Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Pension Ministry says No need for Department Authorisation - But without Department endorsement Mysore PTC may not make changes in the software!


                                   ALL INDIA POSTAL & RMS PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION
(Regd. 83/2015 under Societies Act of TamilnaduSocieties Registration Act, 1975)
2/44, Muthial Chetty Street, Purasawalkam, Chennai - 600007 (Chennai HQ)
First Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, North Avenue, New Delhi - 110001 (Delhi HQ)

No.AIPRPA/CPC/2016 Dated 18.08.2016
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi -110001

Sub: Immediate endorsement of DOP&PW orders on implementation of 7th CPC recommendations to Pre-2016 Pensioners – regarding.
Ref: OM No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A)(ii) of DoP&PW dated 4.8.2016.

The Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare had already issued orders for implementation of 7th CPC Recommendations to refix the pension of all Pre-2016 Pensioners vides OM referred to above. Though it has been categorically stated in Para 9 of the above OM that “All Pension Disbursing Authorities including Public Sector Banks handling disbursement of pension to the Central Government Pensioners are hereby authorized to pay pension / family pension to existing pensioners / family pensioners at the revised rates in terms of para 4.1 and 5 above without any further authorization from the concerned Accounts Officers / Head of Office etc.

The following problems are encountered by the Pensioners in getting the Refixation of pension immediately as envisaged by the OM of Pension Ministry:
1.       Many HPOs are taking the position that usual endorsement from the Department has not come;
2.       It is stated by some DDOs that they require necessary modifications in the Accountant PBS Software for effective the revision of pension;
3.       The necessary modifications in the Accountant PBS software will be made by Mysore PTC only after the receipt of endorsement orders from the Postal Directorate;
4.       In the absence of endorsement from DoP, the Refixation of pension to Pre-2016 pensioners cannot be made even though the OM of Department of Pension authorizes payment on Refixation without waiting for any other authorization from respective Heads of Department etc.
It is therefore urged that immediate action may be initiated for effective necessary endorsement orders as otherwise the pensioners may not be in a position to draw revised pension on 31.08.2016.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary 
General Secretary AIPRPA

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