Thursday, 31 December 2015
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
NJCA is on the right path!!
When the whole nation at the call of the NJCA has started to
mobilize the entirety of CG Employees behind the demands of modifications to be
made in the 7th CPC recommendations, the Honourable Finance Minister
Arun Jaitley has stated that he is prepared to discuss with the Trade Unions
for improving the recommendations of 7th CPC!
This utterance from the Finance Minister is welcome as that
is what the CG Movement too has demanded. The NJCA has demanded discussion with
the Government and for that purpose the Government shall come forward to
constitute a ‘GoM’ (Group of Ministers) as was done in some other occasions including
5th CPC time. The GoM can take necessary decisions to modify the
recommendations. The Finance Minister who has spoken in favour of discussion
with the trade unions shall go ahead and ensure that Modi Government constitutes
a Group of Ministers arrangement to
discuss the issues in a meaningful way. If the Government comes forward with
this formation then we can understand that the Union Finance Minister means
what he has stated in the meeting of Bharat Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) as reported by
the Media.
At the same time we cannot close our eyes to some realities
of what the Honourable Minister of Finance had stated in his speech in the BMS
meeting. He has repeated that more one lakh crore of rupee will be the
expenditure for implementing the 7th CPC, which is highly questionable
and misleading. He while say that on the
face of universal economic crisis, India could maintain its GDP growth around
7.5%, require additional 1-1.5% GDP growth to meet out the expenditure out of 7th
CPC. This calculation is unacceptable as it is overestimated. The 7th
CPC seems to have been misled by its economic experts in the Pay Commission as
his figures and the figures of the Finance Minister as made out in the
Parliament vary largely. The Government placing its own constraints before any dialogue
is understandable but it should come forward with open mind for the negotiating
FM Arun Jaitley has also stated in that meeting the ideology
of left has become unacceptable! Is it so? Actually it is the opposite that is
being proved. It was the left that
predicted clearly that liberalization is not a remedy to the ills of
economy. It was the left that started to mobilize the people against the
neo-liberal policies since 1990s. After practically seeing the devastation
caused by the neo-liberal polices in India, all trade unions including the
INTUC and BMS have come forward to join the left trade unions in opposing
neo-liberalism. The Government in general and the Finance Minister in
particular desires to divide the working class and that manifests in his speech
in the BMS conference!
The call of the NJCA is the factor that brought out the averment
of the Finance Minister about the readiness to negotiate. More stronger
implementation of programme of action by the NJCA will surely force the
Government to constitute a GOM for negotiating with the employees!
General Secretary
Monthly Organ 'Pensioners Post' released in a simple function at Chennai on 29th December, 2015
29.12.2015 - Park Town HPO
It was a simple function but quite a memorable one with a large number of leaders and members of both Pensioners' Organisations and CG Employees & Postal Employees trade union Organisations enthusiastically participating at a very short notice! Comrade K.Ragavendran Editor Pensioners Post & GS AIPRPA welcomed all to the function.
Com.M.Kannaiyan TN State President presided the function. Comrade M.Duraipandian General Secretary of TN State Committee of Confederation of CG employees released the "Pensioners Post" and the first copy was accepted by Comrade N.L.Sridharan President of Tamilnadu State COC of Central, State Government and Public Sector Pensioners organisations. Plethora of leaders A.G.Pasupathy (Patron); KVS (CHQ Advisor); C.K.Narasimhan (Circle Secretary AI BDPA); S.Sundaramurthy (President ITEF Tamilnadu); Ilamaran (Vice President TNGPA);P.Mohan (Circle president P3 NFPE); G.Kannan (Secretary NFPE Circle COC); P.Kumar (Secretary FNPO Circle COC); K.Ramesh (R3 NFPE C/S); and B.Paranthaman (R4 NFPE C/S) as well as quite a number of AIPRPA State Office Bearers, NFPE Circle office bearers and comrades graced the function.
The function was well organised with the full cooperation and assistance with the Postal Leaders and comrades of Chennai City North Division. Comrade P.Mohan Circle President NFPE P3; Comrade S.Vedagiri P4 Divisional Secretary; Leelaram Divisional Secretary GDS (NFPE); Chandramohanakrishnan (Designer of banners with his artistic touch) were in the forefront for the success of the function. AIPRPA CHQ thanks all these leaders for their full cooperation.
The Pensioners Post journal has been despatched to all annual subscribers who had contributed to it as well as to all CHQ Office Bearers and State General Secretaries today.(30.12.2015) - All are requested to distribute among their members and enroll maximum Annual Subscribers to the journal. All are also requested to go through the contents of the journal and interact with your considered opinions.
