All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association
(Registered No: 83/2015 under Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act, 1975)
Chennai HQ: 2/44, Muthial Chetty Street, Purasawalkam, Chennai - 600007
New Delhi HQ: First Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, North Avenue, New Delhi - 110001
No.AIPRPA / CHQ / 2020 / 2 Dated 18th October, 2020
All CHQ Office Bearers / State General Secretaries / District & Divisional Secretaries!
Dear Comrades!
We have been temporarily separated by COVID-19 that prevented the CHQ from issuing circulars in frequent intervals. The CHQ is regretting however for the long gap in sending Circulars even though the CHQ is being very active in social media platforms. We understood the circumstances and carrying on our activities uninterrupted through video conferences and other social media platforms. Even during COVID-19 pandemic we did not completely cow down but carried on limited street activities also now and then, braving the dangers. The CHQ is duty bound to congratulate all those brave hearts for making our organization's presence felt among several other pensioners 'organizations which could not think of anything other than paper work.
1. Implementation of TUI Call:
The Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees) to which we are affiliated had issued a call amidst corona to observe 1st October as the "Day of Elderly" in accordance with the resolution of the United Nations and highlight the problems of "Pensioners and Retired". Accordingly we have fallen in line. The NCCPA which is the apex body in India for us also endorsed the call. In States like Tamilnadu where we are part of a broader platform of Pensioners called the COC of Central and State Government and Public Sector Pensioners' Associations, we observed the call unitedly in all Districts of the State in which in addition to us the pensioners from State Government, Teachers, Electricity Board, Transportation as well as NCCPA partners like the BSNL, Income Tax, CLTRI etc have also made the call very effective and widespread.
The CMC held on 11.10.2020 reviewed the implementation and congratulated the States of Tamilnadu, Kerala, Andhra, Jharkhand, Madhyapradesh, Odisha and Assam for seriously taking the call and organized its implementation in several places of the state. It was reviewed to see that in Uttar Pradesh except Agra there was no implementation. In Maharashtra though the situation is very serious and 144 stay orders are in vogue including in Mumbai no other programmes could be organized but a video meeting on 1.10.2020. Unfortunately in States like Telangana, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal, Haryana, Bihar, North Eastern States no programme could be organized partly due to corona and partly due to our organizational existing weaknesses in some states. However, comparing to previous years, the international pensioners' day as called by the TUI has been observed better this year despite COVID-19 pandemic.
2. NCCPA and AIPRPA Email Campaign:
NCCPA has given two calls for Email Campaigns during the recent times. As per the decision of the Executive of NCCPA held virtually on 15.06.2020, an Email Campaign to the Prime Minister opposing the DA/DR Freeze by the Central Government was undertaken. Another Email Campaign call by the NCCPA was issued on 26.07.2020 to send emails to the Secretary to Forest and Climate Change opposing the intended Act placed in Parliament to amend the EIA Notification 2020 that will affect the people and favour the Corporates.
In addition to Affiliates individual members also were requested to send emails to both the Prime Minister and Secretary Forest. The COC of Central, State Government and Public Sector Pensioners Associations in Tamilnadu also joined in the second email campaign. Many States, Districts, Divisions of AIPRPA in addition to those members who have the feasibility to send emails joined to make the programme effective. But self critically we have to admit that the organizational weakness exhibited in the implementation of TUI call also reflected during these calls. We should consciously apply ourselves to overcome this organizational weakness.
The issue of DA/DR freeze is still on and the efforts of NCCPA should continue organisationally. AIPRPA CHQ will raise the issue in the next executive of NCCPA as and when it takes place.
3. AIPRPA CHQ Call for Email Campaign to Secretary DoP:
AIPRPA CHQ as decided by its virtual CMC meeting held on 12.07.2020, conducted an Email Campaign to the Secretary Department of Posts on four important issues viz., (1) Implementation of orders on grant of higher pay scale of 3050-4590 from 1.1.1996 to Postman/ Mailguard; (2) Granting of benefit to include the period of induction training for TBOP/BCR as per DoP orders without insisting for production of certificate of training by Pensioners/Family Pensioners; (3) Refixation of Pension from 1.1.2006 with GP 4600 to Pensioners retired in HSG-1 cadre; (4) Medical related issues of CGHS and Non-CGHS Pensioners.
