Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Happy New Year to All! 

All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association wish all a happy new year. Looking back the year that is over, we find the negative attitude of the Government on general as well as pensioners & family pensioners issues. Even the Apex Court judgments are denied to thousands of other pensioners and employees like 30th June retired pensioners increment, MACP,  Pre 2006 pensioners , Compulsorily retired pensioners etc. Many GOs issued by Government are being implemented at snail's pace and no authority is serious and sincere to realize the seriousness of advancing age of pensioners / family pensioners for early implementation. Orders like 12.05.2017 for Pre 2006 pensioners / family pensioners; 2016 order for treating the induction training period for TBOP/BCR; 23.05.2018 order for grant of higher pay scale to Postman / Mail guards; 2019 orders for grant of 4600 GP to HSG1 retirees; are some examples of administration's apathy!

Many struggles by pensioners and employees were ignored. The year 2019 had been a year of worse attack on several rights  of working people and general people. The abrogation of Article 370; the Citixenship Amendment Act etc were the direct attacks on people based on religion! The democratic opposition by people led by students and youth is widespread and strong against the ill-moves of Government. But still the Government is not ready to back drag its feet.

The new year 2020 has born. The new year is born with an impending great strike by working class on 8th January! Let us resolve to move ahead through unity of all sections of people as established for generations as a great nation built on the principle of unity in diversity!

Friday, 27 December 2019

Pensioners Post December issue released yesterday!

December issue stands despatched yesterday. It covers usual features as well as an article on judgment In rem. All are requested to kindly note that subscription lapsed for almost all with this issue. New rate of subscription starts from January 2020 at the rate of 200/- per year. Requested to complete collection of new subscribers and remit the money in account with list in MS Word format in typed form to pensionerspost@gmail.com before 10.01.2020.

Pl remember that individual subscriber shall send only by EMO.

Kindly cooperate and encourage us on our stepping in 5th year!

- K.Ragavendran Editor PP

Thursday, 26 December 2019

NCCPA Secretariat Decisions!


The Secretariat of NCCPA was held in the AIRF Office Library Hall New Delhi on 15.12.2019. The meeting commenced at 11.00 Hrs with the Working President Comrade S.S.Roy in chair. Soon the President Comrade Shiv Gopal Mishra reached and presided over the meeting. The meeting commenced with  homage to the departed leaders. Comrade KKN Kutty Secretary General introduced the Agenda and the same was unanimously approved. 21 Office Bearers  and 7 observers from various affiliates attended and took part in the meeting.  The discussions were held as per the agenda and the following  decisions  were taken.

 Review of 4th triennial conference of NCCPA. During the debate on the secretary general’s report at the conference, the delegates had pointed out certain omissions and the Sectt. had agreed to include those.  They were: (1) Parliament Elections; (2) Role of Media; and (3) Climate Change. The  draft paragraphs  on these issues as prepared by the Secretary General were presented and circulated   and the same was approved for inclusion in the report.

The draft resooutions prepared by the Steering Committee were subjected to discussions.  Com.K.G. Jayaraj, Com. S.K.Sharma and Com. Nagabhoshanam  made certain suggestions to improve upon those resolutions.  After discussions, the following course of action was agreed upon. 

(a)    Com. K.G. Jayaraj will e mail the addition required ; The suggestion concerning the non deduction of TDS wll be discussed by the Secretary General with the  Governmental authorities and appropriate decisions taken;  the word “towns” will be added  and the demand for inclusion of DD along with on line payment on CGHS will be included.

(b)   Comrade Basudeb Sen Gupta the Auditor NCCPA  pointed out that the Railway Hospitals in Malda, Asansol and Kharagpur suffer from serious inadequacies  and the beneficiaries are affected.  Com.  President  Shiv Gopal Mishra stated that the issue will be taken up by him with the authorities on receipt of details from Basudeb Sen Gupta.

