Saturday 28 January 2023

Decisions of CMC Meeting held on 27.01.2023!


AIPRPA / CMC Decisions                                                                                Dated 29.01.2023


All CMC Members


Decisions of first Central Managing Committee


After 3rd AIC of AIPRPA held at Thiruvananthapuram from 13th to 14th December'23  Ist Central Managing Committee Meeting ( virtually) held successfully on 27-01-23 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. under the presidentship of Com. K. Ragavendran, our CHQ President.


Almost all CMC members and State General Secretaries  ( total 31 )participated in the meeting as well as in the deliberations on the agenda of the meeting. Meeting unanimously took the following decisions. At the beginning of the meeting Comrade K. Ragavendran was given warm greetings for his unanimous election as Secretary General of NCCPA in the vacant place of Comrde KKN Kutty, who passed away recently. Meeting also conveyed red salute to the Reception Committee of 3rd AIC held at Kerala. The following decisions were taken unanimously in the CMC Meeting:


1.     CHQ HQ of AIPRPA will be shifted to Guwahati within three months. Instead of shifting of office furniture, new furniture for office use to be purchased at Guwahati. The existing assets will be transferred to Tamilnadu State Association as transferring furniture and other assets including the desk top to Guwahati will be more costly.


2.     The existing CHQ Office at Chennai will be vacated at the earliest. The vacation of CHQ Office at Chennai will reduce the cost of WiFi through Hathway at CHQ Office. The advance amount of 1,00,000 paid to the landlord also will come back to CHQ from the landlord. As the residence of CHQ President from Egmore also is shortly going to be shifted, the Hathway Wifi at that place also will be terminated by April.


3.     CMC Meeting permitted to set up the CHQ Office at Guwahati and engage one office Assistant. The meeting also approved the purchase of one new Laptop for use of General Secretary. It was decided that the cost of the Laptop will be shared by the State Associations voluntarily considering their fund position and the remaining amount will be borne from the funds of the CHQ.


4.     Pensioners Post Monthly Journal will continue to be published from Chennai at least for next 6 months as at present. All efforts will be taken to change the name of the Editor as the “General Secretary AIPRPA” and the Publisher as “AIPRPA” officially and the issue will be edited from Guwahati by the General Secretary. If layout and printing at Chennai is cost effective, the same can be done from Chennai itself as the modern technology permits these functions and the Tamilnadu State Association will help the CHQ in dispatch of the journal every month.  Comrade Deepchand, Delhi State Secretary will give all assistance to the GS CHQ to change the name etc., by the RNI New Delhi. Editorial board will be recast and the number of members in the Editorial Board will be selected by the next CMC meeting to be held virtually after three months.


5.     An All India “Legal and Disciplinary Cell” will be formed at the pattern of Tamilnadu and the names of experts in the cell will be discussed by CHQ in the next CMC at April month.


6.     All State Secretaries will ensure to increase the number of subscribers of his state to reach our target of reaching 5000 subscribers within the earliest period. To start with the earlier decision of CMC and AIC that all Office Bearers of State Association and the Divisional Associations shall be annual subscribers will be ensured by all States.


7.     The Pensioners Post will be soon converted into bilingual ( English & Hindi) provided that the State Secretaries of Hindi belt will confirm  the number of  required copies of their state. Some important pages will be printed in Hindi also after taking permission from the RNI as converting the journal into bilingual cannot be done by CHQ without permission from the RNI.


8.     All state associations will hold its State working committee meeting at least quarterly so that proper monitoring of Divisional /District can be done.


9.     States will send updated report to CHQ by email on the actual number of memberships of each division /district Association & quota paid to CHQ.


10.  States wherein no AIPRPA is yet to be founded or the States with weaker organizational structure (except W.B., Karnataka & Rajasthan which will be taken up after a decision of NCCPA on organization with regard to these states), CHQ will make plan shortly to form or improve our existing organization with taking help from all CMC members & leaders of respective states.


11.  As assured in last AIC by the State President of Bihar, the State Association of Bihar will form Divisions and intimate the list of Divisions to CHQ and ensure sending CHQ Quota too. 


12.  For States of Himachal Pradesh and Punjab, the CMC that meets in April (virtually) will take decisions and form “State Steering Committees”. The CMC Members shall come prepared to propose names for those Steering Committees.


13.  For States of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh; Odisha; Chhattisgarh; Telangana; Maharashtra, formation of Districts / Divisions is important and the CMC that meets next will monitor the growth.  The State Secretaries of these States will send the mailing list of Divisional Secretaries and propose ways and means of expanding the organization of AIPRPA.


