Saturday, 21 January 2017

NJCA meets Union Home Minister!

NJCA leaders met Hon'ble Home Minister!

After the NJCA meeting on 17th, the top leaders of NJCA comrades Shiv Gopal Mishra and M.Raghavaiah met Hon'ble Home Minister Rajnath Singh and briefed the situation of non-resolution of all contentious issues. The letter released by the Convenor NJCA after the above meeting is hereunder:

Action Ahead! Get Ready to Act on NCCPA Calls!

NCCPA Circular to Affiliates
Draft Letter to Prime Minister & Other Union Ministers
NJCA Letters to Union Home Minister
NJCA Writes to Secretary Pension on NPS

Dear Comrades! Kindly go through and download the Circulars of NCCPA and NJCA Letters etc. 

Please organise nationwide demonstrations on 15.02.2017 to protest the rejection of Option Number 1 by the Pension Secretary and send letters to Honourable Prime Minister of India / Honourable Minister of State for Personnel / Honourable Finance Minister / Cabinet Secretary / Pension Secretary / DOPT Secretary

Please organise total solidarity action to the one-day strike by Confederation of CG Employees on 16.03.2017.


13/c  Feroze shah  Road,
New Delhi. 110 001
Dated: 20-01-2017.

Dear Comrades,

We give hereunder a brief note over the developments that have taken place in last 2-3 months.

1.    Pension determination formula: 7th CPC.

Despite our best efforts, we have not been able to carry conviction  with the Pension Department to act up on the 7th CPC recommendation pertaining to  Option No.1. This has crashed the hope and aspiration nurtured by a large no of pensioners especially after the 7th CPC report was out. The JCM Staff Side had,  as you are aware,  held meetings with Department of Pension when an  alternate suggestion was mooted by the official side. As  the alternative suggestion will indeed  benefit a section of Pensioners, we requested that the same may be taken as the 3rd option. It is now clear   that the Pension department has submitted its report rejecting option No.1 as infeasible to the cabinet and the Cabinet assent is awaited.. In this situation we feel that all affiliated associations and federations must advise their units to hold Demonstration on 15th February 2017 and send the following communication to the (1) Honourable Prime Minister, (2) Honourable Minister of State for Personnel, (3) Honourable Finance Minister, (4) Cabinet Secretary,  (5) Secretary Pension, Department of Pension and Pensioner Welfare, and (6) The Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training.  We have appended to this letter the format of the communications to be sent to the Prime Minister and others.

2.    One day Token Strike on 16th March, 2017 by the Confederation and its affiliates.

As you aware the Confederation had earlier decided to Organize a one day strike on 15.02.2017 in view of thee total inaction on the part of the Govt. to honour the agreement reached with the Staff side JCM on 30th June 2016 and  confirmed in writing on 06.07.2016. The said one day strike has been now postponed to 16.03.2017 on account of the declaration of Election schedules by the Election Commission for the States of UP, UK, Goa, Manipur and Punjab. The Present NDA Government has exhibited the worst anti-employee attitude.  Not a single issue projected by the JCM Staff side on behalf of the pensioners and employees was considered favorably.  In the name of consideration of the demands, the allowances  have been withheld to be implemented.  All the Committees set up by the Government in the wake of the 7th CPC recommendations had only been indulging in dilatory tactics and no worthwhile negotiations  was held  with the employees organisations. It was in this background that  the the National JCA met on 17.1.2017 at Delhi. Though the revival of the deferred strike action was discussed no final decision could be taken. The leader and Secretary have now been requested to interact with the Hon’ble Ministers and reconvene the NJCA once again. The letters written in this regard by Secretary Staff side are enclosed.

3.    NPS Committee.

The Govt. has setup a committee as per the recommendation of the 7th CPC to streamline the NPS  in view of the plethora of complaints lodged against it  by the stoke holders before the Commission.. The first meeting of the said committee was held on 20th January 2016. The written submissions made by the Staff side Secretary are enclosed. It is likely that the committee will hear the Staff side once again.  In order to enable the Staff side to submit an elaborate memorandum it has been decided that a meeting of all the National Council members must be held soon.  We have also been requested to present our proposal for consideration and incorporation.  To enable us to submit a cogent and well prepared document, we request you to kindly send us your suggestions in the matter before 5th Feb. 2017. 

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,

Secretary General.

Format of the letter to be addressed to the Honourable Prime Minister and Others.