There were detailed discussions on the health insurance scheme as was circulated by the Secretary General. It was concluded that since there had been no sufficient time provided  for a wider discussion amongst the members of the decision making fora of the affiliates and state units, that the draft proposal would be subjected to wider discussions and the views would be communicated to the CHQ within 15 days.  The final draft after taking into account the views canvassed by the affiliates would be placed on the website.  It was also decided that the proposal in its final form must be conveyed to the Govt. by the end of January, 2020.

Solidarity support for the striking workers. The Secretariat decided to launch the following programme:
(i)                                          To organize demonstration or dharna under the banner of NCCPA at all State Capitals in support of the strike of the workers on 7th January, 2020 ( as per the local conditions)

(ii)                                         To take part in the demonstration, procession etc. organized by the central trade unions and employees organizations on 8th January, 2020 in support of the strike action.

It was decided that the name of Publisher and Printer will be changed to ‘Pavitra Ranjan Chakraborti’. Necessary steps will be taken to effect the changes by the West Bengal Unit.  Even though the sale price has been increased, it was found to be necessary to increase the circulation. The affiliates were requested to make efforts in this direction.   As decided by the NCCPA Conference the rate of subscription shall be 120/- from January but the change will be incorporated in the print after the due process of change of publisher. The Secretary General pointed out that the list of latest renewed subscribers will be intimated by the Kolkata Comrades and the next meeting will take up the issue and fix the quota for each affiliate.

National Executive Committee meeting.

The Secretariat decided to hold the National Executive Meeting in Ernakulam ( Kerala ), which would be hosted by the AIBDPA . The meting  will be held in the month of April 2020. Dates will be finalized and intimated later.

Composition and structure of NCCPA.

Comrade S.K.Sharma (Rajastan) reiterated the contention he raised at the National Sectt. Meeting at Jaipur and complained that the stand of the NCCPA presently amounted to encouraging the department-wise pensioners Association and weaken the composite Central Govt. Pensioners Association.  He took  strong objection over the attendance of the Secretary General in the meeting of the All India Audit and Accounts Pensioners Association at Kolkata and attending and forming the ITPF Rajastan Unit at Jaipur.  Quoting Com. Vyas he said that the stand taken by the NCCPA was against the policy of the NCCPA earlier and no decision to deviate from the earlier stand had been taken in any organizational forum by the NCCPA. Com. Secretary General informed the house that Com.Vyas who was then the Secretary General of the NCCPA had gone on record in writing of the need to form department-wise Pensioners Association in order to widen the base of the NCCPA.  He added that it was on the clear understanding that the recruitment of Pensioners as members of NCCPA would be better possible if the same is made into a federal set up rather than a unitary one.  He also said that the difficulties in the transition stage had been appreciated and the condition to compulsorily affiliate with the NCCPA is made a pre condition for all such department-wise organizations. Com.VAN Namboodiri, Patron explained the background of such decision and wanted the controversy ended by mutual discussions and deliberations.  Com. President pointed out that the NCCPA has no intention to weaken its own CGPA Units as alleged. Since the issue requires discussions, deliberations and decision to end the controversy for ever,  Com. Secretary General suggested that the issue may be properly placed on the agenda through a note and the same could be subjected to deliberation at the next NE meeting.  Accordingly, it was agreed that the Secretary General will prepare a Note and will be circulated well before the next NE meeting.  

Programme of action

It was decided that the charter of demands has to be modified by rearranging the issues and including the PNB pensioners’ demands.   In view of the ensuing workers strike slated for 8th Jan. 2020, the Secretary General, President and the Deputy General Secretaries will sit together and finalize the charter after getting the requisite feedback from the concerned organizations.   It was also decided that Option No. 1 and MACP will delinked and will make into two distinct demands. The Committee consisting of the above stated office bearers will also finalize the programme of action in pursuance of the demands.

