Wednesday, 19 October 2016

MACP case and SLP rejection not benefiting Promotees automatically!

MACP case in a peculiar position now!

Many employees and pensioners (Promotees) gone to CAT Madras demanding one more MACP to Promotees as like Jodhpur and Chandigarh! Unfortunately CAT was supportive of Department argument that as per recruitment rules the promotees got their first promotion as PA and it cannot be taken as direct recruitment. Advocates cited a case pending judgment in Supreme Court on a SLP on this issue. Meanwhile SLP was dismissed by Supreme Court but the law was kept open! This means the dismissal of SLP will not benefit all others in different courts. In this background, CAT Madras also gave judgment against Promotees! Now as the law is kept open, appeal has to be filed in Madras High Court! This is the position and all petitioners are requested to give their consent for filing appeals in High Court as the time to file appeal is time-bound! - KR GS AIPRPA

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