The Hon’ble Prime Minister
Government of India,
South Block,
New Delhi. 110 001.

Respected Sir,

On behalf of the Pensioners, who are our members, we are to bring to your kind notice that the Central Government pensioners throughout the country are extremely distressed on coming to know that the Pension and Pensioners Welfare Department of the Government of India has finalized and made their submissions to the Cabinet suggesting inter alia that the recommendation made by the 7th CPC in respect of pension determination under Option No. 1. be rejected on the specious ground that the said recommendation is infeasible to be acted upon. 

In this connection we send herewith a copy of the submissions made by the Staff Side of the JCM on our behalf which may please be considered before a final decision in the matter is taken by the Cabinet.  For the detailed reasons advanced in the said Note, the decision of the Department of Pension to reject the said recommendations, even though the same has been accepted by the Government and notified, is not only unfortunate but also not tenable.  The said suggestion of the Department of Pension, if acted upon, will crush the hope and aspiration generated in the minds of lakhs of pensioners for a reasonable pension, which the 7th CPC considered and granted. 

We, therefore, appeal to your good self that the proposal of the Pension Department, which is presently pending consideration of the Cabinet, may not be accepted and instead the recommendation of the 7th CPC granting option No.1 be acted upon.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Copy of letter addressed to Shri Rajnath Singh, Honourable Home Minister by Com. Shivgopal Misra, Secretary, Staff Side, JCM. Dated 17th Jan. 2017.

Dear Sir,

We solicit your kind reference to the discussion the Staff Side delegation had with you and your esteemed colleagues in the Cabinet – Hon’ble Finance Minister, Railway Ministers – on 3oth June 206 and subsequently with your good self on 6th July 2016. In the light of the assurance held out for reconsideration of the minimum wage and multiplication factor through the setting up of a high level committee within a time frame of four months, the National JCA had deferred the strike action which was to commence from 11.07.2016.

We had been patiently waiting for a meaningful discussion in the matter ever since then. Not only there had been not any worthwhile or meaningful discussions thereafter but no settlement was also brought about till today though more than six months have been elapsed.

The National JCA met yesterday (17-01-2017) and almost all members expressed extreme disappointment over the turn of events. However, they felt that a meeting with your good self must be sought to sort out the issue amicably.

We shall therefore be grateful if you can indicate a date and time convenient to you, so that the undersigned along with Dr. M Raghaviah, the Leader of Staff Side, JCM could call on you with a view to explore reaching an agreement. Incidentally, we feel that it must be our responsibility to convey to you that the Central Govt Employees throughout the country are extremely critical of the fact that the Government had not found it possible to accept even a single issue taken up by the Staff Side, JCM after the 7th CPC submitted its recommendations to the Government. This apart, the CG Pensioners numbering presently more than the working employees are aggrieved of the fact that the one and only recommendation of the 7th CPC which was in their favour  i.e. option No.1 have been recommended to be rejected by the Pension Department to the Government.

Expecting a communication for an early meeting and thanking you

     Yours faithfully

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

Copy of letter addrtessed to the Secretary Pension, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, by the Secretary Staff Side on 20th January, 2017.

The Chairman,
NPS Committee
Deptt. Of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
New Delhi

Sub:-   Meeting of the Committee constituted to suggest measures for           streamliningthe implementation of the NPS for Central Govt Employees –         Reg.

Ref:     Letter No 57/1/2016-P&PW(B) dated 16th January 2017


Kindly refer to your aforementioned letter.  At the outset we request you to kindly favour us with a copy of the Government Notification setting up the Committee to make suggestions to streamline the National Pension system for Central Government employees.  This is needed for us to understand the scope and ambit of the functioning of the Committee.

The 7th CPC in their report in paras 10.3.11 to 10.3.25 has enumerated the plethora of complaints received by it over the NPS and has finally recommended to the Government to set up a Committee to look into those issues and address.   However, we are constrained to believe from the reading of para  3 of the letter cited that the Committee is likely to have only a perfunctory consultation with the stake holders on an important issue like this. 

In any case, we give hereunder our views in the matter with the fervent hope that the Committee will consider it within the time constraints.

We are of the firm view that the Central Government employees as a whole must be fully excluded from the ambit of the defined contributory pension scheme for otherwise it would create two classes amongst them, one making subscription; and another making no subscription but receiving a better pension and other retirement benefits.