Parliament March against NPS

President Comrade Shiv Gopal Mishra pointed out that the NJCA had decided to take out a Parliament March in the budget session on the issue of NPS and that the NCCPA should join the programme. This was agreed upon.
Registration of NCCPA

The suggestion to seek registration under the T.U. Act was accepted.  Accordingly, Com.M.L. Gupta Vice President was entrusted with the responsibility of seeking such registration from Jaipur. 

On Option Number 1 . The Secretariat, on the basis of the legal opinion  obtained by the CGPA Kerala, which was not in favour of filing the case , decided to discuss with Advocates of Delhi and proceed with the case. However, the Secretariat found that the prayer made by the present litigants in the principal bench of the Tribunal was not acceptable and accordingly will revise the prayer on the lines made out by the NJCM  Staff Side to the Pension committee..

MACP:  The President and Secretary General will seek a meeting with the secretary Personnel and Expenditure to explore the possibility of extending the Supreme Court decision to all similarly placed pensioners as assured by the Cabinet Secretary. In case their attempt in this direction fails, the NCCPA wil go ahead and file the case. Such discussion with the Government must be concluded by 15th Jaunary, 2020.

                Before the meeting was formally concluded by the President, Com. Secretary General thanked the AIRF CHQ for providing facilities for conducting the meeting as also the sumptuous lunch provided to the members.  He also thanked the AIPRPA Delhi Unit in sponsoring the file folder for the members to keep the documents.  The meeting thus came to a close at 1.30 PM on 15th December, 2019.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Pensioners Post December issue gone to print yesterday!

The December issue of Pensioners Post had gone for print yesterday after layout. As usual it will be despatched on 27.12.2019. This is the last issue of current year. With this, we are completing its 4th year. We have walked successfully with all the difficulties due to cooperation of all subscribers and organisers.

• Remember that the cost of annual subscription from January 2020 is 200/- per year. For subscribers joining during the midway of year are to remit at the rate of 20/- per issue per month. Annual subscriptions are only from January to December of a calendar year.

* Request all State / District Secretaries to complete enrolling quickly and remit the amount with list of addresses in MS Word format to pensionerspost@gmail.com before 31st December. By latest not later than 10.01.2020 so that the new subscribers mailing list is handed over to press.

* Support and cooperation of all will alone help us to continue our journey non-stop!

-Editor PP-

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Health Insurance Scheme - Our proposals through NCCPA






Website: nccpahq.blogspot.in.
E mail: nccpahq@gmail.com.

13.c Feroze Shah Road,
 New Delhi. 110 001
SECy. GENERAL:          COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)

Dated: 2nd December, 2019
All the National Secretariat members of NCCPA.
Dear Comrades,
                As discussed at the last conference held at Jaipur, we are circulating a draft health insurance proposal for discussion at the National Sectt. meeting to be held at Delhi on 15th December, 2019.  We are placing this on the website and SMS will be sent to all.  The members may cause a discussion with the experts in the field and  at the respective organisational fora before 15th
With greetings,
yours fraternally,  
KKN Kutty.
Secy, General.

The 7thCPC, in line  with all its earlier Commissions had recommended the need to have health insurance scheme for pensioners either as a supplementary benefit or as one in replacement of the existing one. The CGHS with all its ailments and deficiencies are looked upon by the beneficiaries with affection. The large number of the present beneficiaries, consider it as a scheme, beneficial and not to be replaced.   However, large number of pensioners is beyond the pale of CGHS. The insurance scheme is recommended as an alternative, for the Government as an employer can escape from its responsibility and the exchequer will be freed of financial outflow on health care related issues. In the absence of any scheme, the pensioners who are covered by CS (MA) Rules, are virtually left out of  health care. They are presently entitled for a pittance of allowance which satisfied none.   The following is a proposal that has emanated from the discussions we had with pensioners, who stay in non CGHS areas and are not covered even by the CS(MA) Rules.  In the longer run, we feel that even the CGHS beneficiaries will either opt for this or opt as an additional benefit. 
The proposed scheme covers only for in-patient treatment and the pensioner will have to eke out from his pocket for out-patient treatment. 