General Secretary AIPRPA
M.Duraipandian General Secretary TN State Committee of Confederation |
N.L.Sridharan President of TN State COC of Central, State and Public Sector Pensioners Organisations |
Ilamaran Vice President of TN Government Pensioners Association |
S.Sundaramurthy President of ITEF Tamilnadu |
C.K.Narasimhan Circle Secretary AIBDPA Tamilnadu |
P.Kumar Secretary FNPO Tamilnadu Circle Coordination Commitee |
Malik Editor Kalangarai Vilakku |
G.Kannan Secretary NFPE Tamilnadu Circle Coordination Committee |
K.Ramesh Circle Secretary R3 NFPE Tamilnadu Circle |
P.Mohan Circle President P3 NFPE Tamilnadu Circle |
AGP Patron Tamilnadu State AIPRPA |
M.Kannaiyan President Tamilnadu State AIPRPA |
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A view of participants in the function |
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M.Kannaiyan President addressing - Leaders including KR GS AIPRPA on dais |
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A view of participants |
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Pensioners Post being released by M.Duraipandian and first copy accepted by N.L.Sridharan and other leaders with the journal |
Saturday, 26 December 2015
Some State Governments of this Day follow the Gujarat's Modi Government of yesterday!
Five State Governments Demand
postponement of
7th CPC Implementation!
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Today's Tamil Daily "DINA MALAR" reports that Five State Governments of Tamilnadu, Punjab, West Bengal, Odisha and Uttarpradesh have demanded not to implement 7th CPC recommendations from next month (1.1.2016) but postpone due to financial difficulties of these State Governments. The Government Officials said as the State Governments are normally to follow Central Pay Commissions the implementation by Central Govt will cause serious burden to them!
It is not clear as to whether these States demand postponement of implementation only or postponement of very date of effect itself? Whatever be the demand it is atrocious. People know these States are squandering money on freebies to earn votes but oppose to employees of State getting equal rise on par with CG employees. As correctly replied by Justice Mathur (on this occasion) many States are yet to implement 6th CPC scales! What right they have to oppose CG employees wage revision?
These State Governments have never complained at any point of time whenever the Central Government had granted several lakhs of crores to Corporates! Rather these State Governments might have offered equal if not more concessions to Corporates in order to woo them to their States! But why should they object to revision of wages to CG Employees?
Actually the CG employees are recommended much below their due and a struggle is brewing among them. The opposition deceives people as though much is being spent on CG employees! The States are free to fight for more financial powers and allocation from Centre! But the present approach is negative!
Friday, 25 December 2015
Assam & North Eastern States will now
Move Ahead with formation of
The Joint Circle Conference of Assam and North East NFPE Circle Unions that met at Agarthala (Tripura) was attended by GS AIPRPA also and during that Joint Conference the RCC (Regional Coordination Committee) of NFPE Unions of Assam and NE Circles has met in which the General Secretary AIPRPA had appealed for formation of AIPRPA in all those States. The RCC had at that point of time also decided to discuss in the Joint Circle Conference and accordingly the matter was placed before the Conference. The Joint Conference decided in its Policy & Programme Resolution that AIPRPA will be formed in all North Eastern States and Assam.
The matter was being pursued by the RCC and in the background of existence of Postal, RMS & MMS Pensioners organisation in Assam Circle and in some Districts, the issue was discussed thoroughly to sort out the modus operandi of merger of such Associations with AIPRPA.
Now, in the recent meeting of Regional Coordinating Committee all Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions as well as Leaders of various Pensioners Organisations viz., Comrades B.R.Lakhar (Circle Secretary Postal, RMS & MMS Pensioners Association, Assam & Ex-Circle Secretary of P3 Assam & Ex-Circle Secretary of R3 Assam); S.Rahman (Vice President NCCPA & Postal, RMS & MMS Pensioners Association, Assam & Ex-Circle Secretary R3 Assam); Diljan Ali (Divisional Secretary Postal, RMS & MMS Pensioners Association of Guwahati & Ex-Circle Secretary R4 Assam) & Abdul Rahman (Ex-Circle Secretary R4 Assam) have participated.
In this important meeting the following decisions have been taken:
1.AIPRPA will be formed in Circle level and in all Divisions as per the decisions of NFPE Hyderabad Federal Council and Joint Circle Conference of Assam & NE CIrcles held at Agarthala.
2. Present Pensioners Association at the Circle level and at the Divisional level will be merged and converted into "AIPRPA" and in all Districts / Divisions where there is no Pensioners Association at present, AIPRPA will be formed.
3. This formation of AIPRPA shall be completed before the end of February, 2016.
4.The existing Assam Circle Adhoc Committee of Postal, RMS & MMS Pensioners Association will be renamed or reorganised into "All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association" [AIPRPA] in a State level convention in the month of March, 2016 at Guwahati.
