Tuesday 28 September 2021



1.10.2021 TUI (P&R) Call for observing

 "WORLD ELDERS DAY" to highlight the



Many States and Districts are sending Notices for the Programme in the Forenoon – The efforts of all are much appreciated – Kindly organize the Programme in all Districts / States in the forenoon and join the Web Programme in the Evening hours – KR GS AIPRPA


AIPRPA Comrades!

1.       The Tamilnadu Comrades will join the Zoom Web meeting organized by the State COC of Central, State Government and Public Sector Pensioners Associations by clicking the following LINK.

Oct 1, 2021 03:30 PM Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi

Topic: Decent Life to Senior Citizens

Please click the link below to join the webinar:


Passcode: 133913

Webinar ID: 823 6367 4830

Passcode: 133913


The above meeting can be viewed LIVE in Aiprpa Chq Aiprpa Face Book Page also.


2.       Other than Tamilnadu State Comrades will join the Google Meet Web meeting organized by the NCCPA by clicking the following LINK.


NCCPA Organises International Day for Older Persons on

Friday the 1st  Oct  2021 from

4.00 pm to 6.00 pm.

To join the virtual meeting please go to

Google Meet

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/irr-nedx-kva


The above meeting will also be telecast live on the YouTube channel INCOME TAX EMPLOYEES FEDERATION.


It is requested that those who want to speak can join the link on Google Meet at https://meet.google.com/irr-nedx-kva and those who want to hear the speakers can log in to the YouTube Channel.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Organize the Programme Befittingly!


JUST 8 DAYS LEFT TO 1st October Programme!

Make All Preparations earnestly!

Prepare Digital Banners highlighting the issues!


Sunday 19 September 2021

Fight along with Postal Federations and Unions!


Stand with the Service Unions! It is a common fight!


The Department of Posts and the DOPT are trying to extend the rules of Sports Associations to our Federations and Unions / Associations! Heavy restrictions are being imposed on the Government Servants to get elected to their unions /associations from the Divisional level to the Federation level. The restriction is on grant of Foreign Service too.

The latest OM of DoP purportedly released with the concurrence of the DOPT through OM F.No.18-01/2017-SR Dated 15.09.2021 is a clear attack on trade union rights. The OM is bringing new restrictions and attacks which were not at all contemplated by the CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993.

NFPE Federal Executive has come out with militant steps to oppose the move of the DoP. FNPO is also likely to join in the opposition. AIPRPA CHQ Calls upon our entirety of organization and the membership to consider that the present attack on the Federations / Unions will destroy democracy in the Postal Industry and will adversely affect the Pensioners Movement. All prevailing Pensioners rights can be easily attacked once the Employees organizations are destroyed.

Unite with the Service Unions! Unite with the Federations! Extend total support to them. Be a part of any of their programmes launched to defeat the designs of the Department and the Government that is behind the curtains! – KR GS AIPRPA

Saturday 18 September 2021

NFPE on Struggle Path against the anti-trade union OM - Give full support!

 NFPE Federal Executive Discussed strategies to counter anti-union steps of Government!

The NFPE Federal Executive urgently met virtually today forenoon under the presidentship of Comrade P.V.Rajendran (NFPE President). On the invitation of Secretary General comrade R.N.Parashar, the ex-SG NFPE and GS AIPRPA comrade K.Ragavendran also attended.

The only agenda on discussion was the OMs issued by DoP to curtail the trade union rights drastically. The intension is to destroy the class-conscious and militant trade unionism in Postal. The Federal Executive unanimously decided to take immediate steps to challenge the draconian OMs against Federations and Unions/Associations. FNPO also reportedly under contact to unitedly resist the attacks of Government.
All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association will extend full support with the Postal Employees Movement in all steps decided by NFPE against the Authoritarian and Draconian OM issued by DoP on 15.09.2021. The CHQ requests to stand with the employees and extend any support needed at this hour of attack on class conscious and militant trade union movement of Postal.