1.                      Govt. will float a tender for the insurance companies to part-take in the scheme.
2.                      The annual premium, a pensioner/ an employee as the case may be will be equivalent to 75% of the fixed medical allowances.
3.                      In the case of pensioners who opt for the schemes the Govt. might deduct the premium from the FMA and will remit the same to the Insurance Company.
4.                      There will not be any age bar for the policy holders.
5.                      The insurance coverage will be similar to a group Insurance scheme. The more the number in the group less will be the premium.  Therefore there will have to be a clause for reduction of premium when the group coverage increases.
6.                      In the case of pensioners who opt for the scheme shall not be treated as a defaulter for non receipt of the premium on account of administrative lapses on the part of the concerned government offices. The insurance company may think in terms of penal clauses whereby the employer will have to pay compensation to the company in case of default
7.                      The sum assured has to be Rs 15 Lakhs for a premium of Rs 9000 per annum.
8.                      The assured amount can be increased depending upon the number of pensioners registered in the group.
9.                      The insurance company while offering the tender shall indicate the name and address of the hospital in each town/city with whom they will enter into the agreement.
10.                  All policy holders shall be given identity cards by the Insurance Company showing of which must enable them to get admission and in-patient treatment in the hospital.
11.                  The scheme must have a residency period initially for 5 years and renewed thereafter on fresh terms and conditions.
12.                  The Insurance premium will get automatically increased as and when the FMA quantum is increased by the Govt.
13.                  The insurance company may offer higher coverage and higher premium for chronic diseases.
14.                  In the case of patients suffering from chronic diseases a scheme may be drawn out where by the patient might get the post hospitalization medicines at cost price.
15.                  For the working employees the scheme may be optional and for pensioners outside the ambit of CGHS mandatory.
16.                  The Govt as the employer will function as regulator and shall co-ordinate with a view to bring in larger number policy holders in the group
17.                  Since the premium is related to FMA which is constant in the case of all pensioners, the policy coverage will have to be the same for all beneficiaries.
18.                  The conference/ National Executive, as and when it is found the proposal is worth considering shall appoint a  committee to finalize the scheme with in-puts from the experts in the Insurance industry

* All affiliates are requested to respond and approve this draft together with any modifications before 31.12.2019. - KKN.

Monday, 16 December 2019

Pensioners Day Today!

It was on this 17th December in 1982, D.S.Nakara and his Companion won the great legal battle in Apex Court. That Judgment given by the bench headed by Justice Chandrachud was indeed considered even today as the beckon of several future judgments. It was this judgment that ensured the concept of "Pension is a right and not a bounty". It gave a stunning blow to the attempt of Government to divide the same class of Pensioners on the basis of cut-off dates! But the struggle continues as GOI never stops to attack us!

Let us remember D.S.Nakara and this famous milestone judgment. Let us celebrate Pensioners Day without fail on 17.12.2019.


Saturday, 14 December 2019

NCCPA Secretariat meeting is on now at New Delhi. 

The Secretariat of NCCPA under the chairmanship of President Comrade Shiv Gopal Mishra is being held now at AIRF office Library Hall, New Delhi. All issues of importance to pensioners are being discussed including on issues we should go to court seeking adjudication.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Pre 2006 case filed by AIPRPA CHQ -update! 

Today the Pre 2006 pensioners case filed by AIPRPA CHQ came up for hearing today (5.12.2019) in CAT Chennai. The reply from Postal Directorate has been reportedly received according to Department Advocate and is being finalized by Chief PMG office for filing in court as reply to our affidavit.  It will be probably filed before next hearing. The case is adjourned to 3.1.2020 for hearing. - KR GS AIPRPA

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

AIPRPA CHQ Emails to Member [P] on Life Certificate submission and payment of November Pension

All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association

(Registered No: 83/2015 under Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act, 1975)
Chennai HQ: 2/44, Muthial Chetty Street, Purasawalkam, Chennai - 600007
New Delhi HQ: First Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, North Avenue, New Delhi - 110001

No.AIPRPA / LC / 2019 /1 Dated 26.11.2019
The Member (Personnel)
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New  Delhi 110001


Sub: Request to avert anticipated non-drawal of pension for November in many Circles - reg.