We have received reports and watched the social media that there was a widespread response to the call of CHQ and including members there was a good response to the call. However, we should not fail to self-introspect on our failures in those areas where the response was less.
4. COURT Cases:
Many cases are pending in different courts. The COVID-19 has compounded the problem as many courts have declared self lock down during this time. Normal functioning is yet to be resumed. Therefore some important cases already in court of law as under are waiting to be heard:
a) AIPRPA CHQ case for higher pay scales to all pensioners on par with the pay scale implemented to the cadre or post from which the pensioner had retired instead of granting the benefit only on equivalent scales from which the pensioners had retired. This is pending before the two-judge bench of Madras CAT. This case is apart from the implementation of Grade Pay 4600/- to HSG-1 as there are many other cadres other than the HSG-1 is in the fray and that the HSG-1 also not yet paid the higher scale of pay of 7450-11500 like the serving employees.
b) Notional increment to 30th June Retirees filed by our members including the GS AIPRPA was rejected by the Madras CAT despite the fact that Ayyamperumal won his case in both Madras CAT and Madras High Court as well as the SLP against the judgment was dismissed by the Supreme Court. We are moving the High Court of Madras. Meanwhile our Andhra Comrades were given a favourable judgment by the CAT of Hyderabad in which not only the notional increment but also the increment from July 1st is added for pension refixation. We do not know as to whether the Department will be advised to move the High Court of Andhra. Similarly we are aware there are favourable judgments in other courts of the country also. But the position of the Government that the issue will not be accepted not only despite the dismissal of SLP but also the Review Petition dismissed by the Apex Court. We are following all developments and the CHQ will take necessary action but the COVID-19 should end and normalcy to come back for us to pursue the court cases.
c) Compulsory retirement Pensioners are denied due fixation of pension despite the fact they are also granted pension fixation in accordance with the same fixation formula extended to all other pensioners after the pay commission. For example the fixation under 2.57 multiplication factors was granted to them but the fixation under Option Number 3 granted in lieu of Option Number 1 is denied to them. There are some cases in which our pensioners have succeeded in lower courts but the Government is pursuing in higher judicial forums. We are discussing the issue and will take appropriate action after knowing the position in Apex Court.
d) The MACP date of implementation is granted as per Supreme Court verdict to Defence personnel from 1.1.2006 instead of 1.9.2008. But raising an illogical argument that the MACP scheme of Civilian Employees is different, the Government is still denying the same benefit. Many Pensioners had retired during 1.1.2006 and 31.08.2008 without next upgradation under MACP. Some other pensioners may be benefited by advancing the date also. The NCCPA has made up its mind to file a case and discussion with the Advocate also was made. The case for MACP date of implementation will be filed by NCCPA immediately after its registration under Trade Union Act together with many other pensioners who stand to benefit by changing the date of effect. The CHQ once again reiterates our State Association to be ready and collect the list of officials with necessary documents of representation and reply by the Department etc together with 1000/- (One Thousand per Petitioner). Soon on restoration of normalcy from corona, we may move the Principal CAT Delhi on this issue.
e) The MACP to Promotees in the Department of Posts is pending because it was referred to a five-judge bench headed by the Chairman of Principal CAT to be heard at Chennai CAT because of opposing judgments delivered by different courts on this issue. This case also will progress only after the end of COVID-19 and restoration of normalcy.