5. All the Circle Unions and Divisional Unions shall take serious effort and cooperate in the formation of AIPRPA in all Divisions.
The Resolution unanimously adopted in the above meeting of Circle Unions and Pensioners Leaders is placed hereunder for the information of all comrades.
The Aiprpa Chq welcomes this decision of all NFPE Circle Unions under the Regional Coordination Committee of Postal Employees Unions and all the leaders of Pensioners Associations. The Aiprpa Chq also congratulates all leaders of Postal, RMS & MMS Pensioners Association in Guwahati Division and Assam Circle for taking such a historic decision to merge with the AIPRPA which is being founded as an All India Monolithic Organisation of Postal & RMS Pensioners Association. This unity decision will go a long way in strengthening the AIPRPA as well as NCCPA in which AIPRPA is playing its due role. In fact this decision is a morale booster to our efforts for expanding the AIPRPA in all States.
Congratulations to all Circle Secretaries!
Congratulations to all Leaders of Pensioners Associations!
General Secretary AIPRPA
Thursday, 24 December 2015
NCCPA Circular - Notice for Secretariat Meeting - Letter to Department of Pension
NCCPA on the Move
- NCCPA National Secretariat Meeting will be held on 7.2.2016 in New Delhi. The meeting is notified to be held at AIRF Library Hall, State Entry Road, New Delhi 110001 (Near New Delhi Railway Station) at 2.00 P.M. The Notice for the above meeting is exhibited in the website of NCCPA ( Comrades of AIPRPA who are Office Bearers of the NCCPA elected in the recent 3rd AIC of NCCPA shall attend the meeting. They are requested to make their journey reservations immediately.
- The Secretary General NCCPA has written to the Secretary Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare on the matter of interaction with us on all issues as NCCPA is the apex organization of various CG Pensioners Associations throughout the country.
- Circular Number 2 of NCCPA issued by the Secretary General NCCPA is also released today.
The Circular, the Notice for
Secretariat and the letter to Secretary to MoP&PW – all three are exhibited
hereunder for the information of our members:
General Secretary AIPRPA
13/c Feroze Shah
New Delhi. 110 001
Dated: 22.12.2015.
President: Com.
Shiv Gopal Misra
President: Com. S.S. Roy.
Secretary Genl: Com. K.K.N. Kutty.
is hereby given for a meeting of the National Secretariat (i.e. the office bearers
who were elected at the conference at Kolkata) on 7th Feb. 2016 at New Delhi to discuss the following agenda. The meeting will be held at the AIRF Library hall, State Entry Road, New
Delhi. 110 001. The Sectt. members are requested to make their own arrangements for stay at
Delhi. Any comrade who wanted us to make
arrangements for the accommodation; he may kindly get in touch with Com. K. Raghavendran
(Mobile No. 9444919295) Agenda for discussion will be as under; The meeting
will commence at 2.00PM. on 7.2.2016.
Enumeration of the Conference decisions and the
modus operandi to give effect to those decisions.
7th CPC recommendations, points for
improvement, preparation of campaign material and finalization of action
Widening the organizational base of NCCPA.
State of affairs of finance and the ways and
means to improve it.
Increasing circulation of the journal and making
it financially viable.
Any other matter with the permission of the
All Sectt. members are requested to kindly make it
convenient to attend the meeting.
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General
Enumeration of the Conference
decisions will be made by Com. Pavithra Chakraborty, Deputy Secretary General
and the modus operandi will be discussed at the meeting. He would kindly send a note in this regard to
the Secretary General for circulation at the meeting by 31.1.2016.
Note on agenda item No. 2 will
be prepared and circulated by the Secretary General.
Note on agenda item No. 3 will
be prepared by Com. K. Raghavendran, Deputy Secretary General as a base paper
for discussion.
Note on agenda Item No. 4 and 5 will be prepared by Com. S.S. Roy,
Working President in consultation with Com. Pavitra chakraborty, Com. R.L.
Bhattacharya, Patron and the Assistant Treasurer and Treasurer.
In the agenda “any other matter
with the permission of the Chair” the proposal for amendments to constitution
received from various units or from the Sectt,. Members and the steps to be
taken to get the NCCPA registered with the Registrar of Societies will be
briefly discussed. If any member would like to discuss any issues other than
mentioned in the agenda, he may do so, by sending a brief note on the issue to
the Secretary General, which would be taken up under agenda item No. 6, subject
to the constraints of time.
13/c Feroze shah
New Delhi. 110 001
Dated: 22.12.2015.
Shri Devendra Chaudhary.