The usual submission of life certificate by pensioners is allowed till 30th November every year. However it is apprehended that due to the stand taken by many DPAs that HPOs shall send their statements before 20th of this month for facilitating drawal of pay and pension, a situation is likely to arise wherein many pensioners will not receive pension in their SB Accounts this last working day. This Association is receipt of complaints from different HPOs of Tamilnadu Circle.

This will leave thousands of pensioners without their monthly livelihood protected by the reported stand of DPAs, who will be the authority to pay pension under the new arrangement.

This Association requests your immediate intervention to cause to ensure pension payment to all for this month of Novem ber by allowing submission of life certificate till the last day of month as per Government Rules. If no life certificate is submitted then the pension for the month of December may be withheld until submission. We request for necessary urgent orders by Directorate to all DPAs and HPOs in all circles.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary

Friday, 15 November 2019

Retired PMG Sri.Baburaj Kerala Amar Rahe!

Kerala Retired Postmaster General 

Sri.Baburaj Passes Away!

Sri. P.C. Baburaj, (76), retired Post Master General and Working President of CGPA, Kerala breathed his last on 12-11-2019 in a Private Hospital at Kottayam. His body was brought to his residence in Ernakulam and cremated on 13-11-2019. Many leaders  and workers of CGPA visited the hospital as well as his residence and paid floral tributes to him. Condolence meetings were also held in many districts of Kerala.

AIPRPA CHQ dips its banner in honour and memory of Comrade Baburaj!


Saturday, 2 November 2019

NCCPA 4th AIC held successfully! 

Jaipur Geetha Bhawan the venue of foundation conference of NCCPA in 2008 has hoisted again the 4th triennial AIC for two days on 1-2 November, 2019. The Reception Committee formed by the CGPA Rajasthan has organized the event in a most memorable manner.

The inaugural session was presided over by NCCPA President comrade Shiv Gopal Misra. Comrade M.S.Dasora coordinator Pensioners Portal for CGPA Rajasthan nicely anchored the inaugural session. Justice Dave (Retired) as chairman of Reception committee welcomed all. Comrade KKN Kutty SG; comrade  Mukesh Mathur AGS AIRF; comrade VAN Namboodiri Patron; Comrade S.Rahman vice President NCCPA; and Comrade C.L.Mathur Vice President addressed.

There were 220 Delegates and Visitors from 17 states (other than host CGPA;  Rajasthan)  representing affiliates of State CGPAs and All India Associations.

In the subjects committee presided over by the presidium of two vice presidents H.N.Joshi and S.Rahman a discussion followed by the submission of Triennial Report by Secretary General and Accounts by the Treasurer comrade Sidhu. In the subjects committee Comrades K.G.Jayaraj GS AIBDPA; K.Ragavendran GS AIPRPA; S.K.Sharma GS Rajasthan CGPA; I.S.Dabas ASG NCCPA; and Prabakaran Nair ASG NCCPA initially addressed on the first day.

In the second day discussion, 27 delegates deliberated on the Report. Finally after summing up by comrade KKN Kutty SG NCCPA the Report and Accounts were adopted with one or two additions. Constitutional amendment for increasing the number of Deputy SGs from 2 to 4 was accepted. The AIC approved the enhancement of NCCPA annual subscription to 2/- per  member from affiliates; and for increasing the subscription of News Letter to 100/- per year.

30 resolutions including the Policy and Programme resolution were unanimously approved.

The following office bearers were unanimously elected for the ensuing term:

List of Office Bearers elected in 4th AIC of NCCPA!