There is no justification for the Government to deduct pension contribution from the Central Government employees, even as per the recommendation of the 7th CPC they are provided with far lesser Minimum wage that what it should have been as per the norms of Dr. Aykroyd formula, approved by the 15th ILC and subsequent judgment of the Supreme Court.

This apart, we were assured by the Government during the Standing Committee meeting discussions held on 14.12.2007 that

“for employees who had entered with effect from 1.1.2004 are not likely to be worse off vis a vis the current pension system in force as the replacement rate would match to the present one.  Thus NPS is a win-win situation for employees and the Government”

Without deviating even an iota from our firm position enumerated in No. 1 above,  the least the Government must do to honour the assurance given  earlier is to guarantee that all Central Govt. employees who are recruited with effect from 1.1.2004 and have thus become mandatory subscribers to the NPS receive all benefits of pension, family pension and other retirement benefits as is provided for under the CCS(Pension) Rules applicable to the Central Government employees who are recruited prior to 1.1.2004.

To illustrate the point that the Central Government employees, who are recruited with effect from 1.1.2004 are provided with a paltry in the form of pension in total disregard to the assurance held out by the Government on 14.12.2007 we enclose herewith the details of pension entitlement computed in the case of a person, who was recruited after 1.1.2004 and retired after 12 years of service in one of the Ordnance factories under the Ministry of Defence. This person is being paid a paltry amount of Rs 960/= p.m. as pension from NPS, whereas after the implementation of the 7 CPC recommendations the minimum pension is Rs 9000/- + DA p.m. with effect from 01-01-2016.

In fine, we feel that it would be better if the Committee could convene a meeting as is convenient to all its members so that a full-fledged discussion could be held on this vital issue which is of utmost importance to a large segment of employees recruited after 01-01-2004 whose number is increasing day by day.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

Friday, 20 January 2017

GDS Committee (Kamlesh Chandra Committee) Report released at last!

After much agitations and exerting pressures, the Department of Posts released the GDS Committee Report. Ostensibly it had taken the permission from the Election Commission to do so. Actually there was no need to go the Election Commission if this had been done a few days back. The usual practice of release of Report immediately on its submission by the Chairman was dispensed with this time giving room for speculation about the reasons. Ultimately, the Report is released after a series of agitations by the Federations and GDS Unions. The following are my immediate comments as full Report is not yet studied. 
Now the Report on the face of it not retrograde as like the Report of the 7th CPC headed by a Justice. See the irony! We have opposed a Committee headed by a retired Officer and demanded for either a Judicial Committee or to be referred to 7th CPC itself. After seeing the recommendations of 7th CPC, which is grossly retrograde, it was felt that what is the meaning in demanding a Judicial Commission when Pay Commission headed by a Justice had rendered injustice!
Earlier, we had hints that Kamlesh Chandra will submit a better report with good recommendations. His favourable recommendation on Bonus Ceiling Parity raised some hopes about the GDS Committee Report. He himself had given us to understand that even though his report will not be a Justice Talwar Report, but definitely a good report. Our hopes are not belied. The GDS Committee Report as an Officer headed Committee has given out better recommendations on many issues. In short, the GDS Committee Report is better than 7th CPC's Report!
Same fitment factor and same date of effect of 1.1.2016 as like the regular CG Employees (except that the new enhanced 4 and 5 hour wages will come into effect prospectively) ; The annual increments at 3%; Gratuity enhancement; Leave entitlement including Maternity, Paternal leave and accumulation of leave facility; increase in working hours to a minimum of 4 Hours; amalgamating all existing GDS into only three categories; Career Progression at 12,24,36 years; One year service as GDS only for appearing in MTS/Postman/Mailguard exams; Abolishing Point System for BPMs; Introduction of Children Education Allowance; Grant of many other Allowances to GDS; Enhancement in Group Insurance Scheme; 10% Additional hike for increased revenue generation; Easy loans to Tablet / Mobile; Better Transfer facility to Male GDS and any number of transfer facility to women GDS; Liberalised compassionate appointments etc are some of the green areas to be welcomed.
Of course on the question of Pension we cannot expect much because the regular employees themselves are placed under NPS; We cannot expect recommendation for departmentalization but even there the Committee seems to have recommended that the GDS service is not extra but an integral part of the postal services. The Committee strongly suggested that legitimate aspirations should not be guillotined.
Not bad! Not at all a bad Report! There are areas for improvement, and naturally the AIPEU GDS(NFPE) and the NFPE will take steps to fetch those improvements. But basically one cannot brandish the Report as a classical officer report as like the past! This is my immediate reaction. - KR GS AIPRPA