14.  Delhi State Association will discuss in its CWC and will take all efforts to form Divisions on the lines of existing Postal Divisions in Delhi Circle so that the next Conference of Delhi State will be based on indirect membership.       


15.  States are advised to send their unsettled issues to CHQ in writing for taking up with the appropriate authority.


16.  CGHS related issues as well as other issues that cover the entire CG Pensioners and CG Family Pensioners will be forwarded to NCCPA for a common decision by the CHQ. 


17.  Resolutions taken in the last AIC will be forwarded to respective authority for taking necessary action. On resolutions related to Postal Pensioners, our CHQ will pursue with the appropriate authority directly. A Programme of action also will be chalked out on the particular issues where necessary as decided by the AIC in consultation with the President. On Common issues it will be taken up with  the NCCPA  & and relevant Service Federations / Unions for taking suitable decision.


18.  Meeting decided to extend full solidarity support to the agitational programmes of NJCA as decided in the National Convention on 21.01.2023 against NPS.


19.  Decided  that all States shall take action to purchase the book released in our AIC on M.Krishan’s written articles and write up about Comrade Krishnan by other leaders by the States and Districts / Divisions under them. The book called the “Red Roses” is available with NFPE Headquarters and our CHQ shall be intimated after placing necessary orders with the NFPE headquarters.               


20.  CMC members who attended the AIC at Thiruvananthapuram can claim TA bill (Train fare only) if they want from CHQ Treasurer Com. C. sekar by sending necessary bills by post. CHQ Treasurer will send the cash by G Pay etc electronically. If any CMC Member adjusts the expenses from respective states, that is welcome too.




                                                                                                                                                       General secretary

Thursday 19 January 2023

Pensioners Post on its journey into 8th year!

 Pensioners Post - January 2023 Issue getting printed!


On completion of 7 years of release of monthly issue of AIPRPA CHQ, the Pensioners Post is commencing its successful journey into 8th year. On this great occasion we greet all subscribers, activists who take interest to collect subscribers and all comrades contributed articles and thoughts. This issue also contains articles of interest and some usual features - KR Editor PP

Sunday 15 January 2023

NCCPA National Executive!

 National Executive NCCPA!

Today from 3.00 P.M to 5.00 P.M (15.01.2023) the National Executive of NCCPA under the presidentship of NCCPA President comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra was held. Almost most of the Patrons, Office Bearers and General Secretaries of Affiliated Unions and State CGPAs attended and overwhelming number of them addressed also. Comrade D.K.Debnath General Secretary of AIPRPA also attended and participated. 

The National Executive unanimously approved the proposals of President for the vacant posts of Secretary General (caused by the sudden demise of comrade KKN Kutty); and the Working President (caused by the demise of comrade S.S.Roy) and elected the following comrades:

1. Com. K.Ragavendran - Secretary General.

2. Com. S.K.Sharma - Working President. 

Other important decisions:

1) Total support and solidarity to all programmes of National JCA against NPS. NCCPA will depute a small contingent of 7 comrades led by com.Ishwarsingh Dabas Asst.SG NCCPA to the 21st National Convention in Delhi organised by NJCA.

2) In February the National Executive will meet and discuss all problems and take appropriate decisions.

3) Accounts and other papers to Registrar of TUs will be submitted by Secretary General shortly. SB Account in the joint names of comrades H.L.Sidhu and KKN Kutty will hereafter be operated jointly by comrades H.L.Sidhu and K.Ragavendran. 

4) The President Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra then concluded the meeting. 

- K.Ragavendran SG NCCPA-

Wednesday 11 January 2023

NPS to GO!

NCCPA Call endorsed by AIPRPA CHQ 

Conduct demonstrations along with Employees of All Sectors as per the call of National JCA


General Secretary - AIPRPA
 NCCPA calls all to join and support the clarion call of National JCA against NPS!

NCCPA expresses its total support and solidarity to the call of National Joint Council of Action against NPS. The National JCA meeting held in New Delhi at AIRF office had planned a series of programmes against NPS. AIRF, NFIR, AIDEF, Confederation, Primary Teacher's Federation's, State Government Employees Federation's of Various State's ,Para military's staff federation's and representatives of PSUs have taken the decision to launch a series of programmes against discontinuance of NPS and reintroduction of OPS irrespective of date of recruitment and joining.
Today, all over India, demonstrations are being launched by the National JCA. NCCPA and all its affiliates will join and strengthen the programme of demonstrations and all programs of National JCA. Please send photos of our solidarity with our banners and flags to CHQ!
No photo description available.
Jagdish Chandra Chhimwal