1. VAN. Namboodiri
2. C.L.Mathur
3. R.P.Sharma
4. H.N.Joshi

President: Shiv Gopal Misra
Wkg.President: S.S.Roy (WB)
Vice President:
S.K.Sharma (Rajasthan)
S.Rahman (Assam)
T.S.Parameswaran (Kerala)
M.L.Gupta (PNB)
J.P.Dhandre ( Nagpur)

Secretary General: K.K.N.Kutty

Deputy SG:
Pavithra Ranjan Chakraborti (WB)
K.Ragavendran (AIPRPA)
K.G.Jayaraj ( AIBDPA)
Prabhakaran Nair (Telengana)

C.P.Shobana ( Kerala)
I.S.Dabas ( Delhi)
Ashok Kanti Ghosh (WB)
G.Saharajan (Kerala)
S.Mohandas (Tamilnadu)

Treasurer: H.L.Sidhu (Haryana)
Asst Treasurer: Sadan Banerjee (WB)

Organizing Secretary:
N.Somaiah (Telengana)
Subhash Pandey (U.P)
S.S.Maurya (U.P)
Y.Nagabhushanam (AP)
K.K.Marotkar (M.P)
H.S.Thakur (M.P)

Auditor: Basudeb Sengupta (WB)

Sunday, 27 October 2019

Pensioners Post October issue despatched! 

October issue of Pensioners Post was despatched yesterday. It contains large number of photos of Members of Parliament to whom our States / Districts / Divisions have submitted memorandum; photos of TUI Call observed; photos of AIPRPA CHQ Dharna observed; State of Pension in Portugal; Beware of Pensioners rights; Advocate Arun winning the case of compulsory retired pensioner; Pensioners Mirror; Jaipur NCCPA 4th AIC; CHQ letters to Government and other features.

It also contains the change of annual subscription to 200/- per year.

- KR Editor PP

Friday, 11 October 2019

Dharna the third phase!

Hold AIPRPA CHQ Half Day Dharna on 15.10.2019 to highlight our 10 Point Charter of Postal pensioners demands! 

Hold jointly with Confederation wherever feasible and hold independently in other places!

Kindly send report and photos without fail!  - KR GS AIPRPA

Monday, 30 September 2019

Tomorrow let us observe 'International Pensioners Day' at the call of TUI(P&R)!

At the call of Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retired) every year October 1st is to be observed as International Day of Pensioners. Therefore please go ahead with the preparations undertaken and reported in several places. In Chennai City at 3.00 P.M the NCCPA and the Tamilnadu State COC of Central and State Government and Public Sector Pensioners Associations are holding a joint demonstration and gate meeting at Moore Market Complex of Chennai Central Railway Station. - KR GS AIPRPA

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Update on Pre-2006 Case in Chennai CAT by AIPRPA CHQ!

The hearing came today but the Department's reply affidavit is yet to be filed. It is ascertained that the reply was prepared and sent for approval from Postal Directorate and likely to be filed before next hearing on 23.10.2019! - KR GS AIPRPA

At the call of CHQ and TUI!

AIPRPA CHQ calls upon our Pensioners Associations to 
observe the following 4 Programmes effectively! 

1. Complete the 2nd Phase of Programme by 30th September and meet Members of Parliament!

2. Hold International Pensioners Day at the call of TUI (P&R) on 1.10.2019 jointly with other pensioners unions!

3. Celebrate 74th Anniversary of WFTU on 3.10.2019!

4. Prepare in full swing for 3rd phase Programme of half a day Dharna on 15.10.2019. Incidentally, Confederation of CG Employees also holding its Dharna Programme on 15th. Join with Confederation and hold Dharna unitedly wherever feasible! In other places hold independently!

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Celebrate 74th Anniversary of WFTU! 

The WFTU ( World Federation of Trade Unions) which had founded our TUI (P&R) has completed its 74 years of glorious existence and celebrating its 74th anniversary on 3.10.2019. Let us join the celebrations and hail 'Long live WFTU' - KR GS AIPRPA

Sunday, 22 September 2019

All States - Districts / Divisions of AIPRPA kindly act!

