6th April, 2016 under reference is extending the benefit of delinking of revised pension from qualifying service of 33 years to all Pre-2006 pensioners including to those with 10 years of service. Nowhere in that order was any classification made about compulsorily retired or voluntarily retired or superannuated. Instead the orders of 6th April, 2016 in its Para 4 categorically states “…. that the pension/family pension of all pre-2006 pensioners / family pensioners may be revised …..”. But the 13th June, 2016 orders under reference (2) issued by the Department of Expenditure in its last sentence excludes the pensioners who are retired compulsorily by saying they are not covered by the OM dated 6.4.2016 In fact the orders of 6th April does not speak anything about compulsorily retired persons at all and the stand of the Department of Expenditure revealed after more than two months is just an afterthought to prevent the compulsorily retired pensioners from getting the minimum benefit guaranteed by the Pension Ministry orders. This Association would like to seek your personal intervention in this matter to cause to order to reopen the issue by the Department of Expenditure and reconsider to ensure that all Pensioners including the compulsorily retired persons are ensured of the minimum pension guaranteed by the 6th April orders of DoPPW. Your kind intervention to cause to include a small section of pensioners for the minimum benefit will save the agony to those sections. Thanking you Sir, Yours faithfully, (K.Ragavendran) General Secretary
Current Status:CASE CLOSED
Date of Action:04 Aug 2016
Details:The decision not to give benefit of para 4.2 of OM dated 1.9.2008 was taken in consultation with Department of Expenditure.