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Kamlesh Chandra GDS Committee Report Released!
The GDS Committee report submitted by its Chairman Shri.Kamlesh Chandra is released by the Department of Posts. The full Report is placed in Website of the Department but due to technical reasons, the page is not opening for view. However, the important gist of the Report is available in the website of SA Post. Comrades may click the link below to read the gist. There are recommendations to rationalise the working hours of GDS by clubbing together of GDS with different working hours. Full analysis of the Report will be done after getting the full Report.

Click the Link below for the gist of Report or copy paste the link in your browser window:

Confederation goes ahead with the Strike - AIPRPA to extend total Solidarity!


The Circular of Confederation as under is explicit that there is no alternative to Confederation going on strike on 17.03.2017 in the absence of NJCA reaching a consensus to revive the indefinite strike decision

The Circular of Confederation is reproduced for the information of all AIPRPA leaders and Members:

Dated 18-01-2017



1. All National Secretariat Members
2. Chief Executives of all Affiliated Organizations
3. General Secretaries of all C-O-Cs

Dear Comrades,


Much awaited meeting of the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) was held on 17th January at National Council (JCM) Staff-side office at New Delhi. Leaders of Railways, Defence, Postal & Confederation attended. Detailed discussions were held on the developments that took place after the deferment of the indefinite strike of 11th July 2016 and also on the totally negative attitude of the Government towards the 7th Pay Commission related issues of Central Govt. Employees and Pensioners,  including increase in Minimum Pay, Fitment formula, Allowances, Pensioner’s Option-I etc.

Unfortunately, there was no consensus regarding revival of the deferred indefinite strike. Hence no decision could be taken. Meeting ended with an understanding to meet again after some days. In the meantime, NJCA Chairman and Convener may try to meet the Cabinet Ministers who have given the assurances on 30th June 2016 to NJCA leaders.


The clear picture that emerged from the NJCA meeting held on 17-01-2017 is that there is no possibility of revival of deferred indefinite strike by NJCA  in the near future. It is also a fact that Govt. may implement the recommendations of Allowances Committee, Pension Committee etc., before or immediately after March 2017. It has become certain that the Pension Committee has rejected Option-I recommended by 7th CPC, the one and the only good recommendation of 7th CPC and the Implementation Cell of the Finance Ministry is processing the recommendation of Pension Committee for Cabinet approval. Whether the Allowance Committee will recommend change in the recommendations of 7th CPC (I.e., %ge of HRA etc.,) nobody can predict. The request of the Convener of NJCA to the Chairman, Allowance Committee, (Finance Secretary) to hold another meeting with Staff-side was also not conceded by the Committee till date. There is every possibility that Govt. may not implement the recommendations of the Allowance Committee retrospectively from 01-01-2016, instead it may implement it from 01-01-2017 or 01-04-2017. After, Govt. unilaterally implementing everything, declaring  strike is a futile exercise and betrayal of the employees and Pensioners. We should strike when the iron is hot. The unilateral decision of the Govt. to implement “very good” benchmark for MACP has cast shadow on the future promotional prospects of a large number of employees who are not in the good book of the Government and administration for reasons best known to them. The NPS Committee appointed by the Govt. is not mandated to recommend scrapping of New Pension Scheme, but it is for recommending cosmetic changes in NPS in the name of streamlining the NPS as recommended by 7th CPC.

Regarding increase in Minimum Pay and Fitment Formula, no High Level Committee is constituted till date, as assured by the Group of Senior Cabinet Ministers to NJCA leaders on 30-06-2016. A Group of Senior Officers held two round discussion with the Staff-side, but surprisingly they had not come prepared to discuss increase in Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula. They made a mockery of the meeting by disclosing in the first meeting that they are not fully aware of the details of the issue and in the second meeting they told that they came for discussing Allowances (though another Committee for Allowances is already constituted) and not Minimum Wage or Fitment Formula!!!. The last meeting was held in October 2016 and thereafter no meeting is notified. All anomalies arising out of implementation of 7th CPC recommendations remain unsettled.