2nd Phase Programme of meeting the Members of Parliament is on! 

Make the Programme really effective by submitting copy of our memorandum to Prime Minister before 30.09.2019!

Dear comrades! There is only 8 days left for the programme. Our AIPRPA delegation at State and Divisional level have to meet their respective area Parliament Members to submit the copy of our memorandum to Prime Minister. Request them to raise these issues in the appropriate manner in Parliament/Government. Act swiftly and complete the task. Please don't forget to send the photo to Pensioners Post immediately.

Please send your short report to CHQ about 1st and 2nd phase of Programme and about preparations on for 3rd phase of half day Dharna on 15.10.2019!

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Let us show solidarity to Odisha AIPRPA!

State / District / Divisional Secretaries of AIPRPA to act immediately!
Rush to the aid of Odisha State Association of AIPRPA!
The SSPOs Cuttack Division is behaving totally against the Pensioners and shows her autocratic behaviour towards our Pensioner leader!

The 1st Phase of agitation by the AIPRPA is over on 13th September 2019, when many States / Districts / Divisions conducted demonstrations and submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister of India through the SSPOs / SSRMs. The programme was generally peaceful and without any untoward incidents as we the senior citizen pensioners of Postal & RMS are not interested in escalation of any tension. The general report is that everywhere the SSPOs / SSRPMs have supported our programme and accepted the memorandum and forwarded it to the Honourable Prime Minister of India. The CHQ is highly grateful to all those officers, who could understand the feelings of the retired officials of the Postal Department. This way, the 1st Phase is a grand success.

However, we are shocked to see that one SSPOs is acting differently and refused to meet our AIPRPA delegation on 13.09.2019. She did permit only the Secretary Comrade R.N.Dhal to come in alone into her chamber to hand over the memorandum. But when he entered to submit the memorandum she shouted in loud voice asking him to get out! The behaviour of the SSPOs Cuttack Division is unparliamentary and boorish towards the representative of the retired officials of the Postal Department. The acceptance of memorandum and forwarding it to the Prime Minister would not have hampered her great job to the nation! The District Association is  launching a dharna demonstration on 20.09.2019 to protest the attitude of the SSPOs, nut permission to hold the dharna demonstration on 20th also refused by the SSPOs. Now the Association is in a position to launch the demonstration outside by seeking the permission of the Police!

But not only she had behaved in this unruly manner but we are not clear as to whether the permission to  hold Dharna on 15.10.2019 at the call of the CHQ as the third phase could be granted or not! The attitude of this single officer in the whole of India is anti-pensioners and anti-retired employees of Postal & RMS! A letter by the CHQ to the Secretary Department of Posts to intervene has also been sent by email. We learn that the State Association of Odisha also had addressed the issue to the Chief PMG for intervention. The attitude of the SSPOs, who is a newly recruited IPOS officer, is quite shocking to all of us; but nevertheless not altogether unexpected, as we have seen such autocratic officers now and then during our long experience in the P&T Trade Union movement.

The AIPRPA CHQ requests all State / District / Divisional Secretaries to send a protest letter to the Secretary Department of Posts immediately in the following manner in the letter pad of the State / District / Divisional Associations. The protest letter may be either sent by email to the Secretary (secretary-posts@indiapost.gov.in) or by E-Post from Head Post Offices, which is very easy and economical and can be typed in our letter pad in A4 size:
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi -110001

Sub: Request to cause to rein in the SSPOs Cuttack Division and ensure democratic practices under her administration – regarding.