Secretary, Pension & Pension welfare
Nayak Bhavan,
New Delhi,Delhi,110001(e. mail:
Dear Sir,
The “National Co-ordination Committee of Pensioners
Associations” is the apex organization of the various Central Government
pensioners Associations viz, the pensioners Associations in the Railways,
Defence, and Postal, BSNL and erstwhile Telecom department and other Central
Government Departments. The need for
such an all India organization was felt by the Pensioners Associations
functioning either at the regional or State levels or at the Departmental levels
to channelize the common grievances of the Central Government pensioners in the
country. In the founding convention that
was held at Jaipur, Rajasthan, in 2008, Com. U.M. Purohit, the then Secretary,
Staff Side National council and the President of the All India Railwaymen
Federation was elected as the Patron along with
Shri V.A.N.Namboodiri, the erstwhile Secretary General of the BSNL
Employees association. Shri R.L.
Bhattacharya, former Secretary General of the National Federation of Postal
Employees took over as the President and Shri S.K. Vyas, a long time Secretary General of the All India Audit
and Accounts Association and a Sanding Committee member of the National
Council, JCM, right from its inception was elected as the first Secretary
General. All these leaders were veterans
of the Trade Union movement of the Central Government employees and had the
rich experience of formulating the demands and issues of the employees
including their retirement benefits before the successive Pay Commissions.
Due to the sad demise of both Shri. U.M. Purohit and
Shri S.K.Vyas in succession, and due to the failing health of Shri R.L.
Bhattacharya, the all India Conference of NCCPA which was held at Kolkata
elected Shri Shiva Gopal Misra, the Staff Side Secretary of the JCM. National
Council as the President and shri K.K.N.
Kutty, former Secretary General of Income-tax Employees Federation for many
years and presently a member of the Standing Committee of the National council
as the Secretary General. Shri R.L.
Bhattacharya and Shri V.A.N. Namboodiri were requested to be the patrons to
help and advise the functioning of the NCCPA.
The NCCPA in its functioning as an apex organization
of all Central Government Pensioners in the country during its short period of
existence has been able to channelize
the grievances and demands of the pensioner in general before the
authorities. The NCCPA’s memorandum to
the 7th Central Pay Commission stand testimony to this fact. The Staff Side, JCM which submitted an
elaborate memorandum on all issues concerning both the working employees and
pensioners had almost adopted the views and suggestions made by the NCCPA in
respect of retirement benefits. Not only
did it try to present the demands of the pensioners before the Government and
other agencies effectively, it could through frequent interaction with its
affiliates bring home the points of view of the Government expressed through
the official side and the constraints of the Government in meeting out certain
demands despite appreciating the genuineness of them. In fact it functioned as
an effective conduit, beneficial for all concerned. The
democratic manner of the functioning of the NCCPA gives room for all to express and advance
their views and take decisions on the basis of a consensus.
We write this to bring to your kind notice that while
many of our affiliates and the State level organizations do receive
communications from the Ministry of Pension asking them their views on matters
concerning pension, the NCCPA was not favoured with a formal communication to
enable us to present before the Ministry the consensus view of the Pensioners
at large. Recently the Department of
Pension solicited the views of the pensioners on the question of linking Aadhar
Card with pension payment and their suggestions on the recommendations of the 7th
CPC. While it is highly appreciated that
the Government and the Department of Pension solicit the views of even smaller
organizations, we strongly feel that it would have been equally good, if not
better, to elicit the views and opinions of the Apex organizations like NCCPA whose
submission by virtue of its very functioning shall have a pan-Indian touch;
tempered by reasonableness and
generality of approach. It is the avowed
endeavor of NCCPA to build bridge between the Government and the Pensioners and
discuss the issues and problems in a conducive atmosphere and arrive at
conclusions mutually beneficial.
In this background, May we request you to kindly
register our name in your list of Pensioners organizations to seek out our
opinions and views on various pensioner-related matters, invite us formally for
attending the seminars, conventions, conferences and meetings, organized by the
Department of Pension in frequent intervals.
Thanking you and in anticipation of a favourable
Yours faithfully,
K.K.N. Kutty,
Secretary General.
Copy to :
Smt.Vandana Sharma,
Joint Secretary,
Department of Pension &
Pensioners welfare
Lok Nayak Bhawan
New Delhi. 110 001
13/c Feroze
shah Road,
New Delhi. 110
Dated: 22.12.2015.
Circular No. 2/2015-16.
Dear Comrades,
you are aware, the 7th CPC submitted its report to the Government on
19th November, 2015. The
National Joint council of action or organizations participating in the JCM at
the National level characterized the recommendations as the most retrograde and
perhaps the worst ever in the wage increase any Pay commission has ever made in
the past. Many affiliates and State committees had sent in their comments on
those recommendations pertaining to the Pensioners and other retirement
explored the possibilities of convening an emergent meeting of the office
bearers of NCCPA elected at its Kolkata Conference. However, due to paucity of time and other
logistics, we had to abandon that idea.