There is no improvement in the issues relating to Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS), Casual, Contract Workers and Daily-rated mazdoors. The GDS Committee Report submitted to Government on 24-11-2016, it yet to be published. Even if it is published, it may take time for implementation. Other demands submitted to Govt. by the NJCA strike notice served on the 10th June 2016 and charter of demands are also pending. The four months time fixed for Allowance Committee already extended to six months. The four months time for increasing Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula expired on 30-10-2016.

All the employees and Pensioners are totally disappointed and are voicing their anger and protest through various forums and social media. In the above circumstances everybody expected that the NJCA shall revive the deferred indefinite strike. Inspite of our best efforts that is not happening.


When the three Cabinet Ministers including Shri Rajnath Singh, Home Minister, Shri Arun Jaitely, Finance Minister, Shri Suresh Prabhu, Railway Minister have gone back from their assurances and betrayed 33 lakhs Central Govt Employees and 34 lakhs Pensioners, when the Government is going ahead unilaterally without even consulting the NJCA leaders, we cannot remain silent spectators and accept every decision of the Government, lying down, without any protest. Somebody should come forward to protest and if necessary to suffer and sacrifice and history has bestowed that responsibility on Confederation and Confederation is ready to accept the challenge and responsibility. We are not afraid of the NDA Govt. when we are fighting for the justified demands. All employees are eagerly looking towards Confederation and they want Confederation to lead, whether others may follow or not. It is in this background the Diamond Jubilee year, All India Conference of Confederation held at Chennai from 16th to 18th August 2016 has taken the historic decision to organize independent trade union action including strike, if NJCA is not ready to revive the deferred indefinite strike.


All of us should clearly understand that more than the strike, the intensive nationwide mobilization and campaign plays an important role in building up pressure on the Govt and settling the demands. The success of the strike also depends upon the mobilization and campaign work carried out by the leadership, especially the grass-root level leadership. The date of one day strike was postponed to March 16th due to the following reasons :
(a)Election Commission has notified election to five State Assemblies during the month of February and first half of March 2017.
(b)15th February 2017, which was our strike date, happens to be a polling day in Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.

In the campaign programme of the National Secretariat Members, already published, if any change in date is required, the concerned National Secretariat Members and C-O-Cs may make it in consultation with each other.


In addition to the campaign programme of National Secretariat members, all affiliated organizations and C-O-Cs should plan their own independent campaign programme. Office meetings, General body meetings, Gate meetings, Conventions, Managing body meetings may be held at all places. Posters, notices, bulletins etc, may be printed and circulated widely among the employees. Maximum publicity may be given through print/electronic media and social media like whatsapp, face book etc,. Intelligence Agencies of the Govt will report each and every movement from our side and let the report reach the Government that the entire Central Government employees and Pensioners are totally disappointed and their resentment is growing day by day. Please give top priority to campaign. No leader whether All India, State or Unit level shall sit idle in the coming days and everybody should be in the field, mobilizing the employees. Betrayal of the Cabinet Ministers of NDA should be exposed among the employees, Pensioners and general public, especially in the poll-bound five States.


All Affiliated Organizations should serve the strike notice to their respective departmental Heads. Proforma of the strike notice and charter of demands already published in the Confederation website If any organization has not served the strike notice to their Departmental Head, they should serve it before 10th February 2017. Those organizations which had already served the strike notice as 15th February 2017, should give a letter to the authority concerned, intimating the postponement of the strike date to 16th March 2017, due to declaration of election to five State Assemblies (if necessary, revised strike notice can be given). Copies of the strike notice served to the Departmental Heads should be circulated to all lower units. Complaints are received at Confederation CHQ that some organizations are not circulating their strike notice to lower units which creates a lot of confusion at unit level. This should be avoided and each organization should ensure that copy of the strike notice is circulated to all lower units WITHOUT FAIL.


Confederation CHQ had already written letters to the concerned Chief Executives of the affiliated organizations to intimate the full postal address with PIN code of all newly elected Women Sub Committee members of Confederation. It is requested that the same may be furnished before 31stJanuary 2017.


All of you are aware that the financial position of the Confederation CHQ is not at all sound. It is needless to mention that without fund, no organization can function. For Parliament March and strike mobilization etc., big amount is already be spent. We are continuously fighting against the Government’s policies and for efficient and vibrant functioning, funds are required. All Affiliated Organizations and C-O-Cs are requested to collect and remit maximum quota and donations to the Confederation immediately. The amount may be remitted to the following address:

Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee
Financial Secretary
Confederation of Central Govt
Employees & Workers
17/C, Kalibari Marg New Delhi – 110 001
Mobile: 09868520926

Bank Account details:
Bank   : Indian Overseas Bank
Branch: Goal Market, New Delhi
A/C No.084001000015586
IFSC code : IOBA0000840.