The SSPOs Cuttack Division had behaved unparliamentarily and boorishly towards the State General Secretary and the representative of the Odisha Postal & RMS Pensioners AIPRPA Association on 13.09.2019 while the latter tried to submit a memorandum to the Prime Minister through her at the call of the CHQ of our Association. The same event throughout India was calm and peaceful while this is the only Officer who stood out to behave like an autocratic ruler. She is forgetting the fact that showing disrespect to the past postal employees who have rendered yeomen service for the progress of the Postal Service is least expected from an officer under the general dispensation of the Directorate and the Government. She is continuing the trend and is refusing permission to hold any peaceful programme in her campus. We pray for  your kind intervention to cause to rein in this lady officer, who is a fresh recruit and lacks the basic knowledge of the amity that exists between the Officers and the Association leaders in the Department of Posts generally in all  places.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
State / District / Divisional Secretary

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Remember 1968 strike on 19th September!    


It was on this day in 1968 the CG employees went in a day's token glorious strike. In those days even a day strike was intolerable to Government. All strikes were considered as instigation by foreign countries to support Indian revolution! So every strike was met with extreme suppression; including 19th September 1968 strike action. Many employees lost their lives due to police action. Heavy victimization followed. Let us remember and honour all those comrades whose supreme sacrifices have paved a better life to all of us! - KR GS
*CGHS Patients in emergency can directly approach empaneled hospitals!

 Now it is mandatory to treat CGHS patients without asking for any cash advance, if they are taken to CGHS empaneled hospitals on emergency without due reference from CGHS.

Saturday, 14 September 2019

TUI Call - Observe Effectively!

1.10.2019 – International Pensioners Day
Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retired) has called for yearly observance of 1st October as the ‘International Pensioners Day’.
The slogan it has coined for this Programme is “Decent Life for Pensioners including Food, Transport and Housing”

The States / Districts / Divisions are requested to observe this programme very effectively by joining hands with all other Pensioners Associations by talking to them immediately and planning to hold the programme on 1.10.2019. Talk to NCCPA /AIBDPA / ITPF and other CGPA Associations and hold the programme jointly. NCCPA also issued the call for observance of the programme.
Hold Mass Meetings of Pensioners / Mass Rallies / Mass Demonstrations in common places and observe the programme jointly with NCCPA/AIBDPA/other CGPA organizations and also with Pensioners Associations of State Government/ EB/Teachers etc if you are part of such COCs as in Tamilnadu. There may be such joint pensioners bodies in some other states also.
Action is being taken to talk with leaders of COC of Centre, State Government and PSU Pensioners Associations in Tamilnadu State for jointly holding the programme in all District Headquarters.
All are requested to send reports of observance of this Programme of International Pensioners Day on 1.10..2019 immediately after observing the Second Phase of AIPRPA CHQ Programme of Action.

Report to CHQ and Start preparations for 2nd Phase!

Congratulations to All States and Districts / Divisions!

Successful Holding of I Phase of AIPRPA CHQ Programme reported from many States!

AIPRPA CHQ Congratulates the States and District / Divisional Associations for holding the First Phase of Demonstrations and submission of Memorandum to Hon’ble Prime Minister through the SSPOs / SSRMs on 13.09.2019. Reports and Photographs of both the Demonstrations and Submission of Memorandum to SSPOs/SSRMs will be published in the next issue of Pensioners Post. CHQ thanks for all those who have sent the report and photos in whatsapp and Email. Those States / Districts who are yet to send the photos and report are immediately requested to email to CHQ. If any State / District have not implemented the programme First Phase, they are requested to report the reason for  non-implementation to CHQ.

Initiate full preparations for 2nd Phase

Fix appointments with your Members of Parliament immediatetly between 15.09.2019 to 30.09.2019!

CHQ requests all to take all efforts to meet the respective Member of Parliament of their constituencies as a Delegation and request them to intervene in Parliament / with Government. Kindly hand over a copy of our Memorandum to Prime Minister to the Members of Parliament. Do not forget to send the photos of our meeting the Honourable Members of Parliament to the CHQ for publication. This is a very important step in highlighting our sectional issues. Please attach much importance to the 2nd Phase.

K.Ragavendran General Secretary AIPRPA