It was then decided in consultation with Com. President to convene a
meeting on 8th December, 2015 at New Delhi to discuss the
recommendations of the 7th CPC.
Accordingly, besides, the President and Secretary General, all the Vice
Presidents, Patrons, Treasurer and the two Deputy Secretaries General attended
the said meeting. Due to the delayed
running of the train, the President could not attend the meeting. Com. S.S.Roy, Working president presided over
the meeting. On the first day, the meeting decided upon the issues that must be
referred to the Staff Side JCM National Council, for inclusion in their charter
of demands. The demands so formulated
are as under:-
I. Revise the pension and other retirement benefits as
Parity between
the past and present pensioners to be brought about on the basis of the 7th
CPC recommendations with the modification that basis of computation to be the
pay level of the post/grade/scale of pay from which one retired, whichever
is beneficial.
Pension to be 60%
of the last pay drawn in the case of all eligible persons who have completed
the requisite number of years of service.
The family
pension to be 50% of the last pay drawn.
Enhance the
pension and family pension by 5% after every five years and 10% on attaining
the age of 85 and 20% on attaining the age of 90.
Commuted value of
pension to be restored after 10 years or attaining the age of 70 whichever is
earlier. Gratuity calculation to be on the basis of 25 days in the month
Fixed medical
allowance for those pensioners not covered by CGHS and REHS to be increased to
Rs. 2000 p.m.
Provide one
increment on the last day in service if the concerned employee has completed
six months or more from the date of grant of last increment.
II. The
full fledged meeting of the NCCPA Sectt. will be held either in the last week
of January or in the first week of Feb. at New Delhi.
website will be maintained by Com. K. Ragavendran, Deputy Secretary General in
consultation with the Secretary General,
joint Bank Account will be opened in any Nationalized Bank at Delhi operated by
the Secretary General and Treasurer.
V. The
present arrangement of publishing the journal from Kolkata will continue. Com. Pavitra Chakraborthy will be in charge
of the journal publication. An Editorial
board with Com.K.K.N. Kutty Secretary General as Chairman and Com. S.S.Roy and
Com. Pavithra Chatterji will be constituted.
The advice and assistance of Com. R.L. Bhattacgarya Patron will be
VI. Remittance
of annual subscription by the affiliates, state Committees and other
individuals will be made to Com. H.L.Sidhu, Tresurer only in the form of Bank
Draft or through Bank transfer.
VII. Remittances
in respect of the journal will be made over to Com. Pavitra Chakrsborty, Deputy
Secretary General at his Kolkata address.
He along with the Assistant Treasurer will maintain the requisite
account for the journal.
IX. The
Constitution copy of the NCCPA will be placed on the website. Suggestions and comments for amendment may be
sent to the Secretary General. The same
will be discussed for appropriate action by the next meeting of the National
X Com.
V.A.N. Namboodiri, patron of NCCPA will
help in getting affiliation and registration with the TUI for NCCPA for which a
formal decision was taken at the last Conference.
XI. Com.
K. Ragavendran Deputy Secretary General
will take steps to get the NCCPA registered under the Registrar or Societies
and a final decision in the matter will be taken at the next meeting of the
National Secretariat.
XII. The
meeting also decided to endorse the call of the NJCA in pursuance of the
charter of demands.
NJCA in its meeting on 8th
December 2015, accepted the proposal of the NCCPA in so far as the
acceptance of the demands pertaining to pensioners were concerned and included
the same as Item No. 13 of the Charter of demands. They have decided to go on indefinite strike
if no settlement is brought about on these demands. As a prologue and in a bid to mobilize the
employees, they have also decided the following programmes of action in the
month of January and Febraury, 2015.
Holding demonstrations and hand over copy of the NJCA’s letter dated 10.12.2015
to the Head of the Office for onward transmission to the Cabinet Secretary,
demanding for immediate settlement of the issues.
3-day dharna in all the State capitals and
industrial centers/ establishments for educating and mobilizing the employees.
We request all the affiliated
Associations and State Committee to part take in the programmes of action either independently or in co-operation with
the working employees and make it s a grand success. What should be modus of our participation as
and when the strike action is decided will be the subject matter of
deliberation at our next meeting of the National Secretariat.
With greetings,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Justice Mathur and FM Arun Jaitley are playing with the sleeping Tiger!
The long awaited release of the Monthly Journal of All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association is just round the corner. The first issue of the 'Pensioners Post' - the new monthly organ of AIPRPA to espouse the cause of the Postal & RMS Pensioners in particular but the cause of all Pensioners in general - has gone to the Press after completion of the full layout today. The Journal will be despatched on 30th December, 2015 to all subscribers.