Confederation Trade Union Education Camp – 2017 will be held on 2017 May 6th & 7th (Saturday & Sunday) at Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala). Detailed Circular enclosed along with this circular.

Fraternally yours,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob & whatsapp: 09447068125

Attention All CGHS beneficiary Pensioners:

CGHS Rates Doubled - Old  Beneficiaries (Pensioners) rush to get Life Time CGHS Card immediately!

The CGHS rates are doubled. Government has issued orders enhancing the rates. It has issued another order on 16th January changing the date of effect to 1.2.2017 instead of 31.01.2017. Therefore all those Pensioners, who have already not in possession of 'Life Time CGHS Cards' but renewing every year by year basis are advised to immediately go to CGHS Additional Director's Office to convert their CGHS Cards as 'Life Time Cards' before 31.01.2017. The amount to be remitted through Bank DD can be calculated at Addl. Director office. If this facility is not availed before the end of this month, they will have to pay at higher rates like the Serving Employees from 1.2.2017 for availing CGHS benefits. AIPRPA leaders are requested to spread this message among all CGHS beneficiary Pensioners. Similarly if any Postal Pensioner who is not joined CGHS, but otherwise entitled to join, may also avail this facility before 31.01.2017. - KR GS AIPRPA

Monday, 9 January 2017

CGHS Wellness Centre Inaugurated in Vizag (AP) by Hon'ble Health Minister!

Demand for opening a wellness centre of CGHS in the port city of Visakhapatnam was being raised by several pensioners organisations. However after the formation of AIPRPA in AP, it took keen efforts for the realisation of the same. Government of India Health Ministry finally acceded to the wishes and with the cooperation of AP State Government formed CGHS Wellness Centre in Vizag today. Honourable Minister of Health Dr.Jagat Prakash Nadda inaugurated in a grand function in which more than a thousand pensioners and employees attended. GS AIPRPA along with State GS AP comrade Y.Nagabhushanam, comrade K.Rajarao Divisional Secretary Anakapalle attended the function. President and Divisional Secretary AIPRPA Vizag comrades Dass and Sudhakar along with many members attended too. Later our team met the Director CGHS who accompanied the Health Minister from Delhi. On behalf of AP State AIPRPA a memorandum was given on CGHS issues and GS AIPRPA gave a letter for special consideration to appoint another eye specialist doctor for Chennai CGHS. Director CGHS assured consideration.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

AGM of Andhra AIPRPA!

The AGM of AIPRPA Andhra is in progress at Anakapalle under the presidentship  of State President Peraiah Pothamsetty. KR GS inaugurated. Leaders Comrades Y.Nagabhushanam (State GS); S.K Humayun (AGS CHQ); and many others addressed. Comrade Nageswara Rao Circle President P3 NFPE as the Chairman of Reception Committee welcomed all. The AGM is convened besides for other reasons to plan holding of 2nd All India Conference of AIPRPA in Andhra during July, 2017, including formation of a broad based Reception Committee. The AGM was attended by delegates from throughout state and large number of members from Anakapalle also:

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

On Pension Payment!

Acute problems in drawing pension!
Currency crunch turning from bad to worse!
CHQ emails to Chief PMG Tamilnadu on Tamilnadu conditions!

The Chief PMG
Tamilnadu Circle.

This Association is constrained to seek your kind attention for causing action to render relief to Pensioners on the matter of pension payment. The problem is very acute and pensioners are forced to go to post offices on different days to draw their pension in instalments. In districts like Vellore, Erode etc the problems are severe and protest demonstrations are taking place.  We suggest the following for your consideration:
1. Linking Head Post Offices directly with RBI as like Banks for getting increased quota of currencies daily; and
2. In the interregnum approaching Head of office of SBI for extra allotment of cash by taking into consideration that every HPO is to supply for it's own SOs. At present we are afraid that HPOs are treated as one of the branches only.

In short we submit that the pensioners who are senior citizens are to be given relief both physically and mentally.

Thanking you Sir,
Yours faithfully,
K Ragavendran
General Secretary