Thursday 16 September 2021

Staff Side Demands Additional Pension on entering the age of 80 etc

 Staff Side demands “Additional Pension” when the Pensioner enters the age of 80, 85 etc! 

After the verdict of the dismissal of SLP filed against the High Court of Guwahati Judgment by the Apex Court in the case of a retired Judge, the JCM Staff Side Secretary Comrade Shiv Gopal Mishra had written to the Secretary Pension Ministry on 26.08.2021 to extend the benefit to all by issue of appropriate OM. The additional pension shall be granted on entering the age of 80, 85, 90, 95, 100 instead of the present practice of completion of age of 80, 85, 90, 95 and 100. The character of the Judgement being “REM”  instead of it being “PERSONAM” in nature, is pointed out by the Staff Side Secretary to demand the Government issue the necessary Orders to avoid multiplicity of litigation. 

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Organise the world pensioners and retirees!



(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021
Website: nccpahq.blogspot.in.E mail: nccpahq@gmail.com.
13.c Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001
SECy. GENERAL: COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)
Dated: 12TH SEPTEMBER,, 2021.
Dear Comrades!


We send herewith a copy of TUI (P & R) letter calling upon its affiliates to observe Ist October, 2021 as the “DAY OF ELEDERLY’. Being an affiliate of TUI, we did observe the day on Ist October, 2020 in the midst of the raging corona virus pandemic. This year is no different as only a fraction of our country men could be vaccinated. However, the situation is slightly better as most of the government offices and private institutions have opened for operation, though not fully.
NCCPA calls upon its affiliates and state units to organise the programme through demonstration, rally, dharna, etc. as they deem fit as per the local conditions and send photographs to us for onward transmission to the TUI Headqarters.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
KKN Kutty
Secretary General.
The elderly, whose date of remembrance for the United Nations and of our struggle, is the 1st of October, that last year we spent more or less at the height of the coronavirus pandemic and the current one we face at the height of vaccination, although only for some countries and some sectors of the population.
The pandemic, like any crisis, only uncovered the pot, to highlight the economic and social scourges, which are inherent (structural and systemic) to the capitalist system, such as the great inequality, between a small group of the world bourgeoisie, of those who are representatives of the imperialist phase, and the vast majority of the world population, limited and lacking all basic services, which must survive in a high percentage of subhuman conditions.
The pandemic has meant the worsening of working conditions, unjustified layoffs, wage cuts, the bankruptcy of small businesses, but none of this is new, only now the pandemic serves as an argument, the pandemic has become the front man of the capitalist system, because all the ills of the system are being put in the name of the pandemic.
The conditions through which we, the elderly, have had to travel, existed since before the pandemic, the abuses in homes, residences, and nursing homes, the lack of free medical care and medicines, the misery pensions for retirees, the absence of pensions for the majority of the elderly people in the world, which go hand in hand with the illicit and corrupt enrichment of private retirement fund organizations; in the assault of the world's private banks on the resources of those who gave their lives to enrich them, before when we were active workers they exploited us, now when we are retirees they steal from us.
We older people are a responsibility of the State, beyond the fact that in the stage of our previous life we have worked more years or less years, with more or less remuneration, because to give us work and a decent remuneration, is also the responsibility of that State. Then every elderly person should have guaranteed conditions for a dignified life, like any human being.
It has become clear, as without a pandemic, that some people and countries are more important than others, because, for example, the pharmaceutical transnationals hand in hand with the rich countries have crowded a few countries with vaccines until they have surpluses, while the poor countries have a dropper, or it does not reach them. It is simply imperialist behaviour at this stage of capitalist development.
But it has also become clear that there is an ideological pandemic, which created in the laboratories of the bourgeoisie and imperialism, is lashing out at our peoples, with a variety of social democratic theories of class conciliation, which is aimed especially at workers, in order to make them believe that their situation of misery is negotiable, and that it can be fixed without fundamentally altering the capitalist system as such. They are even capable of questioning neoliberalism, to proposing supposed and non-existent variants of socialism, but without destroying the capitalist system. They are only proposing new economic strains of the same capitalist virus.
Consequently, it is the task of the elderly, of those who were conscious workers, and of those who have once retired have decided to fight, to take up the theoretical tools of the class struggle, to train the new generations, in the understanding of what the current system based on the exploitation of the labor force by capital, to arrive at the need to move towards a new type of society, of a totally different society, more humane and without exploitation.
As the world's only organization of retired persons, we have collected more than 600 signatures from various organizations in more than 60 countries, to the Open Letter that we announced at the ILO on the 14th of June. There are more and more organizations that join our fight, and with all of them we are going to make a GREAT DAY ON OCTOBER 1.
All kinds of activities (demonstrations, rallies, assemblies, various events, delivery of documents, etc., adapted to each reality) will surpass those that were already successful 5 previous World Days of Struggle of pensioners.
The photographs, videos and documents that will capture this new Day will be the best demonstration that pensioners will help to end Capitalism, which is the great evil of Humanity.