An attempt has been made to analyze the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission in the first issue. Rather it can be said that the first issue is a Pay Commission Special Issue. The organ will maintain an approach of close cooperation between the service associations and Federations of employees and Pensioners. The Organ will try to fill the gap that exists in exposing the neo-liberal attacks on the Pension and Social Security at the universal level. The exclusive problems of Postal & RMS Pensioners will receive high attention of the journal. The common problems of CG Pensioners as well as the Pensioners Community as a whole will be highlighted and the action taken by the AIPRPA and NCCPA to mitigate those problems will also get full coverage.
The Readers and Members of AIPRPA can have an interaction with the Pensioners Post through a section in the journal called "Pensioners Mirror". Here they can raise their concerns and questions and opinions and get the response of the Editor also.
There shall be a section "Around the States" which will bring about the programmes and news about the States and District and Divisional Branches of AIPRPA. Ofcourse it is necessary to all Districts to pass on the news of their activities and photos to us in our new E-Mail ""
All regular sections like the Orders of the Government; SCOVA Meetings; Correspondences of CHQ and NCCPA to various Governmental Departments etc also will be there definitely.
We attempt to bring about the journal with a difference! An attempt to bring the issue with 'Form' and 'Content' in an improved manner.
The journal is now here! It is for you to take it and adapt it as your organ nearer to your heart! We are confident that all our members as well as other comrades and friends will extend maximum cooperation to the journal to succeed!
Editor and General Secretary AIPRPA
Monday, 21 December 2015
Tamilnadu AIPRPA 2nd Conference a great success!
2nd State Conference of AIPRPA Tamilnadu State
Resolves to build a stronger Postal & RMS Pensioners Organisation
Decides to build stronger ties with CG and Postal Trade Unions and stand together in all the struggles
The 2nd State
Conference of All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association Tamilnadu State
was held in Coimbatore City from 19th to 20th December,
2015. The Conference hall in Sri Durga Mahal was named after the late lamented
leader Comrade S.K.Vyas. Comrade M.Kannaiyan State President presided over the
The Reception Committee headed by
its Chairman Comrade P.R.Natarajan (Ex-Member of Parliament) and Comrade
S.Karunanidhi (General Secretary) had made excellent arrangements for the State
Conference and a band of volunteers from AIPRPA District Committee and NFPE P4
and GDS Coimbatore Divisional organizations made the conference very successful
with their dedicated involvement.
The Conference commenced with the
flag hoisting function with the national flag hoisted by our Patron of the
State Association Comrade A.G.Pasupathy; AIPRPA flag hoisted by All India
Advisor Comrade KVS; and the NCCPA flag hoisted by the senior most leader of
AIPRPA Tamilnadu Comrade Thanjai Sadasivam. The Martyrs Column with the photo
of Comrade S.K.Vyas was given floral respect by the Chiarman Reception
Committee to be followed by all senior leaders and Delegates and Visitors.
The Chairman Reception Committee
delivered his special welcoming address combined with his punctuating speech on
current developments that are attacking the interests of Pensioners. Comrades
K.K.N.Kutty (NCCPA Secretary General) inaugurated the Conference. His elaborate
speech traced the history and difference between the Pay Commissions that
incorporated labour representative and those Pay Commissions like 7th
CPC which do not have any labour representative member. He exposed the areas of
distortion by the Pay Commission that deliberately reduced the quantum of need
based minimum wage and the resultant low fitment factor. He stressed that the
grant of fitment benefit to improve the question of parity of pension between
the past and the present pensioners and recommendations for improving the
medical treatment facilities of pensioners notwithstanding, the rejection of
many issues of pensioners are also a point of disappointment. The decision of
NCCPA to focus before the Government all the anomalies of pension fixation and
the modifications required in the Report for appropriate modification was
explained by him. He also called upon to strengthen NCCPA in such a manner the
P&T movement strengthened the Confederation from the days of formation to
build a common movement of CG Pensioners in the country.
Comrades A.G.Pasupathy (Patron);
K.V.Sridharan (All India Advisor); D.Gopalakrishnan (CHQ Vice President
AIBSNLPWA); C.K.Narasimhan (Circle Secretary AIBDPA); S.Ragupathy (Assitant
Secretary General NFPE); J.Ramanurthy (CHQ President P3 NFPE); R.Chandraprakash
(AIPRPA State Working President & former BPEF P3 CHQ President); N.Chinnasamy
(State President Tamilnadu Electricity Board Pensioners Welfare Association);
Y.Nagabhushanam (AIPRPA CHQ AGS); H.V.Kurup (AIPRPA CHQ OGS); V.Janakiraman
(AIPRPA CHQ OGS); K.Shanmugha Sundar Raj (AIPRPA CHQ OGS); M.Sudhakaran
(President Coimbatore CGPA) addressed the session.
