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Justice Mathur on his recommendations before the Media |
This 7th CPC has not given any breathtaking recommendations.
Hopes were raised but totally belied.
Need Based Minimum Wage for a Group ‘C’ MTS is only 18,000/-MACP is
further made stringy with harsh conditions.
HRA slashed in the name of rationalization.
Many Allowances including Treasury, Cash handling etc are abolished.
Except for recommending inclusion of Postal Pensioners into CGHS without
discrimination and granting Pre-2006 Pensioners the benefit of their service based annual increments notionally added for fixing pension - no other great advantage to Pensioners also.
Some Common – Postal – Pensioners related recommendations are briefly narrated
as under:
Date of Effect:
Need Based
Minimum Wage: The Staff Side had demanded 26,000/- as the minimum wages to a
MTS which is considered as a Group ‘C’ cadre. But the 7th CPC while
maintained that the 15th ILC norms of Dr.Aykroid formula on Need
Based Minimum Wage is being followed, has recommended only Rs.18,000/- as the
minimum wage for a Group ‘C’ employee.
The Pay Band and
Grade Pay system has been removed. Individual Pay Scale to every cadre has been
recommended. But by just applying the multiplication factor of 2.57 all
existing Pay in the Pay Band + existing Grade Pay has only been taken into
account for refixing the pay scale of every cadre. This does not totally take
away the injustice perpetrated by 6th CPC.
A uniform
multiplication factor of 2.57 is applied to employees and pensioners, wherein
their present Basic pay + Grade Pay in the case of employees or Basic Pension
in the case of Pensioners will be multiplied by 2.57 factor to refix the basic
pay or basic pension.
Rate of annual
increment has been kept at the old rate of 3%.
HRA percentage
has been slashed in the name of rationalization. The existing 30%, 20% and 10%
are reduced as 24%, 16%, 8% respectively; on DA points crossing 50% the rate
will be 27%, 18%, 9% respectively; On DA points crossing 100% mark then the
rates will be restored as 30%, 20% and 10% respectively. Though the quantum of
HRA will be increased the slashing of HRA % is retrograde.
Allowance, Cash Handling Allowance abolished. Many Allowances are abolished.
MACP will continue
to be three with 10,20,30 years and the reason stated is that since the pay
band and grade pay is removed, the grievance arose will vanish. But the
benchmark is tightened with ‘Very Good’ instead of ‘Good’ recommended by 6th
CPC. Increments will be withheld for employees not able to meet the above
benchmark to earn MACP or regular promotions within 20 years of their service.
. Some examination or mandatory training for grant of MACP is also recommended.
The anomaly arose in Postal Department and the subsequent Jodhpur Judgment etc in
favor of Promotee employees are ignored by the Commission.
No operative
cadre, right from MTS to HSG-I Postmasters have been considered for any
up-gradation of pay scale but only granted with the replacement equivalent
scales of pay. Only in the case of IPOs, ASPOs and consequently the SPOs the
up-gradation of pay scale is allowed in the Department of Posts.
Member (Finance)
post should be created without increasing the number of Postal Service Board
Members. The post of Member (F) shall be held by a cadre from Indian P&T
Postmasters Grade with the present Grade Pay of 4800/- will be in future on the
basis of 25% on seniority cum fitness from among the Postmasters Grade III
cadre with 4600/- GP; and for the remaining 75% of posts the Postmasters Grade
II and Grade III will also be permitted to compete along with the IPO
IPOs entry level
pay will be on par with 4600/- Grade Pay; ASPOs will be elevated to 4800/-
Grade Pay level; SPOs will be placed at 5400/- GP level.
The demand for
up-gradation of Postal Assistant, LSG, HSG-II and HSG-1 scales has been
The demand for
further up-gradation of Postmen scale by raising the entry educational
qualification has been rejected.
The Commission
is in agreement with the views of the VI CPC and recommends immediate merger of
the remaining 33 postal dispensaries in 10 postal circles with CGHS so that the
postal dispensary employees get the benefit of CGHS posts. Merging of the
postal dispensaries with CGHS will also help in better use of infrastructure.
upgradation of pay scale is rejected.
Supervisors upgradation is also rejected.
GDS are only
holders of civil posts but not civilian employees. Therefore the Commission says
that it has no recommendations for them.
CPC Rejected
creation of separate cadre for System Administrators and Marketing Executives.
Most of the
demands raised by Pensioners have been rejected.
Pensioners are given option between: (1) to opt for 50% of Notional Pay in the
Pay Band + Grade Pay + the number of increments @ 3% rate for the number of
years service put in the cadre by them is added; or (2) 2.57 times of 6th
CPC formula basic pension fixed from 1.1.2006. However, even this is not Parity in Pension between the past and future pensioners, as that would necessarily grant any up-graded pay scale advantage. The denial of up-graded scale advantage to Pre-2006 by 6th CPC is not set right fully by 7th CPC but only replacement scale benefit is guarenteed with notional increments.
Basic Pension
enhancement from the present 50% of LPD stands rejected.
Pension formula is not changed.
Demand for
minimum pension at par with the minimum wage is rejected.
factor and commutation period are kept same without any change.
Gratuity ceiling
is enhanced from 10 lakhs to 20 lakhs; Rate of Death Gratuity is modified to
cover between 5 to 11 years and 11 to 20 years slab.
The order of the
Health Ministry preventing P&T Pensioners to join CGHS if they were not
members of CGHS while in service is discriminatory. All P&T Pensioners
shall be allowed to join CGHS without discrimination. This is very favorable
recommendation to P&T Pensioners.
Health Insurance
Scheme is strongly recommended; In the meanwhile for pensioners outside the CGHS
areas, some hospitals empanelled under CSMA /ECHS should be allowed on cashless basis.
All the
remaining 33 Postal dispensaries shall be merged.
A strong network
of medical facility by combining CGHS, ECHS, RELHS should be explored.
FMA is not
enhanced but will continue the same 500/- per month.
Dear Comrades, The AIPRPA awaits analysis from all other Pensioners Organisations as well as the Federations and Unions of CG Employees on the entire report of 7th CPC. We shall join hands with all for any coordinated action. We also request all our members to study the report that is available in the website of 7th CPC ( and send their valuable suggestions and comments for the CHQ to consolidate and coordinate with all other organisations.
General Secretary
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