Thursday, 23 June 2022

Set Back to Promotees! Our fight has to continue!

 Madras High Court denies MACP to Promotees by considering PA upgradation as Promotion and not direct recruitment!

The Judgment of Honourable Madras High Court has been released. It has considered our arguments and ruled that the appointment to the post of PAs by departmental examination is to be considered only as promotion and not as direct recruitment. Therefore it ruled that Promotees are not eligible to claim MACP-3. The earlier judgments of Shivakumar etc were given out by the Courts in favour of employees to grant MACP-3 because the Rules of Recruitment were not placed before the court and not discussed. Therefore, the High Court has rejected those earlier judgments.
AIPRPA has discussed with our Advocate Arun after reading the full judgment.
The opinion of Advocate is that we have to implead in the SLP case before the Apex Court before the Supreme Court rules on those two SLPs as those judgments may not be applied automatically to the present cases. Whatever happens, impleading in the SLP case before the Supreme Court is necessary. We will discuss with the plaintiffs in the cases before Madras High Court and also in the ensuing CMC meeting of AIPRPA – KR GS AIPRPA

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Red Salute to Comrade Adi!

 Red Salute comrade Adi! 

Comrade Adi was a legend and no other leader could influence us in the movement like him. It is his remembrance day today!  He showed absolute respect to all his senior leaders. His skill in oration and capacity to draw absolute silence during his standing before the podium were exceptional. No other leader could organize such a number of strikes and indefinite strikes as the chief executive of postal Federation is still standout as an unerasable record. He could create such an impression in the top bureaucracy which was very rare among leadership. His fearlessness, his leadership, his commitment, his simplicity, his ability to attract even his adversaries are remembered always. Long live his memory and fame - KR GS AIPRPA

Monday, 6 June 2022

District Secretaries Attention - Urgent and Important!


Adjustment of Quota Remittace online

Important and Urgent: Attention to all District / Divisional Secretaries and State GS Comrades:   Some entries in the quota are not adjusted properly becasue the remittances could not be identified against the actual Divisions / Districts remitted the amount in the CHQ POSB in North Avenue Post Office Account during 2021-22 Financial year. Kindly inform the CHQ with  receipt for remittance on the actual date in our SB Account here in this whatsapp group or directly to the CHQ through email of immediately. The same is audited and the particulars are urgently required - KR GS AIPRPA

Quota not adjusted in CHQ Accounts for 2021-22

1.        08.04.2021: Receipt No. 904:   2000/-

2.       13.04.2021:  Receipt No.905:  10000/-

3.       01.05.2021:  Receipt No. 906: 15000/-

4.       02.06.2021:  Receipt No. 907:   1500/-

5.       02.06.2021:  Receipt No. 908:   6060/-

6.       16.07.2021:  Receipt No. 909: 10000/-

7.       28.07.2021:  Receipt No. 910:   6500/-   

8.       29.07.2021:  Receipt No. 911:  15000/-

9.       19.08.2021:  Receipt No. 913:    2000/-

10.   03.09.2021:  Receipt No.914:     1000/-

11.   17.09.2021:  Receipt No. 917:    8800/-

12.   05.10.2021:  Receipt No.926:     2500/-

13.   20.10.2021:   Receipt No: 927:    2880/

14.   01.11.2021:   Receipt No.928:    10000/-

15.   11.12.2021:   Receipt No. 930:     1000/-

16.   20.12.2021:  Receipt No.932:     10000/-

17.   23.12.2021:   Receipt No.933:    10000/-

18.   28.12.2021:   Receipt No.934:     1000/-

19.   29.12.2021:   Receipt No.935:   17200/-

20.   30.12.2021:   Receipt No.936:        110/-

21.   01.01.2022:  Receipt No.938:   6500/- (Life Membership)

22.   01.01.2022;  Receipt No.939:   5000/-

23.   01.01.2022:  Receipt No. 940:  10100/-

24.   10.01.2022;  Receipt No.941:    4000/-

25.   10.01.2022:  Receipt No.942:    2000/-

26.   22.01.2022:  Receipt No.943:   9680/-

27.   24.01.2022:  Receipt No.944:   10600/-

28.   25.01.2022:  Receipt No.945:  2500/-

29.   01.02.2022:   Receipt No.946:  1000/-

30.   09.02.2022:   Receipt No. 947:  5000/-

31.   12.02.2022:  Receipt No.948:   5000/-

32.   16.02.2022:  Receipt No.949:   4250/-

33.   21.02.2022:  Receipt No.950:   5000/-

34.   26.02.2022:   Receipt No. 951: 13000/-

35.   28.02.2022:   Receipt No.952:    2500/-

36.   28.02.2022:  Receipt No.953:     2500/-

37.   10.03.2022:  Receipt No. 955:    1500/-

38.   14.03.2022:  Receipt No.956:     5000/-

39.   15.03.2022:  Receipt No. 957:    6000/-

40.   25.03.2022:  Receipt No.958:     3000/-

41.   31.03.2022:  Receipt No. 959:      450/-

42.   31.03.2022:  Receipt No.960:      300/-

43.   31.03.2022:  Receipt No. 962:   15500/-