Our Guest of Honour Smt.Manju P.Pillai the Postmaster General of Western Region Tamilnadu Circle attended our Conference and greeted. Her speech highlighted the importance of Pensioners Movement and assured her administration's help in genuine issues of pensioners.
Our Guest of Honour Smt.Manju P.Pillai the Postmaster General of Western Region Tamilnadu Circle attended our Conference and greeted. Her speech highlighted the importance of Pensioners Movement and assured her administration's help in genuine issues of pensioners.
There was a memorable occasion in
the Conference when the former Secretary General NFPTE and senior most leader
of P&T movement Comrade D.Gnaniah was given a special honour by the
Conference. Comrade D.Gnaniah who is on the verge of completing 95 years of age
also delivered a special address to the conference with recollecting the entire
history of P&T movement. Comrades AGP, Thanjai Sadasivam and K.Ragavendran General Secretary spoke before the speech of Comrade D.Gnaniah and remembered his great role in building the P&T Movement.
Sri.Perur Natarajan former
four-time M.L.A., of Perur constituency, in which area falls our State
Conference venue, graced the Conference and was garlanded by the State
President comrade M.Kannaiyan on behalf of the Reception Committee.
In the Subjects Committee after the
tributes to all departed leaders and comrades, the Biennial Report was
submitted by the State General Secretary Comrade K.Ragavendran. The Audited
Accounts were submitted by the Treasurer Comrade S.Santhanaraman. There was a
lively debate by the Delegates and Office Bearers of the State Association on
the organizational review in general and the Pay Commission Report in
particular that brought out many important points in the Pay Commission’s
Report on which modifications are absolutely necessary as well as those areas
of improvement made out by the 7th CPC. The debates pinpointed the
need to expand our presence to all the districts of the state as well as to
increase the membership in all weaker districts to emerge stronger. The
Conference resolved to extend fullest cooperation to all struggles of Central
Government Employees as well as the Postal Employees to modify the retrograde
recommendations of Pay Commission by mobilizing our membership in all places of
such struggle programmes.
The Biennial Report and the
Audited Accounts were unanimously adopted by the House. Finally after the
Presidential Speech by Comrade M.Kannaiyan, the summing up speech of the debate
was made by the State General Secretary Comrade K.Ragavendran.
The Conference adopted
Resolutions on many issues including problems of Pre-2006 Pensioners that still
remain to be sorted out; Calculation of revised pension from 1.1.2006 by taking
the quantum of Dearness Pension also to Pre-2006 Pensioners; Post 1.1.1996
Postman Pensioners issue; the need to modify the table of Matrix that was
prepared with the command of “Round” into a command of “Round up” to ensure rounding up of the
amount to the next hundred; and on the question of Medical Needs of Pensioners.
The State Conference expressed
deep sympathy towards all the people severely affected by the recent heavy
rains and floods in Chennai City, Kancheepuram, Cuddalore and Tiruvallur,
Tuticorin and Tirunelveli Districts. The effort of Erode AIPRPA that has
collected donations from its members towards flood relief is appreciated by the
Conference and the State Conference requested the District Associations to
directly send such flood relief to appropriate places as they deem fit.