Saturday 11 September 2021

Observe World Pensioners Day on 1.10.2021 with high mobilization!


Remember the TUI Call!

Observe ‘World Elders Day’ on 1.10.2021!

Highlight ‘Decent Life for Pensioners’ issue!

Dear Comrades!

The NCCPA will shortly issue the call to observe ‘World Elders Day’ and highlight the issue of ‘Decent Life to Pensioners’. All NCCPA affiliates and other Pensioners Associations are to be approached in order to bring the Pensioners on a single platform on 1st October.

Remember! It is our responsibility to observe the call in a befitting manner! Please talk to all Pensioners Organizations from now on wards. Taking the COVID-19 situation into consideration, organize all methods of mobilization.

Prepare the Digital Banners specially for this purpose. Keep the banners and flags of our organization prominently in the programme. Take the photograph and send them to CHQ for onward transmission to Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees)!

The preparations this year 1st October, 2021 shall exceed all observance of past years!


Tuesday 7 September 2021

All India Response to Joint Call of Confederation and NCCPA

 Congratulations to Pensioners and 

CG Employees!

At the joint call of Confederation and NCCPA the CG Employees and Pensioners responded fine despite COVID_19 existence. Many Divisions in several Circles actively organized. AIPRPA CHQ is yet to receive photos of Implementation from circles like Bihar, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra and HP. Some circles reported inability due to rain and corona. Some photos hereunder from states like T.Nadu, Kerala, Andhra, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhyapradesh, U.P, Assam and Telangana are for your observation - KR GS AIPRPA 

Friday 3 September 2021

Common Cause stands with Pensioners!

 Common Cause NGO contacted by CHQ! 

Dear Comrades - The role of the NGO 'COMMON CAUSE' in highlighting some very important issues of Pensioners in the Supreme Court and forcing the Government of India to accept a position in our favour is already explained by the General Secretary AIPRPA in the 'Commutation of Pension' video in the YouTube CHQ Channel. It was this NGO 'Common Cause' mainly instrumental in both the important court cases we won in the Supreme Court on 17.12.1982 in the landmark judgment that Pensioners as a class shall not be divided by any artificial cut off date; and also on 09.12.1996 in another landmark judgment that fixed the restoration of commutation of pension after 15 years! Common Cause was the third Plaintiff in the Nakara Case and the only plaintiff in the Commutation of Pension court case. 

The AIPRPA CHQ also established a contact with the 'Common Cause' and requested the organization to present the main paper in the virtual webinar to be organized by the CHQ on 17.12.2021 'National Pensioners Day'. We are assured of a response soon by the NGO Organization.

Meanwhile, the CHQ has donated a sum of Rs.5000/- (Five Thousand only) as a token of our acknowledgment. An appeal to directly donate to the Common Cause will be made on 17.12.2021 in the virtual webinar itself by the CHQ.