5. Important CMC Decisions:
As already pointed out, the Central Managing Committee Meetings of the CHQ are periodically being held every 2nd Sunday of the month under video conference. The decisions taken therein also were communicated in the website and through social media. However some important decisions for effective carrying out by us are pointed out here:
(a) A Demonstration either in the morning or in the evening will be held on 29.10.2020 (Date changed as 03.11.2020 as 29th is a Postal holiday) in front of either one of the place of HPOs/RMS Offices/ Divisional Offices / DPA Office / CPMG Office as per the local feasibility. Three demands will be highlighted. They are (1) Immediate implementation of higher pay scale of 3050-4590 to Postman/Mailguard and appropriate higher pay scales to TBOP/BCR Postman / Mailguard notionally from 1.1.1996 and consequential benefits from 10.10.1997 and pension refixation benefits; (2) Grant of benefit of including the period of induction training for TBOP/BCR without insisting for production of copy of training certificate by the pensioners / family pensioners; and (3) Finalizing Medical Insurance Scheme to non-CGHS Pensioners and many CGHS related issues applicable to both CGHS and non-CGHS area residing pensioners including COVID-19 treatment. The difficulties expressed by States like Telangana as well States like Maharashtra on the face of heavy spread of COVID-19 etc were considered and decided that as per feasibility the programme can be held with all COVID-19 protocol like face masking and maintaining social distancing etc.
(b) Demonstration in front of HPOs/RMS Offices on 26.11.2020 in support of Strike action by the Central Trade Unions and independent Federations like the Confederation by observing all COVID-19 protocols.
(c) Centenary year of Babu Tarapada Mukherjee's Presidential Speech in Lahore on 9.10.1921 should be befittingly celebrated by us after the corona.
(d) CHQ will hold a WEBINAR on 17.12.2020 from 4 to 6 P.M to commemorate the Pensioners Day and to remember D.S.Nakara. Comrades K.Ragavendran GS AIPRPA and M.Krishnan Ex-SG Confederation and Executive Member AIPRPA will deliver special addresses on selected topics. Comrade D.K.Rahate CHQ President will initiate and Tamilnadu State GS Comrade P.Mohan will deliver vote of thanks. All States and Districts / Divisions will hold the day in the forenoon only and will participate in the CHQ WEBINAR in the evening hours. Arrangement will be made so that all CHQ Office Bearers, State General Secretaries and important Guests join the WEBINAR directly and can raise questions at the end. All other Comrades including the State Office Bearers and District / Divisional Secretaries and all other members will be able to watch the WEBINAR in FaceBook through the link we all send in emails and facebook and whatsapp groups.
(e) The CMC has also decided to issue an appeal to members for a Special Donation to CHQ/Pensioners Post. It is to be noted that since inception this is the first time the CHQ is appealing for donations taking into account the dire situation of funds in both CHQ and Pensioners Post. It was decided to share the total donations between the CHQ and Pensioners Post equally.
(f) The State General Secretaries of Telangana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Uttarpradesh, Odisha, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and North Eastern States are requested to send their email without delay in reply to the questionnaire sent earlier on AIPRPA organization. The CHQ will compile all information and will send a consolidated organizational report to all CMC Members by email.
(g) The States will take action to ensure all their Districts / Divisions send due quota to CHQ and States immediately for the financial year 2019-20.
(h) Adhoc Conveners will be identified and approved for States for which no AIPRPA organization exists by the CHQ. Similarly the State General Secretaries are authorized to nominate Adhoc Conveners for those Districts / Divisions for which no AIPRPA organization exists at present. The CHQ also approved Comrade Virendra Tewary ex-GS SBCO Employees Association as the State GS of Uttarpradesh State in place of Comrade T.P.Mishra until the next State Conference after the corona as desired by the Executive Committee of U.P. The CHQ will discuss with Punjab State GS regarding the offer of Punjab retired Postman Pensioners and revamp the State Association of Punjab. RCC will attend the revamping of the State Association of Tripura and Nagaland and help the CHQ in founding the Arunachal Pradesh State Association after corona.
(i) Whatsapp Groups at all State level and at all District / Divisional level will be formed by respective comrades. State GS will be added as the Admn Member in District / Divisional level groups and the All India GS will be added as the Admn Member in State level groups by the State GS Comrades.
(j) On all issues of Pensioners expressed by the CMC Members will be suitably addressed to Government and authorities by the CHQ.
General Secretary
General Secretary AIPRPA