The State Conference nominated a Patron and an Advisor to the State
Association as follows:
Patron: A.G.Pasupathy
Advisor: K.V.Sridharan
Thereafter the following Comrades were unanimously elected as the State
Office Bearers for the ensuing term:
State President: M.Kannaiyan
State Working Presidents:
1. P.Rajanayagam
– Kanniyakumari
2. Thanjai
Sadasivam – Thanjavur
3. K.Sivaraman
– Chennai
4. R.Chandraprakash
– Chennai
5. A.C.Dharanipathy
– Chennai
6. G.C.Narasimhulu
– Ambathur
7. R.Savithiri
– Vellore
State Vice Presidents:
1. D.Ramachandran
– Chennai
2. M.R.Meenakshisundaram
– Chennai
3. R.Muthu
– Pondicherry
4. D.Sivagurunathan
– Chennai
5. L.Purushothaman
– Chennai
6. P.Shanmugam
– Chennai
7. V.Venkatarangan
– Chennai
8. G.Rajamani
– Chennai
9. R.Masilamani
– Chennai
10. K.Sivaraman
– Chennai (PSD)
11. K.Rajendran
– Coimbatore
12. T.Subramanian
– Coimbatore
13. N.Devarajan
– Tiruvannamalai
14. V.Gnanasambandan
– Chengalpattu
15. R.Kanagavel
– Salem
16. S.Swaminathan
– Mayiladuturai
17. A.Dhakshinamurthy
– Tiruchirappalli
18. R.Murugesan
– Erode
19. I.Subramanian
– Kancheepuram
20. A.Mani
– Kancheepuram
21. G.Krishnan
– Tirunelveli
22. N.Radhakrishnan
– Arni
23. M.Chidambaram
– Vellore
24. N.B.S.Manian
– Tiruvallur
25. V.Nirmala
– Chennai
State General Secretary: K.Ragavendran – Chennai
Assistant State General Secretaries:
1. R.Natarajan
– Pondicherry
2. N.Selvan
– Tiruchirappalli
3. V.Rajaram
– Dindigul
4. K.Shanmugha
Sundar Raj – Tirunelveli
5. S.Appanraj
- Chennai
6. N.Shanmugam
– Salem
7. A.Murugan
– Chennai
8. T.Mani
– Tiruchengode
9. P.Sanku
– Dharmapuri
10. P.Subburaj
– Kovilpatti
11. S.Karunanidhi
– Coimbatore
12. P.Thiruvengadam
– Vridhacahalam
13. C.Sekar
– Chennai
14. P.Mani
– Chennai
15. N.Karuppusamy
– Tirupur
16. P.Murugan
– Tiruvannamalai
17. S.Veerannan
– Kovilpatti
18. C.Senjimani
– Tirupathur
19. K.Rajendran
– Tiruchirappalli
20. Nethaji
Subash – Salem
21. M.B.Sukumar
– Chennai
22. P.Natarajan
– Palani
23. S.Thiagarajan
– Tirunelveli
State Treasurer: S.Santhanaraman – Vellore
Assistant State Treasurer: G.Kumar – Chennai
State Organising General secretaries:
1. N.Ramasamy
– Erode
2. T.Nagappan
– Udumalpet
3. S.Durai
– Chennai
4. B.Ragunathan
– Chennai
5. N.Avudaiappan
– Tenkasi
6. A.Marudai
– Dindigul
7. P.Subramanian
– Dharmapuri
8. S.Govindarajan
– Tiruchirappalli
9. A.Chandran
– Kancheepuram
10. P.K.Rajaram
– Salem
11. R.Subramanian
– Erode
12. R.Asaithambi
– Thanjavur
The State Conference also
authorized the State Executive Committee to co-opt Office Bearers if necessary
to accommodate representatives from such areas that are being concentrated for
expansion of AIPRPA.
The Reception Committee got great
appreciations from all in general and by the State Association in particular
for making the Conference a memorable one to all participants. All the
volunteers of Reception Committee were honoured by the leaders of the State and
CHQ at the end of the Conference.
General Secretary
Entrance of Comrade Vyas Arangam |
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Patron AGP hoisting National Flag |
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Flag Hoisting |
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Advisor KVS hoisting AIPRPA Flag |
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Thanjai Sadasivam hoisting NCCPA Flag |
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Chairm Reception Committee Com.P.R.Natarajan Ex-M.P paying tributes to Martyrs Column |
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A view of Delegates and Visitors in Conference inaugural session |
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S.Karunanidhi General Secretary Reception Committee |
Chairman Reception Committee Com.PRN (Ex-Member of Parliament) welcome address |
PMG Western Region Smt.Manju P.Pillai greeting the Conference |
Senior most leader D.Gnaniah (Ex-SG NFPTE) gracing the Conference |
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Perur Ex-M.L.A., Sri.Natarajan gracing the Conference |
AIBSNLPWA CHQ Vice President D.Gopalakrishnan greeting the conference |
AIBDPA Circle Secretary C.K.Narasimhan greeting the Conference |
Tamilnadu Electricity Board Pensioners Welfare Assn State President N.Chinnasamy |
NCCPA SG KKN.Kutty inaugural address |
M.Sudhakaran Coimbatore CGPA President |
J.Ramamurthy P3 NFPE CHQ President |
Patron AGP Addressing |
AIPRPA CHQ OGS H.V.Kurup addressing |
S.Ragupathy (ASG NFPE) addressing |
CHQ Advisor KVS Addressing |
CHQ OGS V.Janakiraman greeting the conference |
Doctor N.Easwaran with his poem on Social Security |
R.Chandraprakash (Ex-BPEF P3 CHQ President) & Working President AIPRPA |
K.Shanmugha Sundara Raj CHQ OGS addressing |
Y.Naghabhushanam CHQ AGS addressing |
K.Jayalakshmi FNPO P3 Divisional Secretary greeting the Conference |
K.Ragavendran State General Secretary AIPRPA TN summing up the debate in conference |
State President AIPRPA honoured by Reception Committee |
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