Tuesday, 28 June 2016

SCOVA Disappoints yet again! 

28th Meeting of SCOVA has also turned out to be another disappointment, at least to all Pre-2006 HSG-1 Pensioners! The issue of HSG-1 Pre-2006 pensioners are to be refixed  their pension in GP 4600 level on the grounds that this was only the replacement scale to this cadre has not been accepted by Department of Expenditure. They treat it as a higher pay scale granted to HSG-1 from 1.1.2006 and hence not applicable to Pre-2006 pensioners as like all other Pre-2006 pensioners of various cadres. Despite the assurance of Pension Secretary given out during the periodical meeting with Staff Side JCM leaders for reconsidering the issue, nothing happened on the issue in general too. No alternative but to unite with all pensioners organizations and take to street as like the veterans did to win OROP! Also let us get ready for knocking the doors of judiciary for HSG-1 Pre-2006! Justice delayed is better than justice denied! - KR GS AIPRPA

28th Meeting of SCOVA has also turned out to be another disappointment, at least to all Pre-2006 HSG-1 Pensioners! The issue of HSG-1 Pre-2006 pensioners are to be refixed  their pension in GP 4600 level on the grounds that this was only the replacement scale to this cadre has not been accepted by Department of Expenditure. They treat it as a higher pay scale granted to HSG-1 from 1.1.2006 and hence not applicable to Pre-2006 pensioners as like all other Pre-2006 pensioners of various cadres. Despite the assurance of Pension Secretary given out during the periodical meeting with Staff Side JCM leaders for reconsidering the issue, nothing happened on the issue in general too. No alternative but to unite with all pensioners organizations and take to street as like the veterans did to win OROP! Also let us get ready for knocking the doors of judiciary for HSG-1 Pre-2006! Justice delayed is better than justice denied! - KR GS AIPRPA 

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