Monday 3 March 2014

All India Steering Committee takes important decisions

AIPRPA All India Special Conference
in July, 2014 in Tamilnadu

All India steering Committee of AIPRPA
Held at New Delhi on 24.02.2014

AIPRPA All India Steering Committee in session at New Delhi - Chairman Rahate addressing 

General Convenor K.Ragavendran addressing - Along with Chairman Com.M.Krishnan SG NFPE & Vice Chairman T.Narasimhan on dais.

Participants in the Steering Committee Committee Meeting

The All India Steering Committee of AIPRPA was held at the NFPE Headquarters Office at New Delhi on 24.02.2014 at 04.00 P.M. after the close of the Dharna by Pensioners Organisations at Jantar Mantar. The meeting was presided over by the Chairman Comrade D.K.Rahate. Comrade T.Narasimhan Vice Chairman of AIPRPA was also present. Comrade M.Krishnan Secretary General NFPE graced the meeting and rendered his valuable guidance. The General Secretary of P4 NFPE Comrade R.Seethalakshmi; and the Assistant Secretary General NFPE Comrade R.N.Parashar also graced the occasion. Comrade D.D.Singh [Agra] Deputy Secretary General BCPC also graced the meeting and addressed. 


All India Steering Committee Members from Assam, Andhra, Bihar, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan and Tamilnadu were present. All India Steering Committee Members from Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, J&K, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, North East, Odisha, U.P and Uttarakhand were absent. The State General Secretary of Delhi State and Deputising State General Secretary of Tamilnadu State as well as the State Convenor of Maharashtra State AIPRPA attended the Meeting. Large number of leading representatives of AIPRPA from States who came to attend the Dharna also attended the AI Steering Committee Meeting.


After discussion about the state of affairs prevailing in various states on the issue of building the organisation of AIPRPA it was decided that all efforts would be taken by the All India Steering Committee members to complete the formation of State Organisation by holding the State level meeting of pensioners from all districts at the earliest and to carry forward the formation of district / divisional level organisation at all levels.


The Secretary General NFPE Comrade M.Krishnan emphasised that the AIPRPA Organisation shall be built as a vibrant organisation like the NFPE in order to defend the pensioners effectively. He advised that a firm date and venue should be finalised in this Steering Committee Meeting itself about holding the All India Special Conference to form the democratically elected team of office bearers for the AIPRPA.


After discussion it was decided that the All India Special Conference shall be held at the earliest and that the General Convenor shall in consultation with all concerned finalise the dates and venue and shall intimate through website quickly. It was also decided that the AIC shall be for 2 days and that the delegates representing Districts / Divisional Associations shall be @ 1 Delegate per 25 members with the Delegate Fee @ 500/- per Delegate.  

Accordingly availability of accommodation with the best convenience of delegates and other leaders to attend the All India Conference together with the minimum time required for all States to complete their respective State Conferences and District / Divisional formations, it has been decided that the All India Conference will be held at Vellore Town [Tamilnadu] nearer to Chennai City with 2 hours train or 3 hours bus travel from Chennai City.

The probable dates of the AIC are 19th and 20th of July, 2014.  Confirmation of the date and venue shall be intimated shortly.

All States are to complete their State formation within April / May, 2014. The task of organising District or Divisional level organisation before the AIC shall start immediately.  The General Convenor will attend all the State formation meetings and all are requested to fix the date in consultation with the General Convenor.


On the question of submission of memorandum to 7th CPC the following decisions were taken:

  1. A Sub-Committee has been proposed by the BCPC [Bharat Central Pensioners Confederation] with one representative for each Pensioners Federation / All India Association to complete the Common Memorandum. The Chairman and the Secretary General of the BCPC viz., Comrades S.C.Maheswari and S.K.Vyas will represent BCPC in that Drafting Committee. The draft will be circulated to all organisations through websites etc for all to go through and enrich the Draft Memorandum.  A meeting of the full Drafting Committee as above will meet and go through all suggestions and finalise the Memorandum to be submitted to 7th CPC
  2. On sectional issues of Pensioners of respective Central Government Organisation, each Federation of All India Association shall prepare its own Sectional Memorandum that shall form Annexure to the Common Memorandum and both will be submitted to 7th CPC together. This All India Steering Committee has decided that the Draft Sectional Memorandum also will be placed in our website for all States and Districts / Divisions to make any improvements and modifications etc.

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